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Utility routines

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The following utility routines can help simplify common tasks in your activity scripts. They’re free to copy, modify, bend, fold, spindle, and mutilate as needed for your own scripts. They also demonstrate some common patterns for working with the activity and project data structures.

Route access Anchor to this heading

 * Returns just those routes that point to a valid upstream.
 * This method is similar to routes(), but filters out redirect routes that are rarely
 * useful for app configuration. If desired it can also filter to just those routes
 * whose upstream is a given application name. To retrieve routes that point to the
 * current application where the code is being run, use:
 * routes = getUpstreamRoutes(applicationName);
 * @param {string} [appName]
 *   The name of the upstream app on which to filter, if any.
 * @return {object}
 *   An object map of route definitions. The generated URLs of the routes are added as a "url" key.
function getUpstreamRoutes(appName) {
  return Object.entries(activity.payload.deployment.routes).reduce(
    (upstreams, [url, route]) =>
      route.type === "upstream" &&
      (!appName || appName === route.upstream.split(":")[0])
        ? {
            [url]: {
        : upstreams,
 * Returns the primary route.
 * The primary route is the one marked primary in `.platform/routes.yaml`, or else
 * the first non-redirect route in that file if none are marked.
 * @return {object}
 *   The route definition. The generated URL of the route is added as a "url" key.
function getPrimaryRoute() {
  return Object.entries(activity.payload.deployment.routes).reduce(
    (primary, [url, route]) =>
        ? {
        : primary,
 * Returns the route definition that has the specified id.
 * Note: If no route ID was specified in .platform/routes.yaml then it will not be possible
 * to look up a route by ID.
 * @param {string} id
 *   The ID of the route to load.
 * @return {object}
 *   The route definition. The generated URL of the route is added as a "url" key.
 * @throws {Error}
 *   If there is no route by that ID, an exception is thrown.
function getRoute(id) {
  const found = Object.entries(activity.payload.deployment.routes).reduce(
    (foundRoute, [url, route]) => === id
        ? {
        : foundRoute,

  if (found === null) {
    throw new Error(`No such route id found: ${id}`);

  return found;