User Documentation

How to Deploy Micronaut on with Micronaut Data

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Micronaut Data is a database access toolkit that uses Ahead of Time (AoT) compilation to pre-compute queries for repository interfaces that are then executed by a thin, lightweight runtime layer.

1. Add a SQL database service Anchor to this heading

In your service configuration, include a SQL database service. Make sure to visit the documentation for that service to find a valid version. For PostgreSQL that would look like:

    type: postgresql:16
    disk: 256

2. Grant access to the service through a relationship Anchor to this heading

To access the new service, set a relationship in your app configuration.
    postgresql: "postgresql:postgresql"

3. Export connection credentials to the environment Anchor to this heading

Connection credentials for services are exposed to the application container through the PLATFORM_RELATIONSHIPS environment variable from the deploy hook onward. Since this variable is a base64 encoded JSON object of all of your project’s services, you’ll likely want a clean way to extract the information specific to the database into it’s own environment variables that can be used by Micronaut. On, custom environment variables can be defined programmatically in a .environment file using jq to do just that:

export JDBC_HOST=`echo $PLATFORM_RELATIONSHIPS|base64 -d|jq -r ".database[0].host"`
export JDBC_PORT=`echo $PLATFORM_RELATIONSHIPS|base64 -d|jq -r ".database[0].port"`
export DATABASE=`echo $PLATFORM_RELATIONSHIPS|base64 -d|jq -r ".database[0].path"`
export DATASOURCES_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=`echo $PLATFORM_RELATIONSHIPS|base64 -d|jq -r ".database[0].password"`
export DATASOURCES_DEFAULT_USERNAME=`echo $PLATFORM_RELATIONSHIPS|base64 -d|jq -r ".database[0].username"`
export JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx$(jq .info.limits.memory /run/config.json)m -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError"

4. Connect to the service Anchor to this heading

Commit that code and push. The specified cluster will now always point to the PostgreSQL or any SQL service that you wish.