User Documentation


As the official observability service, Blackfire helps you improve the performance of your apps at each stage of their lifecycle. With Blackfire’s unique Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Profiling features, you can achieve the following goals:

  • Avoid performance bottlenecks by proactively identifying issues in your code
  • Promptly solve identified issues by taking advantage of actionable recommendations
  • Create performance budgets for critical parts of your app and get alerted of any problem before a change hits your production

Blackfire is installed natively on and works integrally with the workflow. This results in an effortless setup process and smooth user experience.

Set up Blackfire Anchor to this heading

On a Grid or Dedicated Gen 3 infrastructure Anchor to this heading

If you’re using a plan with the Observability Suite, the Blackfire automated integration is enabled on your environments by default. Note that as an Observability Suite user, you can only access your Blackfire environments after you’ve been granted access to the related project. Therefore, to access your Blackfire environments, make sure you log in using your account.

If you have a Dedicated Gen 3 cluster or Grid environments without the Observability suite, you need to enable the integration yourself. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Blackfire account, preferably using your login.
  2. In your Blackfire account, create an organization. If you subscribed to Blackfire independently, your organization is automatically activated. If you subscribed to Blackfire through, ask Support to activate your organization.
  3. In your organization, create an environment.
  4. In your environment, click Settings/Environment Credentials.
  5. Retrieve your Blackfire server ID and server token.
  6. Follow the instructions from the Blackfire documentation.

If you’re using the Managed Fastly CDN, it’s already configured to operate with Blackfire. If you’re using a different Content Delivery Network (CDN), make sure you configure it to let Blackfire profile the code running on your servers.

On Dedicated Gen 2 infrastructure Anchor to this heading

To install Blackfire on your Dedicated Gen 2 environments:

  1. Create a Blackfire account, preferably using your login.
  2. In your Blackfire account, create an organization. If you subscribed to Blackfire independently, your organization is automatically activated. If you subscribed to Blackfire through, ask Support to activate your organization.
  3. In your organization, create an environment.
  4. In your environment, click Settings/Environment Credentials.
  5. Retrieve your Blackfire server ID and server token.
  6. Send those credentials to Support so they complete the installation.

If you’re using the Managed Fastly CDN, it’s already configured to operate with Blackfire. If you’re using a different Content Delivery Network (CDN), make sure you configure it to let Blackfire profile the code running on your servers.

Automated integration Anchor to this heading

Observability Suite

This feature is available as part of the Observability Suite. To add the Observability Suite to your project and take advantage of this feature, contact Sales.

The Blackfire automated integration is available for Grid and Dedicated Gen 3 environments.

When you create a new environment, it automatically triggers the creation of a Blackfire environment with the same settings. On this Blackfire environment, you have access to all the features provided by Blackfire. This includes monitoring, profiling, alerting, and build-related features.

When a Blackfire environment is created based on a Grid environment, user access settings are replicated from the Console to Blackfire.

This includes all access levels.

To access the Blackfire environment, each project user needs a Blackfire account. When a project user doesn’t already have a Blackfire account, a new one is automatically created using the user’s credentials.

You might have Blackfire variables already set on your project. In this case, the existing variables override the settings of the automated integration.

Note that to trigger the synchronization of changes to users and their access levels, you need to redeploy the environment.

Get started with Blackfire Monitoring Anchor to this heading

Once Blackfire is set up on your infrastructure, to start monitoring your environment follow these steps:

1. Activate Blackfire Monitoring Anchor to this heading

If you want to monitor a PHP or Python app, Blackfire Monitoring is available by default on your environments. You only need to specify which environments you want to monitor.

You can override the default behavior and deactivate Blackfire Monitoring by setting a env:BLACKFIRE_APM_ENABLED environment variable with a value of 0.

To do so, create the following :

platform variable:create --level environment --prefix env: --name BLACKFIRE_APM_ENABLED --value 0

2. Enable Blackfire Monitoring on your environments Anchor to this heading

To enable Blackfire Monitoring on your environments, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your organizations list and select the organization where you want to enable Blackfire monitoring.

  2. Click Organization Monitoring Usage.

    A screenshot of where to find Organization Monitoring Usage

  3. In the Monitoring Activation section, enable monitoring on the environments of your choice.

    A screenshot of whats seen in Monitoring Activation

For more information on Blackfire monitoring features, see the Blackfire documentation.

Blackfire Profiling Anchor to this heading

While your code is running, the Blackfire profiler collects deep performance metrics and provides full details and context of your code’s behavior. This helps you find the root cause of performance bottlenecks.

Blackfire lets you profile your application anywhere it’s deployed, including on your local development machines. Using a browser extension or CLI command, you can profile HTTP requests, CLI scripts, Consumers, and Daemons.

For more information on Blackfire profiling features, see the Blackfire documentation.

Test the performance of each new deployment Anchor to this heading

Blackfire’s native integration with enables you to test your app’s performance every time you deploy a branch in production, staging, or development. Follow these steps:

  1. Set up the Blackfire Builds integration.

  2. Optional: set up an integration with your Git provider and get commit status updates from build reports.

  3. To test business-critical use cases, write scenarios.

Troubleshooting Anchor to this heading

Bypass your reverse proxy, load balancer or CDN Anchor to this heading

To use Blackfire profiling, you need to bypass any reverse proxy, load balancer or CDN that sits in front of your app. See how to configure a bypass.

Configure your HTTP cache Anchor to this heading

To take advantage of Blackfire features while using the HTTP cache with cookies, allow the __blackfire cookie to go through the cache.

To do so, add a configuration similar to the following:

  enabled: true
  cookies: ["/SESS.*/", "__blackfire"]

Get support Anchor to this heading

If you’re experiencing issues with Blackfire and troubleshooting information doesn’t help, follow these steps:

  1. Retrieve startup errors.
  2. Retrieve your Blackfire logs.
  3. Send this data to Blackfire Support.

1. Retrieve startup errors Anchor to this heading

To retrieve startup errors, run the following command:

platform ssh -- php -d display_startup_errors=on --ri blackfire

2. Retrieve your Blackfire logs Anchor to this heading

To retrieve your Blackfire logs, follow these steps:

  1. On the environment where you’re facing issues, create the following variable:

    platform variable:create php:blackfire.log_file --value /tmp/blackfire.log
  2. To set the verbosity of the logs to level 4 (debug level), create the following variable:

    platform variable:create php:blackfire.log_level --value 4
  3. Start a profile or build.

  4. To display the logs, run the following command:

    platform ssh -- cat /tmp/blackfire.log > blackfire.log

After you’ve retrieved the logs, you can disable them. To do so, run the following commands:

platform variable:delete php:blackfire.log_file
platform variable:delete php:blackfire.log_level