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clear-cache Anchor to this heading

Clear the CLI cache

Aliases: cc

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform cc

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

decode Anchor to this heading

Decode an encoded string such as PLATFORM_VARIABLES

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform decode [-P|--property PROPERTY] [--] <value>

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • value(required) The variable value to decode

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --property (-P) (expects a value) The property to view within the variable

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • View “foo” in PLATFORM_VARIABLES:
platform decode "$PLATFORM_VARIABLES" -P foo

docs Anchor to this heading

Open the online documentation

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform docs [--browser BROWSER] [--pipe] [--] [<search>]...

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • search(optional; multiple values allowed) Search term(s)

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --browser (expects a value) The browser to use to open the URL. Set 0 for none.

  • --pipe Output the URL to stdout.

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Search for information about the CLI:
platform docs CLI

help Anchor to this heading

Displays help for a command

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform help [--format FORMAT] [--raw] [--] [<command_name>]

The help command displays help for a given command:

platform help list

You can also output the help in other formats by using the –format option:

platform help –format=json list

To display the list of available commands, please use the list command.

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • command_name(optional) The command name

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --format (expects a value) The output format (txt, json, or md)

  • --raw To output raw command help

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

list Anchor to this heading

Lists commands

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform list [--raw] [--format FORMAT] [--all] [--] [<namespace>]

The list command lists all commands:

platform list

You can also display the commands for a specific namespace:

platform list project

You can also output the information in other formats by using the –format option:

platform list –format=xml

It’s also possible to get raw list of commands (useful for embedding command runner):

platform list –raw

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • command(required) The command to execute

  • namespace(optional) The namespace name

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --raw To output raw command list

  • --format (expects a value) The output format (txt, xml, json, or md)

  • --all Show all commands, including hidden ones

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

multi Anchor to this heading

Execute a command on multiple projects

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform multi [-p|--projects PROJECTS] [--continue] [--sort SORT] [--reverse] [--] <cmd> (<cmd>)...

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • cmd(required; multiple values allowed) The command to execute

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --projects (-p) (expects a value) A list of project IDs, separated by commas and/or whitespace

  • --continue Continue running commands even if an exception is encountered

  • --sort (expects a value) A property by which to sort the list of project options

  • --reverse Reverse the order of project options

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • List variables on the “main” environment for multiple projects:
platform multi -p l7ywemwizmmgb,o43m25zns6k2d,3nyujoslhydhx -- var -e main

web Anchor to this heading

Open the project in the Web Console

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform web [--browser BROWSER] [--pipe] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --browser (expects a value) The browser to use to open the URL. Set 0 for none.

  • --pipe Output the URL to stdout.

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

activity:cancel Anchor to this heading

Cancel an activity

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform activity:cancel [-t|--type TYPE] [-x|--exclude-type EXCLUDE-TYPE] [-a|--all] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--] [<id>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • id(optional) The activity ID. Defaults to the most recent cancellable activity.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --type (-t) (expects a value) Filter by type (when selecting a default activity). Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace. The % or * characters can be used as a wildcard for the type, e.g. ‘%var%’ to select variable-related activities.

  • --exclude-type (-x) (expects a value) Exclude by type (when selecting a default activity). Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace. The % or * characters can be used as a wildcard to exclude types.

  • --all (-a) Check recent activities on all environments (when selecting a default activity)

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

activity:get Anchor to this heading

View detailed information on a single activity

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform activity:get [-P|--property PROPERTY] [-t|--type TYPE] [-x|--exclude-type EXCLUDE-TYPE] [--state STATE] [--result RESULT] [-i|--incomplete] [-a|--all] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [--] [<id>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • id(optional) The activity ID. Defaults to the most recent activity.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --property (-P) (expects a value) The property to view

  • --type (-t) (expects a value) Filter by type (when selecting a default activity). Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace. The % or * characters can be used as a wildcard for the type, e.g. ‘%var%’ to select variable-related activities.

  • --exclude-type (-x) (expects a value) Exclude by type (when selecting a default activity). Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace. The % or * characters can be used as a wildcard to exclude types.

  • --state (expects a value) Filter by state (when selecting a default activity): in_progress, pending, complete, or cancelled. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --result (expects a value) Filter by result (when selecting a default activity): success or failure

  • --incomplete (-i) Include only incomplete activities (when selecting a default activity). This is a shorthand for –state=in_progress,pending

  • --all (-a) Check recent activities on all environments (when selecting a default activity)

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Find the time a project was created:
platform activity:get --all --type project.create -P completed_at
  • Find the duration (in seconds) of the last activity:
platform activity:get -P duration

activity:list Anchor to this heading

Get a list of activities for an environment or project

Aliases: activities, act

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform activities [-t|--type TYPE] [-x|--exclude-type EXCLUDE-TYPE] [--limit LIMIT] [--start START] [--state STATE] [--result RESULT] [-i|--incomplete] [-a|--all] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --type (-t) (expects a value) Filter activities by type For a list of types see: Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace. The first part of the activity name can be omitted, e.g. ‘cron’ can select ’environment.cron’ activities. The % or * characters can be used as a wildcard, e.g. ‘%var%’ to select variable-related activities.

  • --exclude-type (-x) (expects a value) Exclude activities by type. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace. The first part of the activity name can be omitted, e.g. ‘cron’ can exclude ’environment.cron’ activities. The % or * characters can be used as a wildcard to exclude types.

  • --limit (expects a value) Limit the number of results displayed

  • --start (expects a value) Only activities created before this date will be listed

  • --state (expects a value) Filter activities by state: in_progress, pending, complete, or cancelled. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --result (expects a value) Filter activities by result: success or failure

  • --incomplete (-i) Only list incomplete activities

  • --all (-a) List activities on all environments

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: id*, created*, description*, progress*, state*, result*, completed, environments, time_build, time_deploy, time_execute, time_wait, type (* = default columns). The character “+” can be used as a placeholder for the default columns. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • List recent activities for the current environment:
platform activity:list 
  • List all recent activities for the current project:
platform activity:list --all
  • List recent pushes:
platform activity:list --type push
  • List all recent activities excluding crons and redeploys:
platform activity:list --exclude-type '*.cron,*.backup*'
  • List pushes made before 15 March:
platform activity:list --type push --start 2015-03-15
  • List up to 25 incomplete activities:
platform activity:list --limit 25 -i

activity:log Anchor to this heading

Display the log for an activity

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform activity:log [--refresh REFRESH] [-t|--timestamps] [--type TYPE] [-x|--exclude-type EXCLUDE-TYPE] [--state STATE] [--result RESULT] [-i|--incomplete] [-a|--all] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--] [<id>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • id(optional) The activity ID. Defaults to the most recent activity.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --refresh (expects a value) Activity refresh interval (seconds). Set to 0 to disable refreshing.

  • --timestamps (-t) Display a timestamp next to each message

  • --type (expects a value) Filter by type (when selecting a default activity). Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace. The % or * characters can be used as a wildcard for the type, e.g. ‘%var%’ to select variable-related activities.

  • --exclude-type (-x) (expects a value) Exclude by type (when selecting a default activity). Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace. The % or * characters can be used as a wildcard to exclude types.

  • --state (expects a value) Filter by state (when selecting a default activity): in_progress, pending, complete, or cancelled. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --result (expects a value) Filter by result (when selecting a default activity): success or failure

  • --incomplete (-i) Include only incomplete activities (when selecting a default activity). This is a shorthand for –state=in_progress,pending

  • --all (-a) Check recent activities on all environments (when selecting a default activity)

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Display the log for the last push on the current environment:
platform activity:log --type environment.push
  • Display the log for the last activity on the current project:
platform activity:log --all
  • Display the log for the last push, with microsecond timestamps:
platform activity:log -a -t --type %push --date-fmt 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s.uP'

app:config-get Anchor to this heading

View the configuration of an app

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform app:config-get [-P|--property PROPERTY] [--refresh] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP] [-i|--identity-file IDENTITY-FILE]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --property (-P) (expects a value) The configuration property to view

  • --refresh Whether to refresh the cache

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --identity-file (-i) (expects a value) [Deprecated option, no longer used]

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

app:config-validate Anchor to this heading

Validate the config files of a project

Aliases: validate

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform app:config-validate

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|vv|vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Validate the project configuration files in your current directory:
platform app:config-validate 

app:list Anchor to this heading

List apps in the project

Aliases: apps

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform apps [--refresh] [--pipe] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --refresh Whether to refresh the cache

  • --pipe Output a list of app names only

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: name*, type*, disk, path, size (* = default columns). The character “+” can be used as a placeholder for the default columns. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

auth:api-token-login Anchor to this heading

Log in to using an API token

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform auth:api-token-login

Use this command to log in to your account using an API token.

You can create an account at:

Alternatively, to log in to the CLI with a browser, run: platform auth:browser-login

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

auth:browser-login Anchor to this heading

Log in to via a browser

Aliases: login

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform login [-f|--force] [--method METHOD] [--max-age MAX-AGE] [--browser BROWSER] [--pipe]

Use this command to log in to the CLI using a web browser.

It launches a temporary local website which redirects you to log in if necessary, and then captures the resulting authorization code.

Your system’s default browser will be used. You can override this using the –browser option.

Alternatively, to log in using an API token (without a browser), run: platform auth:api-token-login

To authenticate non-interactively, configure an API token using the PLATFORMSH_CLI_TOKEN environment variable.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --force (-f) Log in again, even if already logged in

  • --method (expects a value) Require specific authentication method(s)

  • --max-age (expects a value) The maximum age (in seconds) of the web authentication session

  • --browser (expects a value) The browser to use to open the URL. Set 0 for none.

  • --pipe Output the URL to stdout.

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

auth:info Anchor to this heading

Display your account information

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform auth:info [--no-auto-login] [-P|--property PROPERTY] [--refresh] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [--] [<property>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • property(optional) The account property to view

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --no-auto-login Skips auto login. Nothing will be output if not logged in, and the exit code will be 0, assuming no other errors.

  • --property (-P) (expects a value) The account property to view (alternate syntax)

  • --refresh Whether to refresh the cache

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Print your user ID:
platform auth:info id
  • Print your email address:
platform auth:info email
  • Print your user ID (or nothing if not logged in):
platform auth:info id --no-auto-login

auth:logout Anchor to this heading

Log out of

Aliases: logout

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform logout [-a|--all] [--other]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --all (-a) Log out from all local sessions

  • --other Log out from other local sessions

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

auth:verify-phone-number Anchor to this heading

Verify your phone number interactively

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform auth:verify-phone-number

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

backup:create Anchor to this heading

Make a backup of an environment

Aliases: backup

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform backup [--live] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] [<environment>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • environment(optional) The environment

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --live Live backup: do not stop the environment. If set, this leaves the environment running and open to connections during the backup. This reduces downtime, at the risk of backing up data in an inconsistent state.

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Make a backup of the current environment:
platform backup:create 
  • Request a backup (and exit quickly):
platform backup:create --no-wait
  • Make a backup avoiding downtime (but risking inconsistency):
platform backup:create --live

backup:delete Anchor to this heading

Delete an environment backup

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform backup:delete [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] [<backup>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • backup(optional) The ID of the backup. Required in non-interactive mode.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

backup:get Anchor to this heading

View an environment backup

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform backup:get [-P|--property PROPERTY] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [--] [<backup>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • backup(optional) The ID of the backup. Defaults to the most recent one.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --property (-P) (expects a value) The backup property to display.

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

backup:list Anchor to this heading

List available backups of an environment

Aliases: backups

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform backups [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: created_at*, id*, restorable*, automated, commit_id, expires_at, index, live, status, updated_at (* = default columns). The character “+” can be used as a placeholder for the default columns. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Display backups including the “live” and “commit_id” columns:
platform backup:list -c+live,commit_id

backup:restore Anchor to this heading

Restore an environment backup

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform backup:restore [--target TARGET] [--branch-from BRANCH-FROM] [--no-code] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] [<backup>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • backup(optional) The ID of the backup. Defaults to the most recent one

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --target (expects a value) The environment to restore to. Defaults to the backup’s current environment

  • --branch-from (expects a value) If the –target does not yet exist, this specifies the parent of the new environment

  • --no-code Do not restore code, only data.

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Restore the most recent backup:
platform backup:restore 
  • Restore a specific backup:
platform backup:restore 92c9a4b2aa75422efb3d

certificate:add Anchor to this heading

Add an SSL certificate to the project

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform certificate:add [--cert CERT] [--key KEY] [--chain CHAIN] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --cert (expects a value) The path to the certificate file

  • --key (expects a value) The path to the certificate private key file

  • --chain (expects a value) The path to the certificate chain file

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

certificate:delete Anchor to this heading

Delete a certificate from the project

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform certificate:delete [-p|--project PROJECT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] <id>

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • id(required) The certificate ID (or the start of it)

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

certificate:get Anchor to this heading

View a certificate

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform certificate:get [-P|--property PROPERTY] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [-p|--project PROJECT] [--] <id>

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • id(required) The certificate ID (or the start of it)

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --property (-P) (expects a value) The certificate property to view

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

certificate:list Anchor to this heading

List project certificates

Aliases: certificates, certs

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform certificates [--domain DOMAIN] [--exclude-domain EXCLUDE-DOMAIN] [--issuer ISSUER] [--only-auto] [--no-auto] [--ignore-expiry] [--only-expired] [--no-expired] [--pipe-domains] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [-p|--project PROJECT]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --domain (expects a value) Filter by domain name (case-insensitive search)

  • --exclude-domain (expects a value) Exclude certificates, matching by domain name (case-insensitive search)

  • --issuer (expects a value) Filter by issuer

  • --only-auto Show only auto-provisioned certificates

  • --no-auto Show only manually added certificates

  • --ignore-expiry Show both expired and non-expired certificates

  • --only-expired Show only expired certificates

  • --no-expired Show only non-expired certificates (default)

  • --pipe-domains Only return a list of domain names covered by the certificates

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: created, domains, expires, id, issuer. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Output a list of domains covered by valid certificates:
platform certificate:list --pipe-domains --no-expired

commit:get Anchor to this heading

Show commit details

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform commit:get [-P|--property PROPERTY] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [--] [<commit>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • commit(optional) The commit SHA. This can also accept “HEAD”, and caret (^) or tilde (~) suffixes for parent commits.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --property (-P) (expects a value) The commit property to display.

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Display the current commit on the environment:
platform commit:get 
  • Display the previous commit:
platform commit:get HEAD~
  • Display the 3rd commit before the current one:
platform commit:get HEAD~3
  • Display the email address of the last commit author:
platform commit:get -P

commit:list Anchor to this heading

List commits

Aliases: commits

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform commits [--limit LIMIT] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [--] [<commit>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • commit(optional) The starting Git commit SHA. This can also accept “HEAD”, and caret (^) or tilde (~) suffixes for parent commits.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --limit (expects a value) The number of commits to display.

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: author, date, sha, summary. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Display commits on an environment:
platform commit:list 
  • Display commits starting from two before the current one:
platform commit:list HEAD~2

db:dump Anchor to this heading

Create a local dump of the remote database

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform db:dump [--schema SCHEMA] [-f|--file FILE] [-d|--directory DIRECTORY] [-z|--gzip] [-t|--timestamp] [-o|--stdout] [--table TABLE] [--exclude-table EXCLUDE-TABLE] [--schema-only] [--charset CHARSET] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP] [-r|--relationship RELATIONSHIP]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --schema (expects a value) The schema to dump. Omit to use the default schema (usually “main”).

  • --file (-f) (expects a value) A custom filename for the dump

  • --directory (-d) (expects a value) A custom directory for the dump

  • --gzip (-z) Compress the dump using gzip

  • --timestamp (-t) Add a timestamp to the dump filename

  • --stdout (-o) Output to STDOUT instead of a file

  • --table (expects a value) Table(s) to include

  • --exclude-table (expects a value) Table(s) to exclude

  • --schema-only Dump only schemas, no data

  • --charset (expects a value) The character set encoding for the dump

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --relationship (-r) (expects a value) The service relationship to use

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Create an SQL dump file:
platform db:dump 
  • Create a gzipped SQL dump file named “dump.sql.gz”:
platform db:dump --gzip -f dump.sql.gz

db:sql Anchor to this heading

Run SQL on the remote database

Aliases: sql

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform sql [--raw] [--schema SCHEMA] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP] [-r|--relationship RELATIONSHIP] [--] [<query>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • query(optional) An SQL statement to execute

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --raw Produce raw, non-tabular output

  • --schema (expects a value) The schema to use. Omit to use the default schema (usually “main”). Pass an empty string to not use any schema.

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --relationship (-r) (expects a value) The service relationship to use

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Open an SQL console on the remote database:
platform db:sql 
  • View tables on the remote database:
platform db:sql 'SHOW TABLES'
  • Import a dump file into the remote database:
platform db:sql < dump.sql

domain:add Anchor to this heading

Add a new domain to the project

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform domain:add [--cert CERT] [--key KEY] [--chain CHAIN] [--attach ATTACH] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] <name>

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • name(required) The domain name

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --cert (expects a value) The path to a custom certificate file

  • --key (expects a value) The path to the private key for the custom certificate

  • --chain (expects a value) The path to the chain file(s) for the custom certificate

  • --attach (expects a value) The production domain that this one replaces in the environment’s routes. Required for non-production environment domains.

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Add the domain
platform domain:add
  • Add the domain with a custom SSL/TLS certificate:
platform domain:add --cert example-org.crt --key example-org.key

domain:delete Anchor to this heading

Delete a domain from the project

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform domain:delete [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] <name>

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • name(required) The domain name

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Delete the domain
platform domain:delete

domain:get Anchor to this heading

Show detailed information for a domain

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform domain:get [-P|--property PROPERTY] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--] [<name>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • name(optional) The domain name

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --property (-P) (expects a value) The domain property to view

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

domain:list Anchor to this heading

Get a list of all domains

Aliases: domains

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform domains [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: name*, ssl*, created_at*, registered_name, replacement_for, type, updated_at (* = default columns). The character “+” can be used as a placeholder for the default columns. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

domain:update Anchor to this heading

Update a domain

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform domain:update [--cert CERT] [--key KEY] [--chain CHAIN] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] <name>

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • name(required) The domain name

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --cert (expects a value) The path to a custom certificate file

  • --key (expects a value) The path to the private key for the custom certificate

  • --chain (expects a value) The path to the chain file(s) for the custom certificate

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Update the custom certificate for the domain
platform domain:update --cert example-org.crt --key example-org.key

environment:activate Anchor to this heading

Activate an environment

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform environment:activate [--parent PARENT] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] [<environment>]...

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • environment(optional; multiple values allowed) The environment(s) to activate

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --parent (expects a value) Set a new environment parent before activating

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Activate the environments “develop” and “stage”:
platform environment:activate develop stage

environment:branch Anchor to this heading

Branch an environment

Aliases: branch

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform branch [--title TITLE] [--type TYPE] [--no-clone-parent] [--no-checkout] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] [<id>] [<parent>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • id(optional) The ID (branch name) of the new environment

  • parent(optional) The parent of the new environment

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --title (expects a value) The title of the new environment

  • --type (expects a value) The type of the new environment

  • --no-clone-parent Do not clone the parent environment’s data

  • --no-checkout Do not check out the branch locally

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Create a new branch “sprint-2”, based on “develop”:
platform environment:branch sprint-2 develop

environment:checkout Anchor to this heading

Check out an environment

Aliases: checkout

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform checkout [<id>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • id(optional) The ID of the environment to check out. For example: “sprint2”

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Check out the environment “develop”:
platform environment:checkout develop

environment:delete Anchor to this heading

Delete one or more environments

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform environment:delete [--delete-branch] [--no-delete-branch] [--type TYPE] [-t|--only-type ONLY-TYPE] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--exclude-type EXCLUDE-TYPE] [--inactive] [--status STATUS] [--only-status ONLY-STATUS] [--exclude-status EXCLUDE-STATUS] [--merged] [--allow-delete-parent] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] [<environment>]...

When a environment is deleted, it will become “inactive”: it will exist only as a Git branch, containing code but no services, databases nor files.

This command allows you to delete environments as well as their Git branches.

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • environment(optional; multiple values allowed) The environment(s) to delete. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --delete-branch Delete Git branch(es) for inactive environments, without confirmation

  • --no-delete-branch Do not delete any Git branch(es) (inactive environments)

  • --type (expects a value) Delete all environments of a type (adding to any others selected) Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --only-type (-t) (expects a value) Only delete environments of a specific type Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --exclude (expects a value) Environment(s) not to delete. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --exclude-type (expects a value) Environment type(s) of which not to delete Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --inactive Delete all inactive environments (adding to any others selected)

  • --status (expects a value) Delete all environments of a status (adding to any others selected) Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --only-status (expects a value) Only delete environments of a specific status Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --exclude-status (expects a value) Environment status(es) of which not to delete Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --merged Delete all merged environments (adding to any others selected)

  • --allow-delete-parent Allow environments that have children to be deleted

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Delete the currently checked out environment:
platform environment:delete 
  • Delete the environments “test” and “example-1”:
platform environment:delete test example-1
  • Delete all inactive environments:
platform environment:delete --inactive
  • Delete all environments merged with their parent:
platform environment:delete --merged

environment:drush Anchor to this heading

Run a drush command on the remote environment

Aliases: drush

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform drush [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP] [--] [<cmd>]...

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • cmd(optional; multiple values allowed) A command to pass to Drush

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Run “drush status” on the remote environment:
platform environment:drush status
  • Enable the Overlay module on the remote environment:
platform environment:drush en overlay
  • Get a one-time login link (using – before options):
platform environment:drush user-login --
  • Alternative syntax (quoting the whole command):
platform environment:drush 'user-login'

environment:http-access Anchor to this heading

Update HTTP access settings for an environment

Aliases: httpaccess

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform httpaccess [--access ACCESS] [--auth AUTH] [--enabled ENABLED] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --access (expects a value) Access restriction in the format “permission:address”. Use 0 to clear all addresses.

  • --auth (expects a value) HTTP Basic auth credentials in the format “username:password”. Use 0 to clear all credentials.

  • --enabled (expects a value) Whether access control should be enabled: 1 to enable, 0 to disable

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Require a username and password:
platform environment:http-access --auth myname:mypassword
  • Restrict access to only one IP address:
platform environment:http-access --access allow: --access deny:any
  • Remove the password requirement, keeping IP restrictions:
platform environment:http-access --auth 0
  • Disable all HTTP access control:
platform environment:http-access --enabled 0

environment:info Anchor to this heading

Read or set properties for an environment

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform environment:info [--refresh] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] [<property>] [<value>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • property(optional) The name of the property

  • value(optional) Set a new value for the property

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --refresh Whether to refresh the cache

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Read all environment properties:
platform environment:info 
  • Show the environment’s status:
platform environment:info status
  • Show the date the environment was created:
platform environment:info created_at
  • Enable email sending:
platform environment:info enable_smtp true
  • Change the environment title:
platform environment:info title "New feature"
  • Change the environment’s parent branch:
platform environment:info parent sprint-2
  • Unset the environment’s parent branch:
platform environment:info parent -

environment:init Anchor to this heading

Initialize an environment from a public Git repository

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform environment:init [--profile PROFILE] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] <url>

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • url(required) A URL to a Git repository

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --profile (expects a value) The name of the profile

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Initialize using the Go template:
platform environment:init

environment:list Anchor to this heading

Get a list of environments

Aliases: environments, env

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform environments [-I|--no-inactive] [--status STATUS] [--pipe] [--refresh REFRESH] [--sort SORT] [--reverse] [--type TYPE] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [-p|--project PROJECT]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --no-inactive (-I) Do not show inactive environments

  • --status (expects a value) Filter environments by status (active, inactive, dirty, paused, deleting). Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --pipe Output a simple list of environment IDs.

  • --refresh (expects a value) Whether to refresh the list.

  • --sort (expects a value) A property to sort by

  • --reverse Sort in reverse (descending) order

  • --type (expects a value) Filter the list by environment type(s). Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: id*, title*, status*, type*, created, machine_name, updated (* = default columns). The character “+” can be used as a placeholder for the default columns. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

environment:logs Anchor to this heading

Read an environment’s logs

Aliases: log

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform log [--lines LINES] [--tail] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP] [--worker WORKER] [-I|--instance INSTANCE] [--] [<type>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • type(optional) The log type, e.g. “access” or “error”

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --lines (expects a value) The number of lines to show

  • --tail Continuously tail the log

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --worker (expects a value) A worker name

  • --instance (-I) (expects a value) An instance ID

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Display a choice of logs that can be read:
platform environment:logs 
  • Read the deploy log:
platform environment:logs deploy
  • Read the access log continuously:
platform environment:logs access --tail
  • Read the last 500 lines of the cron log:
platform environment:logs cron --lines 500

environment:merge Anchor to this heading

Merge an environment

Aliases: merge

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform merge [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] [<environment>]

This command will initiate a Git merge of the specified environment into its parent environment.

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • environment(optional) The environment to merge

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Merge the environment “sprint-2” into its parent:
platform environment:merge sprint-2

environment:pause Anchor to this heading

Pause an environment

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform environment:pause [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait]

Pausing an environment helps to reduce resource consumption and carbon emissions.

The environment will be unavailable until it is resumed. No data will be lost.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

environment:push Anchor to this heading

Push code to an environment

Aliases: push

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform push [--target TARGET] [-f|--force] [--force-with-lease] [-u|--set-upstream] [--activate] [--parent PARENT] [--type TYPE] [--no-clone-parent] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--] [<source>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • source(optional) The Git source ref, e.g. a branch name or a commit hash.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --target (expects a value) The target branch name. Defaults to the current branch.

  • --force (-f) Allow non-fast-forward updates

  • --force-with-lease Allow non-fast-forward updates, if the remote-tracking branch is up to date

  • --set-upstream (-u) Set the target environment as the upstream for the source branch. This will also set the target project as the remote for the local repository.

  • --activate Activate the environment. Paused environments will be resumed. This will ensure the environment is active even if no changes were pushed.

  • --parent (expects a value) Set the environment parent (only used with –activate)

  • --type (expects a value) Set the environment type (only used with –activate )

  • --no-clone-parent Do not clone the parent branch’s data (only used with –activate)

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Push code to the current environment:
platform environment:push 
  • Push code, without waiting for deployment:
platform environment:push --no-wait
  • Push code, branching or activating the environment as a child of ‘develop’:
platform environment:push --activate --parent develop

environment:redeploy Anchor to this heading

Redeploy an environment

Aliases: redeploy

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform redeploy [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

environment:relationships Anchor to this heading

Show an environment’s relationships

Aliases: relationships, rel

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform relationships [-P|--property PROPERTY] [--refresh] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP] [--] [<environment>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • environment(optional) The environment

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --property (-P) (expects a value) The relationship property to view

  • --refresh Whether to refresh the relationships

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • View all the current environment’s relationships:
platform environment:relationships 
  • View the ‘main’ environment’s relationships:
platform environment:relationships main
  • View the ‘main’ environment’s database port:
platform environment:relationships main --property database.0.port

environment:resume Anchor to this heading

Resume a paused environment

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform environment:resume [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

environment:scp Anchor to this heading

Copy files to and from an environment using scp

Aliases: scp

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform scp [-r|--recursive] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP] [--worker WORKER] [-I|--instance INSTANCE] [--] [<files>]...

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • files(optional; multiple values allowed) Files to copy. Use the remote: prefix to define remote locations.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --recursive (-r) Recursively copy entire directories

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --worker (expects a value) A worker name

  • --instance (-I) (expects a value) An instance ID

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Copy local files a.txt and b.txt to remote mount var/files:
platform environment:scp a.txt b.txt remote:var/files
  • Copy remote files c.txt to current directory:
platform environment:scp remote:c.txt .
  • Copy subdirectory dump/ to remote mount var/files:
platform environment:scp -r dump remote:var/logs
  • Copy files inside subdirectory dump/ to remote mount var/files:
platform environment:scp -r dump/* remote:var/logs

environment:ssh Anchor to this heading

SSH to the current environment

Aliases: ssh

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform ssh [--pipe] [--all] [-o|--option OPTION] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP] [--worker WORKER] [-I|--instance INSTANCE] [--] [<cmd>]...

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • cmd(optional; multiple values allowed) A command to run on the environment.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --pipe Output the SSH URL only.

  • --all Output all SSH URLs (for every app).

  • --option (-o) (expects a value) Pass an extra option to SSH

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --worker (expects a value) A worker name

  • --instance (-I) (expects a value) An instance ID

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Open a shell over SSH:
platform environment:ssh 
  • Pass an extra option to SSH:
platform environment:ssh -o 'RequestTTY force'
  • List files:
platform environment:ssh ls
  • Monitor the app log (use ‘–’ before flags):
platform environment:ssh tail /var/log/app.log -- -n50 -f
  • Display relationships (use quotes for complex syntax):
platform environment:ssh 'echo $PLATFORM_RELATIONSHIPS | base64 --decode'

environment:synchronize Anchor to this heading

Synchronize an environment’s code and/or data from its parent

Aliases: sync

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform sync [--rebase] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] [<synchronize>]...

This command synchronizes to a child environment from its parent environment.

Synchronizing “code” means there will be a Git merge from the parent to the child.

Synchronizing “data” means that all files in all services (including static files, databases, logs, search indices, etc.) will be copied from the parent to the child.

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • synchronize(optional; multiple values allowed) What to synchronize: “code”, “data” or both

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --rebase Synchronize code by rebasing instead of merging

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Synchronize data from the parent environment:
platform environment:synchronize data
  • Synchronize code and data from the parent environment:
platform environment:synchronize code data

environment:url Anchor to this heading

Get the public URLs of an environment

Aliases: url

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform url [-1|--primary] [--browser BROWSER] [--pipe] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --primary (-1) Only return the URL for the primary route

  • --browser (expects a value) The browser to use to open the URL. Set 0 for none.

  • --pipe Output the URL to stdout.

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Give a choice of URLs to open (or print all URLs if there is no browser):
platform environment:url 
  • Print all URLs:
platform environment:url --pipe
  • Print and/or open the primary route URL:
platform environment:url --primary
  • Print the primary route URL:
platform environment:url --primary --pipe

environment:xdebug Anchor to this heading

Open a tunnel to Xdebug on the environment

Aliases: xdebug

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform xdebug [--port PORT] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP] [--worker WORKER] [-I|--instance INSTANCE]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --port (expects a value) The local port

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --worker (expects a value) A worker name

  • --instance (-I) (expects a value) An instance ID

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Connect to Xdebug on the environment, listening locally on port 9000.:
platform environment:xdebug 

integration:activity:get Anchor to this heading

View detailed information on a single integration activity

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform integration:activity:get [-P|--property PROPERTY] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [--] [<integration>] [<activity>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • integration(optional) An integration ID. Leave blank to choose from a list.

  • activity(optional) The activity ID. Defaults to the most recent integration activity.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --property (-P) (expects a value) The property to view

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) [Deprecated option, not used]

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

integration:activity:list Anchor to this heading

Get a list of activities for an integration

Aliases: integration:activities

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform integration:activities [--type TYPE] [-x|--exclude-type EXCLUDE-TYPE] [--limit LIMIT] [--start START] [--state STATE] [--result RESULT] [-i|--incomplete] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--] [<id>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • id(optional) An integration ID. Leave blank to choose from a list.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --type (expects a value) Filter activities by type. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --exclude-type (-x) (expects a value) Exclude activities by type. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace. The % or * characters can be used as a wildcard to exclude types.

  • --limit (expects a value) Limit the number of results displayed

  • --start (expects a value) Only activities created before this date will be listed

  • --state (expects a value) Filter activities by state. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --result (expects a value) Filter activities by result

  • --incomplete (-i) Only list incomplete activities

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: id*, created*, description*, type*, state*, result*, completed, progress, time_build, time_deploy, time_execute, time_wait (* = default columns). The character “+” can be used as a placeholder for the default columns. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) [Deprecated option, not used]

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

integration:activity:log Anchor to this heading

Display the log for an integration activity

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform integration:activity:log [-t|--timestamps] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--] [<integration>] [<activity>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • integration(optional) An integration ID. Leave blank to choose from a list.

  • activity(optional) The activity ID. Defaults to the most recent integration activity.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --timestamps (-t) Display a timestamp next to each message

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) [Deprecated option, not used]

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

integration:add Anchor to this heading

Add an integration to the project

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform integration:add [--type TYPE] [--base-url BASE-URL] [--bitbucket-url BITBUCKET-URL] [--username USERNAME] [--token TOKEN] [--key KEY] [--secret SECRET] [--license-key LICENSE-KEY] [--server-project SERVER-PROJECT] [--repository REPOSITORY] [--build-merge-requests BUILD-MERGE-REQUESTS] [--build-pull-requests BUILD-PULL-REQUESTS] [--build-draft-pull-requests BUILD-DRAFT-PULL-REQUESTS] [--build-pull-requests-post-merge BUILD-PULL-REQUESTS-POST-MERGE] [--build-wip-merge-requests BUILD-WIP-MERGE-REQUESTS] [--merge-requests-clone-parent-data MERGE-REQUESTS-CLONE-PARENT-DATA] [--pull-requests-clone-parent-data PULL-REQUESTS-CLONE-PARENT-DATA] [--resync-pull-requests RESYNC-PULL-REQUESTS] [--fetch-branches FETCH-BRANCHES] [--prune-branches PRUNE-BRANCHES] [--resources-init RESOURCES-INIT] [--url URL] [--shared-key SHARED-KEY] [--file FILE] [--events EVENTS] [--states STATES] [--environments ENVIRONMENTS] [--excluded-environments EXCLUDED-ENVIRONMENTS] [--from-address FROM-ADDRESS] [--recipients RECIPIENTS] [--channel CHANNEL] [--routing-key ROUTING-KEY] [--category CATEGORY] [--index INDEX] [--sourcetype SOURCETYPE] [--protocol PROTOCOL] [--syslog-host SYSLOG-HOST] [--syslog-port SYSLOG-PORT] [--facility FACILITY] [--message-format MESSAGE-FORMAT] [--auth-mode AUTH-MODE] [--auth-token AUTH-TOKEN] [--verify-tls VERIFY-TLS] [--header HEADER] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --type (expects a value) The integration type (‘bitbucket’, ‘bitbucket_server’, ‘github’, ‘gitlab’, ‘webhook’, ‘’, ‘health.pagerduty’, ‘health.slack’, ‘health.webhook’, ‘httplog’, ‘script’, ’newrelic’, ‘splunk’, ‘sumologic’, ‘syslog’)

  • --base-url (expects a value) The base URL of the server installation

  • --bitbucket-url (expects a value) The base URL of the Bitbucket Server installation

  • --username (expects a value) The Bitbucket Server username

  • --token (expects a value) An authentication or access token for the integration

  • --key (expects a value) A Bitbucket OAuth consumer key

  • --secret (expects a value) A Bitbucket OAuth consumer secret

  • --license-key (expects a value) The New Relic Logs license key

  • --server-project (expects a value) The project (e.g. ’namespace/repo’)

  • --repository (expects a value) The repository to track (e.g. ‘owner/repository’)

  • --build-merge-requests (expects a value) GitLab: build merge requests as environments

  • --build-pull-requests (expects a value) Build every pull request as an environment

  • --build-draft-pull-requests (expects a value) Build draft pull requests

  • --build-pull-requests-post-merge (expects a value) Build pull requests based on their post-merge state

  • --build-wip-merge-requests (expects a value) GitLab: build WIP merge requests

  • --merge-requests-clone-parent-data (expects a value) GitLab: clone data for merge requests

  • --pull-requests-clone-parent-data (expects a value) Clone the parent environment’s data for pull requests

  • --resync-pull-requests (expects a value) Re-sync pull request environment data on every build

  • --fetch-branches (expects a value) Fetch all branches from the remote (as inactive environments)

  • --prune-branches (expects a value) Delete branches that do not exist on the remote

  • --resources-init (expects a value) The resources to use when initializing a new service (‘minimum’, ‘default’, ‘manual’, ‘parent’)

  • --url (expects a value) The URL or API endpoint for the integration

  • --shared-key (expects a value) Webhook: the JWS shared secret key

  • --file (expects a value) The name of a local file that contains the script to upload

  • --events (expects a value) A list of events to act on, e.g. environment.push

  • --states (expects a value) A list of states to act on, e.g. pending, in_progress, complete

  • --environments (expects a value) The environment IDs to include

  • --excluded-environments (expects a value) The environment IDs to exclude

  • --from-address (expects a value) [Optional] Custom From address for alert emails

  • --recipients (expects a value) The recipient email address(es)

  • --channel (expects a value) The Slack channel

  • --routing-key (expects a value) The PagerDuty routing key

  • --category (expects a value) The Sumo Logic category, used for filtering

  • --index (expects a value) The Splunk index

  • --sourcetype (expects a value) The Splunk event source type

  • --protocol (expects a value) Syslog transport protocol (’tcp’, ‘udp’, ’tls’)

  • --syslog-host (expects a value) Syslog relay/collector host

  • --syslog-port (expects a value) Syslog relay/collector port

  • --facility (expects a value) Syslog facility

  • --message-format (expects a value) Syslog message format (‘rfc3164’ or ‘rfc5424’)

  • --auth-mode (expects a value) Authentication mode (‘prefix’ or ‘structured_data’)

  • --auth-token (expects a value) Authentication token

  • --verify-tls (expects a value) Whether HTTPS certificate verification should be enabled (recommended)

  • --header (expects a value) HTTP header(s) to use in POST requests. Separate names and values with a colon (:).

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Add an integration with a GitHub repository:
platform integration:add --type github --repository myuser/example-repo --token 9218376e14c2797e0d06e8d2f918d45f --fetch-branches 0
  • Add an integration with a GitLab repository:
platform integration:add --type gitlab --server-project mygroup/example-repo --token 22fe4d70dfbc20e4f668568a0b5422e2 --base-url

integration:delete Anchor to this heading

Delete an integration from a project

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform integration:delete [-p|--project PROJECT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] [<id>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • id(optional) The integration ID. Leave blank to choose from a list.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

integration:get Anchor to this heading

View details of an integration

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform integration:get [-P|--property [PROPERTY]] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [-p|--project PROJECT] [--] [<id>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • id(optional) An integration ID. Leave blank to choose from a list.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --property (-P) (expects a value) The integration property to view

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

integration:list Anchor to this heading

View a list of project integration(s)

Aliases: integrations

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform integrations [-t|--type TYPE] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [-p|--project PROJECT]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --type (-t) (expects a value) Filter by type

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: id, summary, type. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

integration:update Anchor to this heading

Update an integration

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform integration:update [--type TYPE] [--base-url BASE-URL] [--bitbucket-url BITBUCKET-URL] [--username USERNAME] [--token TOKEN] [--key KEY] [--secret SECRET] [--license-key LICENSE-KEY] [--server-project SERVER-PROJECT] [--repository REPOSITORY] [--build-merge-requests BUILD-MERGE-REQUESTS] [--build-pull-requests BUILD-PULL-REQUESTS] [--build-draft-pull-requests BUILD-DRAFT-PULL-REQUESTS] [--build-pull-requests-post-merge BUILD-PULL-REQUESTS-POST-MERGE] [--build-wip-merge-requests BUILD-WIP-MERGE-REQUESTS] [--merge-requests-clone-parent-data MERGE-REQUESTS-CLONE-PARENT-DATA] [--pull-requests-clone-parent-data PULL-REQUESTS-CLONE-PARENT-DATA] [--resync-pull-requests RESYNC-PULL-REQUESTS] [--fetch-branches FETCH-BRANCHES] [--prune-branches PRUNE-BRANCHES] [--resources-init RESOURCES-INIT] [--url URL] [--shared-key SHARED-KEY] [--file FILE] [--events EVENTS] [--states STATES] [--environments ENVIRONMENTS] [--excluded-environments EXCLUDED-ENVIRONMENTS] [--from-address FROM-ADDRESS] [--recipients RECIPIENTS] [--channel CHANNEL] [--routing-key ROUTING-KEY] [--category CATEGORY] [--index INDEX] [--sourcetype SOURCETYPE] [--protocol PROTOCOL] [--syslog-host SYSLOG-HOST] [--syslog-port SYSLOG-PORT] [--facility FACILITY] [--message-format MESSAGE-FORMAT] [--auth-mode AUTH-MODE] [--auth-token AUTH-TOKEN] [--verify-tls VERIFY-TLS] [--header HEADER] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] [<id>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • id(optional) The ID of the integration to update

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --type (expects a value) The integration type (‘bitbucket’, ‘bitbucket_server’, ‘github’, ‘gitlab’, ‘webhook’, ‘’, ‘health.pagerduty’, ‘health.slack’, ‘health.webhook’, ‘httplog’, ‘script’, ’newrelic’, ‘splunk’, ‘sumologic’, ‘syslog’)

  • --base-url (expects a value) The base URL of the server installation

  • --bitbucket-url (expects a value) The base URL of the Bitbucket Server installation

  • --username (expects a value) The Bitbucket Server username

  • --token (expects a value) An authentication or access token for the integration

  • --key (expects a value) A Bitbucket OAuth consumer key

  • --secret (expects a value) A Bitbucket OAuth consumer secret

  • --license-key (expects a value) The New Relic Logs license key

  • --server-project (expects a value) The project (e.g. ’namespace/repo’)

  • --repository (expects a value) The repository to track (e.g. ‘owner/repository’)

  • --build-merge-requests (expects a value) GitLab: build merge requests as environments

  • --build-pull-requests (expects a value) Build every pull request as an environment

  • --build-draft-pull-requests (expects a value) Build draft pull requests

  • --build-pull-requests-post-merge (expects a value) Build pull requests based on their post-merge state

  • --build-wip-merge-requests (expects a value) GitLab: build WIP merge requests

  • --merge-requests-clone-parent-data (expects a value) GitLab: clone data for merge requests

  • --pull-requests-clone-parent-data (expects a value) Clone the parent environment’s data for pull requests

  • --resync-pull-requests (expects a value) Re-sync pull request environment data on every build

  • --fetch-branches (expects a value) Fetch all branches from the remote (as inactive environments)

  • --prune-branches (expects a value) Delete branches that do not exist on the remote

  • --resources-init (expects a value) The resources to use when initializing a new service (‘minimum’, ‘default’, ‘manual’, ‘parent’)

  • --url (expects a value) The URL or API endpoint for the integration

  • --shared-key (expects a value) Webhook: the JWS shared secret key

  • --file (expects a value) The name of a local file that contains the script to upload

  • --events (expects a value) A list of events to act on, e.g. environment.push

  • --states (expects a value) A list of states to act on, e.g. pending, in_progress, complete

  • --environments (expects a value) The environment IDs to include

  • --excluded-environments (expects a value) The environment IDs to exclude

  • --from-address (expects a value) [Optional] Custom From address for alert emails

  • --recipients (expects a value) The recipient email address(es)

  • --channel (expects a value) The Slack channel

  • --routing-key (expects a value) The PagerDuty routing key

  • --category (expects a value) The Sumo Logic category, used for filtering

  • --index (expects a value) The Splunk index

  • --sourcetype (expects a value) The Splunk event source type

  • --protocol (expects a value) Syslog transport protocol (’tcp’, ‘udp’, ’tls’)

  • --syslog-host (expects a value) Syslog relay/collector host

  • --syslog-port (expects a value) Syslog relay/collector port

  • --facility (expects a value) Syslog facility

  • --message-format (expects a value) Syslog message format (‘rfc3164’ or ‘rfc5424’)

  • --auth-mode (expects a value) Authentication mode (‘prefix’ or ‘structured_data’)

  • --auth-token (expects a value) Authentication token

  • --verify-tls (expects a value) Whether HTTPS certificate verification should be enabled (recommended)

  • --header (expects a value) HTTP header(s) to use in POST requests. Separate names and values with a colon (:).

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Switch on the “fetch branches” option for a specific integration:
platform integration:update ZXhhbXBsZSB --fetch-branches 1

integration:validate Anchor to this heading

Validate an existing integration

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform integration:validate [-p|--project PROJECT] [--] [<id>]

This command allows you to check whether an integration is valid.

An exit code of 0 means the integration is valid, while 4 means it is invalid. Any other exit code indicates an unexpected error.

Integrations are validated automatically on creation and on update. However, because they involve external resources, it is possible for a valid integration to become invalid. For example, an access token may be revoked, or an external repository may be deleted.

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • id(optional) An integration ID. Leave blank to choose from a list.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

local:build Anchor to this heading

Build the current project locally

Aliases: build

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform build [-a|--abslinks] [-s|--source SOURCE] [-d|--destination DESTINATION] [-c|--copy] [--clone] [--run-deploy-hooks] [--no-clean] [--no-archive] [--no-backup] [--no-cache] [--no-build-hooks] [--no-deps] [--working-copy] [--concurrency CONCURRENCY] [--lock] [--] [<app>]...

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • app(optional; multiple values allowed) Specify application(s) to build

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --abslinks (-a) Use absolute links

  • --source (-s) (expects a value) The source directory. Defaults to the current project root.

  • --destination (-d) (expects a value) The destination, to which the web root of each app will be symlinked. Default: _www

  • --copy (-c) Copy to a build directory, instead of symlinking from the source

  • --clone Use Git to clone the current HEAD to the build directory

  • --run-deploy-hooks Run deploy and/or post_deploy hooks

  • --no-clean Do not remove old builds

  • --no-archive Do not create or use a build archive

  • --no-backup Do not back up the previous build

  • --no-cache Disable caching

  • --no-build-hooks Do not run post-build hooks

  • --no-deps Do not install build dependencies locally

  • --working-copy Drush: use git to clone a repository of each Drupal module rather than simply downloading a version

  • --concurrency (expects a value) Drush: set the number of concurrent projects that will be processed at the same time

  • --lock Drush: create or update a lock file (only available with Drush version 7+)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Build the current project:
platform local:build 
  • Build the app “example” without symlinking the source files:
platform local:build example --copy
  • Rebuild the current project without using an archive:
platform local:build --no-archive

local:dir Anchor to this heading

Find the local project root

Aliases: dir

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform dir [<subdir>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • subdir(optional) The subdirectory to find (’local’, ‘web’ or ‘shared’)

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

local:drush-aliases Anchor to this heading

Find the project’s Drush aliases

Aliases: drush-aliases

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform drush-aliases [-r|--recreate] [-g|--group GROUP] [--pipe]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --recreate (-r) Recreate the aliases.

  • --group (-g) (expects a value) Recreate the aliases with a new group name.

  • --pipe Output the current group name (do nothing else).

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Change the alias group to @example:
platform local:drush-aliases -g example

metrics:all Anchor to this heading

Show CPU, disk and memory metrics for an environment

Aliases: metrics, met

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform metrics [-B|--bytes] [-r|--range RANGE] [-i|--interval INTERVAL] [--to TO] [-1|--latest] [-s|--service SERVICE] [--type TYPE] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --bytes (-B) Show sizes in bytes

  • --range (-r) (expects a value) The time range. Metrics will be loaded for this duration until the end time (–to). You can specify units: hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). Minimum 5m, maximum 8h or more (depending on the project), default 10m.

  • --interval (-i) (expects a value) The time interval. Defaults to a division of the range. You can specify units: hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). Minimum 1m.

  • --to (expects a value) The end time. Defaults to now.

  • --latest (-1) Show only the latest single data point

  • --service (-s) (expects a value) Filter by service or application name The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard.

  • --type (expects a value) Filter by service type (if –service is not provided). The version is not required. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard.

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: timestamp*, service*, cpu_percent*, mem_percent*, disk_percent*, tmp_disk_percent*, cpu_limit, cpu_used, disk_limit, disk_used, inodes_limit, inodes_percent, inodes_used, mem_limit, mem_used, tmp_disk_limit, tmp_disk_used, tmp_inodes_limit, tmp_inodes_percent, tmp_inodes_used, type (* = default columns). The character “+” can be used as a placeholder for the default columns. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Show metrics for the last 10m:
platform metrics:all 
  • Show metrics in five-minute intervals over the last hour:
platform metrics:all -i 5m -r 1h
  • Show metrics for all SQL services:
platform metrics:all --type mariadb,%sql

metrics:cpu Anchor to this heading

Show CPU usage of an environment

Aliases: cpu

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform cpu [-r|--range RANGE] [-i|--interval INTERVAL] [--to TO] [-1|--latest] [-s|--service SERVICE] [--type TYPE] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --range (-r) (expects a value) The time range. Metrics will be loaded for this duration until the end time (–to). You can specify units: hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). Minimum 5m, maximum 8h or more (depending on the project), default 10m.

  • --interval (-i) (expects a value) The time interval. Defaults to a division of the range. You can specify units: hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). Minimum 1m.

  • --to (expects a value) The end time. Defaults to now.

  • --latest (-1) Show only the latest single data point

  • --service (-s) (expects a value) Filter by service or application name The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard.

  • --type (expects a value) Filter by service type (if –service is not provided). The version is not required. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard.

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: timestamp*, service*, used*, limit*, percent*, type (* = default columns). The character “+” can be used as a placeholder for the default columns. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

metrics:disk-usage Anchor to this heading

Show disk usage of an environment

Aliases: disk

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform disk [-B|--bytes] [-r|--range RANGE] [-i|--interval INTERVAL] [--to TO] [-1|--latest] [-s|--service SERVICE] [--type TYPE] [--tmp] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --bytes (-B) Show sizes in bytes

  • --range (-r) (expects a value) The time range. Metrics will be loaded for this duration until the end time (–to). You can specify units: hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). Minimum 5m, maximum 8h or more (depending on the project), default 10m.

  • --interval (-i) (expects a value) The time interval. Defaults to a division of the range. You can specify units: hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). Minimum 1m.

  • --to (expects a value) The end time. Defaults to now.

  • --latest (-1) Show only the latest single data point

  • --service (-s) (expects a value) Filter by service or application name The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard.

  • --type (expects a value) Filter by service type (if –service is not provided). The version is not required. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard.

  • --tmp Report temporary disk usage (shows columns: timestamp, service, tmp_used, tmp_limit, tmp_percent, tmp_ipercent)

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: timestamp*, service*, used*, limit*, percent*, ipercent*, tmp_percent*, ilimit, iused, tmp_ilimit, tmp_ipercent, tmp_iused, tmp_limit, tmp_used, type (* = default columns). The character “+” can be used as a placeholder for the default columns. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

metrics:memory Anchor to this heading

Show memory usage of an environment

Aliases: mem, memory

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform mem [-B|--bytes] [-r|--range RANGE] [-i|--interval INTERVAL] [--to TO] [-1|--latest] [-s|--service SERVICE] [--type TYPE] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --bytes (-B) Show sizes in bytes

  • --range (-r) (expects a value) The time range. Metrics will be loaded for this duration until the end time (–to). You can specify units: hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). Minimum 5m, maximum 8h or more (depending on the project), default 10m.

  • --interval (-i) (expects a value) The time interval. Defaults to a division of the range. You can specify units: hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). Minimum 1m.

  • --to (expects a value) The end time. Defaults to now.

  • --latest (-1) Show only the latest single data point

  • --service (-s) (expects a value) Filter by service or application name The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard.

  • --type (expects a value) Filter by service type (if –service is not provided). The version is not required. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard.

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: timestamp*, service*, used*, limit*, percent*, type (* = default columns). The character “+” can be used as a placeholder for the default columns. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

mount:download Anchor to this heading

Download files from a mount, using rsync

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform mount:download [-a|--all] [-m|--mount MOUNT] [--target TARGET] [--source-path] [--delete] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--include INCLUDE] [--refresh] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP] [--worker WORKER] [-I|--instance INSTANCE]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --all (-a) Download from all mounts

  • --mount (-m) (expects a value) The mount (as an app-relative path)

  • --target (expects a value) The directory to which files will be downloaded. If –all is used, the mount path will be appended

  • --source-path Use the mount’s source path (rather than the mount path) as a subdirectory of the target, when –all is used

  • --delete Whether to delete extraneous files in the target directory

  • --exclude (expects a value) File(s) to exclude from the download (pattern)

  • --include (expects a value) File(s) not to exclude (pattern)

  • --refresh Whether to refresh the cache

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --worker (expects a value) A worker name

  • --instance (-I) (expects a value) An instance ID

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

mount:list Anchor to this heading

Get a list of mounts

Aliases: mounts

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform mounts [--paths] [--refresh] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP] [--worker WORKER] [-I|--instance INSTANCE]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --paths Output the mount paths only (one per line)

  • --refresh Whether to refresh the cache

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: definition, path. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --worker (expects a value) A worker name

  • --instance (-I) (expects a value) An instance ID

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

mount:upload Anchor to this heading

Upload files to a mount, using rsync

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform mount:upload [--source SOURCE] [-m|--mount MOUNT] [--delete] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--include INCLUDE] [--refresh] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP] [--worker WORKER] [-I|--instance INSTANCE]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --source (expects a value) A directory containing files to upload

  • --mount (-m) (expects a value) The mount (as an app-relative path)

  • --delete Whether to delete extraneous files in the mount

  • --exclude (expects a value) File(s) to exclude from the upload (pattern)

  • --include (expects a value) File(s) not to exclude (pattern)

  • --refresh Whether to refresh the cache

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --worker (expects a value) A worker name

  • --instance (-I) (expects a value) An instance ID

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

operation:list Anchor to this heading

List runtime operations on an environment

Aliases: ops

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform ops [--full] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP] [--worker WORKER] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --full Do not limit the length of command to display. The default limit is 24 lines.

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --worker (expects a value) A worker name

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: service*, name*, start*, role, stop (* = default columns). The character “+” can be used as a placeholder for the default columns. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

operation:run Anchor to this heading

Run an operation on the environment

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform operation:run [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP] [--worker WORKER] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] [<operation>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • operation(optional) The operation name

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --worker (expects a value) A worker name

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

organization:billing:address Anchor to this heading

View or change an organization’s billing address

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform organization:billing:address [-o|--org ORG] [-p|--project PROJECT] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [--] [<property>] [<value>] [<properties>]...

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • property(optional) The name of a property to view or change

  • value(optional) A new value for the property

  • properties(optional; multiple values allowed) Additional property/value pairs

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) The organization name (or ID)

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL, to auto-select the organization if –org is not used

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

organization:billing:profile Anchor to this heading

View or change an organization’s billing profile

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform organization:billing:profile [-o|--org ORG] [-p|--project PROJECT] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [--] [<property>] [<value>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • property(optional) The name of a property to view or change

  • value(optional) A new value for the property

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) The organization name (or ID)

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL, to auto-select the organization if –org is not used

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

organization:create Anchor to this heading

Create a new organization

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform organization:create [--label LABEL] [--name NAME] [--country COUNTRY]

Organizations allow you to manage your projects, users and billing. Projects are owned by organizations.

You can add other users to your organization, for collaboratively managing the organization as well as its projects and billing information.

Access to individual projects (API and SSH) is managed separately, for now.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --label (expects a value) The full name of the organization, e.g. “ACME Inc.”

  • --name (expects a value) The organization machine name, used for URL paths and similar purposes.

  • --country (expects a value) The organization country. Used as the default for the billing address.

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

organization:delete Anchor to this heading

Delete an organization

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform organization:delete [-o|--org ORG] [-p|--project PROJECT]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) The organization name (or ID)

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL, to auto-select the organization if –org is not used

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

organization:info Anchor to this heading

View or change organization details

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform organization:info [-o|--org ORG] [-p|--project PROJECT] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [--] [<property>] [<value>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • property(optional) The name of a property to view or change

  • value(optional) A new value for the property

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) The organization name (or ID)

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL, to auto-select the organization if –org is not used

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • View the organization “acme”:
platform organization:info --org acme
  • Show the organization’s label:
platform organization:info --org acme label
  • Change the organization label:
platform organization:info --org acme label "ACME Inc."

organization:list Anchor to this heading

List organizations

Aliases: orgs, organizations

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform orgs [--my] [--sort SORT] [--reverse] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --my List only the organizations you own

  • --sort (expects a value) An organization property to sort by

  • --reverse Sort in reverse order

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: name*, label*, owner_email*, created_at, id, owner_id, owner_username, updated_at (* = default columns). The character “+” can be used as a placeholder for the default columns. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

organization:subscription:list Anchor to this heading

List subscriptions within an organization

Aliases: org:subs

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform org:subs [--page PAGE] [-c|--count COUNT] [-o|--org ORG] [-p|--project PROJECT] [--format FORMAT] [--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --page (expects a value) Page number. This enables pagination, despite configuration or –count.

  • --count (-c) (expects a value) The number of items to display per page. Use 0 to disable pagination. Ignored if –page is specified.

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) The organization name (or ID)

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL, to auto-select the organization if –org is not used

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: id*, project_id*, project_title*, project_region*, created_at, updated_at (* = default columns). The character “+” can be used as a placeholder for the default columns. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

organization:user:add Anchor to this heading

Invite a user to an organization

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform organization:user:add [-o|--org ORG] [--permission PERMISSION] [--] [<email>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • email(optional) The email address of the user

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) The organization name (or ID)

  • --permission (expects a value) Permission(s) for the user on the organization. Valid permissions are: billing, members, plans, projects:create, projects:list

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

organization:user:delete Anchor to this heading

Remove a user from an organization

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform organization:user:delete [-o|--org ORG] [--] <email>

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • email(required) The email address of the user

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) The organization name (or ID)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

organization:user:get Anchor to this heading

View an organization user

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform organization:user:get [-o|--org ORG] [-P|--property PROPERTY] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [--] [<email>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • email(optional) The email address of the user

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) The organization name (or ID)

  • --property (-P) (expects a value) A property to display

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

organization:user:list Anchor to this heading

List organization users

Aliases: org:users

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform org:users [-c|--count COUNT] [--sort SORT] [--reverse] [-o|--org ORG] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [--format FORMAT] [--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --count (-c) (expects a value) The number of items to display per page. Use 0 to disable pagination.

  • --sort (expects a value) A property to sort by (created_at or updated_at)

  • --reverse Reverse the sort order

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) The organization name (or ID)

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: id*, email*, owner*, permissions*, created_at, first_name, last_name, mfa_enabled, sso_enabled, updated_at, username (* = default columns). The character “+” can be used as a placeholder for the default columns. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

organization:user:projects Anchor to this heading

List the projects a user can access

Aliases: oups

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform oups [-o|--org ORG] [--list-all] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [--] [<email>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • email(optional) The email address of the user

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) The organization name (or ID)

  • --list-all List access across all organizations

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: project_id*, project_title*, roles*, updated_at*, granted_at, organization_id, organization_label, organization_name, region (* = default columns). The character “+” can be used as a placeholder for the default columns. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

organization:user:update Anchor to this heading

Update an organization user

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform organization:user:update [-o|--org ORG] [--permission PERMISSION] [--] [<email>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • email(optional) The email address of the user

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) The organization name (or ID)

  • --permission (expects a value) Permission(s) for the user on the organization. Valid permissions are: billing, members, plans, projects:create, projects:list

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

project:clear-build-cache Anchor to this heading

Clear a project’s build cache

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform project:clear-build-cache [-p|--project PROJECT]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

project:create Anchor to this heading

Create a new project

Aliases: create

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform create [-o|--org ORG] [--title TITLE] [--region REGION] [--plan PLAN] [--environments ENVIRONMENTS] [--storage STORAGE] [--default-branch DEFAULT-BRANCH] [--set-remote] [--no-set-remote]

Use this command to create a new project.

An interactive form will be presented with the available options. If the command is run non-interactively (with –yes), the form will not be displayed, and the –region option will be required.

A project subscription will be requested, and then checked periodically (every 3 seconds) until the project has been activated, or until the process times out (15 minutes by default).

If known, the project ID will be output to STDOUT. All other output will be sent to STDERR.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) The organization name (or ID)

  • --title (expects a value) The initial project title

  • --region (expects a value) The region where the project will be hosted.

  • --plan (expects a value) The subscription plan

  • --environments (expects a value) The number of environments

  • --storage (expects a value) The amount of storage per environment, in GiB

  • --default-branch (expects a value) The default Git branch name for the project (the production environment)

  • --set-remote Set the new project as the remote for this repository. This is the default if no remote project is already set.

  • --no-set-remote Do not set the new project as the remote for this repository

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

project:delete Anchor to this heading

Delete a project

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform project:delete [-p|--project PROJECT] [--] [<project>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • project(optional) The project ID

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

project:get Anchor to this heading

Clone a project locally

Aliases: get

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform get [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--depth DEPTH] [--build] [-p|--project PROJECT] [--] [<project>] [<directory>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • project(optional) The project ID

  • directory(optional) The directory to clone to. Defaults to the project title

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID to clone. Defaults to the project default, or the first available environment

  • --depth (expects a value) Create a shallow clone: limit the number of commits in the history

  • --build Build the project after cloning

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Clone the project “abc123” into the directory “my-project”:
platform project:get abc123 my-project

project:info Anchor to this heading

Read or set properties for a project

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform project:info [--refresh] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] [<property>] [<value>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • property(optional) The name of the property

  • value(optional) Set a new value for the property

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --refresh Whether to refresh the cache

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Read all project properties:
platform project:info 
  • Show the project’s Git URL:
platform project:info git
  • Change the project’s title:
platform project:info title "My project"

project:init Anchor to this heading

Initialize a project

Aliases: ify

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform project:init

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|vv|vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Create the starter YAML files for your project:
platform project:init 

project:list Anchor to this heading

Get a list of all active projects

Aliases: projects, pro

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform projects [--pipe] [--region REGION] [--title TITLE] [--my] [--refresh REFRESH] [--sort SORT] [--reverse] [--page PAGE] [-c|--count COUNT] [-o|--org ORG] [--format FORMAT] [--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --pipe Output a simple list of project IDs. Disables pagination.

  • --region (expects a value) Filter by region (exact match)

  • --title (expects a value) Filter by title (case-insensitive search)

  • --my Display only the projects you own (through organizations you own)

  • --refresh (expects a value) Whether to refresh the list

  • --sort (expects a value) A property to sort by

  • --reverse Sort in reverse (descending) order

  • --page (expects a value) Page number. This enables pagination, despite configuration or –count. Ignored if –pipe is specified.

  • --count (-c) (expects a value) The number of projects to display per page. Use 0 to disable pagination. Ignored if –page is specified.

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) Filter by organization name or ID

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: id*, title*, region*, organization_name*, created_at, organization_id, organization_label, status (* = default columns). The character “+” can be used as a placeholder for the default columns. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

project:set-remote Anchor to this heading

Set the remote project for the current Git repository

Aliases: set-remote

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform set-remote [<project>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • project(optional) The project ID

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Set the remote project for this repository to “abcdef123456”:
platform project:set-remote abcdef123456
  • Unset the remote project for this repository:
platform project:set-remote -

repo:cat Anchor to this heading

Read a file in the project repository

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform repo:cat [-c|--commit COMMIT] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--] <path>

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • path(required) The path to the file

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --commit (-c) (expects a value) The commit SHA. This can also accept “HEAD”, and caret (^) or tilde (~) suffixes for parent commits.

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Read the services configuration file:
platform repo:cat .platform/services.yaml

repo:ls Anchor to this heading

List files in the project repository

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform repo:ls [-d|--directories] [-f|--files] [--git-style] [-c|--commit COMMIT] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--] [<path>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • path(optional) The path to a subdirectory

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --directories (-d) Show directories only

  • --files (-f) Show files only

  • --git-style Style output similar to “git ls-tree”

  • --commit (-c) (expects a value) The commit SHA. This can also accept “HEAD”, and caret (^) or tilde (~) suffixes for parent commits.

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

repo:read Anchor to this heading

Read a directory or file in the project repository

Aliases: read

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform read [-c|--commit COMMIT] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--] [<path>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • path(optional) The path to the directory or file

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --commit (-c) (expects a value) The commit SHA. This can also accept “HEAD”, and caret (^) or tilde (~) suffixes for parent commits.

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

resources:build:get Anchor to this heading

View the build resources of a project

Aliases: build-resources:get, build-resources

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform build-resources:get [-p|--project PROJECT] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: cpu, memory. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

route:get Anchor to this heading

View detailed information about a route

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform route:get [--id ID] [-1|--primary] [-P|--property PROPERTY] [--refresh] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP] [-i|--identity-file IDENTITY-FILE] [--] [<route>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • route(optional) The route’s original URL

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --id (expects a value) A route ID to select

  • --primary (-1) Select the primary route

  • --property (-P) (expects a value) The property to display

  • --refresh Bypass the cache of routes

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) [Deprecated option, no longer used]

  • --identity-file (-i) (expects a value) [Deprecated option, no longer used]

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • View the URL to the https://{default}/ route:
platform route:get 'https://{default}/' -P url

route:list Anchor to this heading

List all routes for an environment

Aliases: routes

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform routes [--refresh] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--] [<environment>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • environment(optional) The environment ID

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --refresh Bypass the cache of routes

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: route*, type*, to*, url (* = default columns). The character “+” can be used as a placeholder for the default columns. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

service:list Anchor to this heading

List services in the project

Aliases: services

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform services [--refresh] [--pipe] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --refresh Whether to refresh the cache

  • --pipe Output a list of service names only

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: disk, name, size, type. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

service:mongo:dump Anchor to this heading

Create a binary archive dump of data from MongoDB

Aliases: mongodump

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform mongodump [-c|--collection COLLECTION] [-z|--gzip] [-o|--stdout] [-r|--relationship RELATIONSHIP] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --collection (-c) (expects a value) The collection to dump

  • --gzip (-z) Compress the dump using gzip

  • --stdout (-o) Output to STDOUT instead of a file

  • --relationship (-r) (expects a value) The service relationship to use

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

service:mongo:export Anchor to this heading

Export data from MongoDB

Aliases: mongoexport

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform mongoexport [-c|--collection COLLECTION] [--jsonArray] [--type TYPE] [-f|--fields FIELDS] [-r|--relationship RELATIONSHIP] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --collection (-c) (expects a value) The collection to export

  • --jsonArray Export data as a single JSON array

  • --type (expects a value) The export type, e.g. “csv”

  • --fields (-f) (expects a value) The fields to export

  • --relationship (-r) (expects a value) The service relationship to use

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Export a CSV from the “users” collection:
platform service:mongo:export -c users --type csv -f name,email

service:mongo:restore Anchor to this heading

Restore a binary archive dump of data into MongoDB

Aliases: mongorestore

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform mongorestore [-c|--collection COLLECTION] [-r|--relationship RELATIONSHIP] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --collection (-c) (expects a value) The collection to restore

  • --relationship (-r) (expects a value) The service relationship to use

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

service:mongo:shell Anchor to this heading

Use the MongoDB shell

Aliases: mongo

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform mongo [--eval EVAL] [-r|--relationship RELATIONSHIP] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --eval (expects a value) Pass a JavaScript fragment to the shell

  • --relationship (-r) (expects a value) The service relationship to use

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Display collection names:
platform service:mongo:shell --eval 'printjson(db.getCollectionNames())'

service:redis-cli Anchor to this heading

Access the Redis CLI

Aliases: redis

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform redis [-r|--relationship RELATIONSHIP] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP] [--] [<args>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • args(optional) Arguments to add to the Redis command

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --relationship (-r) (expects a value) The service relationship to use

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Open the redis-cli shell:
platform service:redis-cli 
  • Ping the Redis server:
platform service:redis-cli ping
  • Show Redis status information:
platform service:redis-cli info
  • Scan keys:
platform service:redis-cli -- --scan
  • Scan keys matching a pattern:
platform service:redis-cli -- "--scan --pattern '*-11*'"

source-operation:list Anchor to this heading

List source operations on an environment

Aliases: source-ops

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform source-ops [--full] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --full Do not limit the length of command to display. The default limit is 24 lines.

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: app, command, operation. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

source-operation:run Anchor to this heading

Run a source operation

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform source-operation:run [--variable VARIABLE] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] [<operation>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • operation(optional) The operation name

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --variable (expects a value) A variable to set during the operation, in the format type:name=value

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Run the “update” operation, setting environment variable FOO=bar:
platform source-operation:run update --variable env:FOO=bar

ssh-cert:load Anchor to this heading

Generate an SSH certificate

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform ssh-cert:load [--refresh-only] [--new] [--new-key]

This command checks if a valid SSH certificate is present, and generates a new one if necessary.

Certificates allow you to make SSH connections without having previously uploaded a public key. They are more secure than keys and they allow for other features.

Normally the certificate is loaded automatically during login, or when making an SSH connection. So this command is seldom needed.

If you want to set up certificates without login and without an SSH-related command, for example if you are writing a script that uses an API token via an environment variable, then you would probably want to run this command explicitly. For unattended scripts, remember to turn off interaction via –yes or the PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION environment variable.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --refresh-only Only refresh the certificate, if necessary (do not write SSH config)

  • --new Force the certificate to be refreshed

  • --new-key Force a new key pair to be generated

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

ssh-key:add Anchor to this heading

Add a new SSH key

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform ssh-key:add [--name NAME] [--] [<path>]

This command lets you add an SSH key to your account. It can generate a key using OpenSSH.

Notice: SSH keys are no longer needed by default, as SSH certificates are supported. Certificates offer more security than keys.

To load or check your SSH certificate, run: platform ssh-cert:load

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • path(optional) The path to an existing SSH public key

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --name (expects a value) A name to identify the key

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

ssh-key:delete Anchor to this heading

Delete an SSH key

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform ssh-key:delete [<id>]

This command lets you delete SSH keys from your account.

Notice: SSH keys are no longer needed by default, as SSH certificates are supported. Certificates offer more security than keys.

To load or check your SSH certificate, run: platform ssh-cert:load

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • id(optional) The ID of the SSH key to delete

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Delete the key 123:
platform ssh-key:delete 123

ssh-key:list Anchor to this heading

Get a list of SSH keys in your account

Aliases: ssh-keys

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform ssh-keys [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header]

This command lets you list SSH keys in your account.

Notice: SSH keys are no longer needed by default, as SSH certificates are supported. Certificates offer more security than keys.

To load or check your SSH certificate, run: platform ssh-cert:load

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: id*, title*, path*, fingerprint (* = default columns). The character “+” can be used as a placeholder for the default columns. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

subscription:info Anchor to this heading

Read or modify subscription properties

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform subscription:info [-s|--id ID] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [-p|--project PROJECT] [--] [<property>] [<value>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • property(optional) The name of the property

  • value(optional) Set a new value for the property

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --id (-s) (expects a value) The subscription ID

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • View all subscription properties:
platform subscription:info 
  • View the subscription status:
platform subscription:info status
  • View the storage limit (in MiB):
platform subscription:info storage

team:create Anchor to this heading

Create a new team

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform team:create [--label LABEL] [--no-check-unique] [-r|--role ROLE] [--output-id] [-o|--org ORG]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --label (expects a value) The team label

  • --no-check-unique Do not error if another team exists with the same label in the organization

  • --role (-r) (expects a value) Set the team’s project and environment type roles Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard.

  • --output-id Output the new team’s ID to stdout (instead of displaying the team info)

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) The organization name (or ID)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

team:delete Anchor to this heading

Delete a team

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform team:delete [-o|--org ORG] [-t|--team TEAM]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) The organization name (or ID)

  • --team (-t) (expects a value) The team ID

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

team:get Anchor to this heading

View a team

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform team:get [-o|--org ORG] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-t|--team TEAM] [-P|--property PROPERTY] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) The organization name (or ID)

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL, to auto-select the organization if –org is not used

  • --team (-t) (expects a value) The team ID

  • --property (-P) (expects a value) The name of a property to view

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

team:list Anchor to this heading

List teams

Aliases: teams

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform teams [-c|--count COUNT] [--sort SORT] [--reverse] [-o|--org ORG] [-p|--project PROJECT] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [--format FORMAT] [--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --count (-c) (expects a value) The number of items to display per page. Use 0 to disable pagination.

  • --sort (expects a value) A team property to sort by

  • --reverse Sort in reverse order

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) The organization name (or ID)

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL, to auto-select the organization if –org is not used

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: id*, label*, member_count*, project_count*, project_permissions*, created_at, updated_at (* = default columns). The character “+” can be used as a placeholder for the default columns. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

team:project:add Anchor to this heading

Add project(s) to a team

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform team:project:add [--all] [-o|--org ORG] [-t|--team TEAM] [--] [<projects>]...

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • projects(optional; multiple values allowed) The project ID(s). Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --all Add all the projects that currently exist in the organization

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) The organization name (or ID)

  • --team (-t) (expects a value) The team ID

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

team:project:delete Anchor to this heading

Remove a project from a team

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform team:project:delete [-o|--org ORG] [-t|--team TEAM] [--] [<project>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • project(optional) The project ID

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) The organization name (or ID)

  • --team (-t) (expects a value) The team ID

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

team:project:list Anchor to this heading

List projects in a team

Aliases: team:projects, team:pro

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform team:projects [-c|--count COUNT] [-o|--org ORG] [-t|--team TEAM] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [--format FORMAT] [--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --count (-c) (expects a value) The number of items to display per page (max: 200). Use 0 to disable pagination

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) The organization name (or ID)

  • --team (-t) (expects a value) The team ID

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: id*, title*, granted_at*, updated_at (* = default columns). The character “+” can be used as a placeholder for the default columns. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

team:update Anchor to this heading

Update a team

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform team:update [--label LABEL] [--no-check-unique] [-r|--role ROLE] [-t|--team TEAM] [-o|--org ORG] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --label (expects a value) Set a new team label

  • --no-check-unique Do not error if another team exists with the same label in the organization

  • --role (-r) (expects a value) Set the team’s project and environment type roles Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard.

  • --team (-t) (expects a value) The team ID

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) The organization name (or ID)

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

team:user:add Anchor to this heading

Add a user to a team

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform team:user:add [-o|--org ORG] [-t|--team TEAM] [--] [<user>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • user(optional) The user email address or ID

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) The organization name (or ID)

  • --team (-t) (expects a value) The team ID

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

team:user:delete Anchor to this heading

Remove a user from a team

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform team:user:delete [-o|--org ORG] [-t|--team TEAM] [--] [<user>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • user(optional) The user email address or ID

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) The organization name (or ID)

  • --team (-t) (expects a value) The team ID

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

team:user:list Anchor to this heading

List users in a team

Aliases: team:users

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform team:users [-c|--count COUNT] [-o|--org ORG] [-t|--team TEAM] [--date-fmt DATE-FMT] [--format FORMAT] [--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --count (-c) (expects a value) The number of items to display per page. Use 0 to disable pagination

  • --org (-o) (expects a value) The organization name (or ID)

  • --team (-t) (expects a value) The team ID

  • --date-fmt (expects a value) The date format (as a PHP date format string)

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: id*, email*, created_at*, updated_at (* = default columns). The character “+” can be used as a placeholder for the default columns. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

tunnel:close Anchor to this heading

Close SSH tunnels

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform tunnel:close [-a|--all] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --all (-a) Close all tunnels

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

tunnel:info Anchor to this heading

View relationship info for SSH tunnels

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform tunnel:info [-P|--property PROPERTY] [-c|--encode] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --property (-P) (expects a value) The relationship property to view

  • --encode (-c) Output as base64-encoded JSON

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

tunnel:list Anchor to this heading

List SSH tunnels

Aliases: tunnels

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform tunnels [-a|--all] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --all (-a) View all tunnels

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: port*, project*, environment*, app*, relationship*, url (* = default columns). The character “+” can be used as a placeholder for the default columns. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

tunnel:open Anchor to this heading

Open SSH tunnels to an app’s relationships

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform tunnel:open [-g|--gateway-ports] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP]

This command opens SSH tunnels to all of the relationships of an application.

Connections can then be made to the application’s services as if they were local, for example a local MySQL client can be used, or the Solr web administration endpoint can be accessed through a local browser.

This command requires the posix and pcntl PHP extensions (as multiple background CLI processes are created to keep the SSH tunnels open). The tunnel:single command can be used on systems without these extensions.

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --gateway-ports (-g) Allow remote hosts to connect to local forwarded ports

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

tunnel:single Anchor to this heading

Open a single SSH tunnel to an app relationship

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform tunnel:single [--port PORT] [-g|--gateway-ports] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP] [-r|--relationship RELATIONSHIP]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --port (expects a value) The local port

  • --gateway-ports (-g) Allow remote hosts to connect to local forwarded ports

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --app (-A) (expects a value) The remote application name

  • --relationship (-r) (expects a value) The service relationship to use

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

user:add Anchor to this heading

Add a user to the project

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform user:add [-r|--role ROLE] [--force-invite] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] [<email>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • email(optional) The user’s email address

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --role (-r) (expects a value) The user’s project role (‘admin’ or ‘viewer’) or environment type role (e.g. ‘staging:contributor’ or ‘production:viewer’). To remove a user from an environment type, set the role as ’none’. The % or * characters can be used as a wildcard for the environment type, e.g. ‘%:viewer’ to give the user the ‘viewer’ role on all types. The role can be abbreviated, e.g. ‘production:v’.

  • --force-invite Send an invitation, even if one has already been sent

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Add Alice as a project admin:
platform user:add -r admin
  • Add Bob as a viewer on the “production” environment type, and a contributor on “development” environments:
platform user:add -r production:v -r development:c
  • Add Charlie as viewer on “production” and “development”:
platform user:add -r prod%:v -r dev%:v

user:delete Anchor to this heading

Delete a user from the project

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform user:delete [-p|--project PROJECT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] <email>

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • email(required) The user’s email address

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Delete Alice from the project:
platform user:delete

user:get Anchor to this heading

View a user’s role(s)

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform user:get [-l|--level LEVEL] [--pipe] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [-r|--role ROLE] [--] [<email>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • email(optional) The user’s email address

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --level (-l) (expects a value) The role level (‘project’ or ’environment’)

  • --pipe Output the role to stdout (after making any changes)

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --role (-r) (expects a value) [Deprecated: use user:update to change a user’s role(s)]

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • View Alice’s role on the project:
platform user:get
  • View Alice’s role on the current environment:
platform user:get --level environment --pipe

user:list Anchor to this heading

List project users

Aliases: users

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform users [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [-p|--project PROJECT]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: email*, name*, role*, id*, granted_at, permissions, updated_at (* = default columns). The character “+” can be used as a placeholder for the default columns. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

user:update Anchor to this heading

Update user role(s) on a project

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform user:update [-r|--role ROLE] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] [<email>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • email(optional) The user’s email address

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --role (-r) (expects a value) The user’s project role (‘admin’ or ‘viewer’) or environment type role (e.g. ‘staging:contributor’ or ‘production:viewer’). To remove a user from an environment type, set the role as ’none’. The % or * characters can be used as a wildcard for the environment type, e.g. ‘%:viewer’ to give the user the ‘viewer’ role on all types. The role can be abbreviated, e.g. ‘production:v’.

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Make Bob an admin on the “development” and “staging” environment types:
platform user:update -r development:a,staging:a
  • Make Charlie a contributor on all environment types:
platform user:update -r %:c

variable:create Anchor to this heading

Create a variable

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform variable:create [-u|--update] [-l|--level LEVEL] [--name NAME] [--value VALUE] [--json JSON] [--sensitive SENSITIVE] [--prefix PREFIX] [--enabled ENABLED] [--inheritable INHERITABLE] [--visible-build VISIBLE-BUILD] [--visible-runtime VISIBLE-RUNTIME] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] [<name>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • name(optional) The variable name

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --update (-u) Update the variable if it already exists

  • --level (-l) (expects a value) The level at which to set the variable (‘project’ or ’environment’)

  • --name (expects a value) The variable name

  • --value (expects a value) The variable’s value

  • --json (expects a value) Whether the variable value is JSON-formatted

  • --sensitive (expects a value) Whether the variable value is sensitive

  • --prefix (expects a value) The variable name’s prefix which can determine its type, e.g. ’env’. Only applicable if the name does not already contain a prefix. (e.g. ’none’ or ’env:’)

  • --enabled (expects a value) Whether the variable should be enabled on the environment

  • --inheritable (expects a value) Whether the variable is inheritable by child environments

  • --visible-build (expects a value) Whether the variable should be visible at build time

  • --visible-runtime (expects a value) Whether the variable should be visible at runtime

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

variable:delete Anchor to this heading

Delete a variable

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform variable:delete [-l|--level LEVEL] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] <name>

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • name(required) The variable name

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --level (-l) (expects a value) The variable level (‘project’, ’environment’, ‘p’ or ’e’)

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • Delete the variable “example”:
platform variable:delete example

variable:get Anchor to this heading

View a variable

Aliases: vget

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform vget [-P|--property PROPERTY] [-l|--level LEVEL] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--pipe] [--] [<name>]

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • name(optional) The name of the variable

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --property (-P) (expects a value) View a single variable property

  • --level (-l) (expects a value) The variable level (‘project’, ’environment’, ‘p’ or ’e’)

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --pipe [Deprecated option] Output the variable value only

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

Examples Anchor to this heading

  • View the variable “example”:
platform variable:get example

variable:list Anchor to this heading

List variables

Aliases: variables, var

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform variables [-l|--level LEVEL] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --level (-l) (expects a value) The variable level (‘project’, ’environment’, ‘p’ or ’e’)

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: is_enabled, level, name, value. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

variable:update Anchor to this heading

Update a variable

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform variable:update [--allow-no-change] [-l|--level LEVEL] [--value VALUE] [--json JSON] [--sensitive SENSITIVE] [--enabled ENABLED] [--inheritable INHERITABLE] [--visible-build VISIBLE-BUILD] [--visible-runtime VISIBLE-RUNTIME] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-W|--no-wait] [--wait] [--] <name>

Arguments Anchor to this heading

  • name(required) The variable name

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --allow-no-change Return success (zero exit code) if no changes were provided

  • --level (-l) (expects a value) The variable level (‘project’, ’environment’, ‘p’ or ’e’)

  • --value (expects a value) The variable’s value

  • --json (expects a value) Whether the variable value is JSON-formatted

  • --sensitive (expects a value) Whether the variable value is sensitive

  • --enabled (expects a value) Whether the variable should be enabled on the environment

  • --inheritable (expects a value) Whether the variable is inheritable by child environments

  • --visible-build (expects a value) Whether the variable should be visible at build time

  • --visible-runtime (expects a value) Whether the variable should be visible at runtime

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --no-wait (-W) Do not wait for the operation to complete

  • --wait Wait for the operation to complete (default)

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

worker:list Anchor to this heading

Get a list of all deployed workers

Aliases: workers

Usage Anchor to this heading

platform workers [--refresh] [--pipe] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--format FORMAT] [-c|--columns COLUMNS] [--no-header]

Options Anchor to this heading

  • --refresh Whether to refresh the cache

  • --pipe Output a list of worker names only

  • --project (-p) (expects a value) The project ID or URL

  • --environment (-e) (expects a value) The environment ID. Use “.” to select the project’s default environment.

  • --format (expects a value) The output format: table, csv, tsv, or plain

  • --columns (-c) (expects a value) Columns to display. Available columns: commands, name, type. The % or * characters may be used as a wildcard. Values may be split by commas (e.g. “a,b,c”) and/or whitespace.

  • --no-header Do not output the table header

  • --help (-h) Display this help message

  • --verbose (-v|-vv|-vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages

  • --version (-V) Display this application version

  • --yes (-y) Answer “yes” to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction

  • --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1

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