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Our Dedicated Environments are well-suited for those who need more resources and redundancy, along with stricter isolation requirements.

When you create a project on, you can choose to deploy it using one of three types of architecture offerings: Professional (known as Grid), Dedicated Generation 2 (DG2) or Dedicated Generation 3 (DG3). 

What is Dedicated? Anchor to this heading

DG2 and DG3 are classified as Dedicated Environments (Dedicated). This is because your production environment is replicated across at least three virtual servers that are dedicated solely to your project.

In the diagram below, we can see that the Dedicated architecture provides three virtual servers that act as isolated hosts for a site in a failover configuration. Within each server, all the data of your site is synced.

The dedicated architecture

Having three isolated hosts means that when one becomes unavailable, the others take over, so your site will always remain up and running. This differs from the Grid architecture, where a single host runs multiple projects from various customers simultaneously. 

From the Grid architecture diagram below, we can see that projects hosted in Grid share resources. The CPU, memory, and networking with other projects are all running on the same host. There is only one host that can be relied on in a failover configuration, and this host also holds the resources of various other sites. There is also a Ceph storage dependency.

The grid architecture

Deployment Anchor to this heading

With a Dedicated Environment, you are given the freedom to deploy into any public region of supported IaaS providers (currently AWS, Azure, GCP, OVH). This differs from the Grid architecture, which is solely available in public regions.

For a full list of public regions and IP addresses, visit the Regions page.

In a Grid region, incoming and outgoing traffic is handled via central region gateways, and publicly available IP addresses can be used for external firewalls. The public IP addresses for these public regions are stable but not guaranteed never to change.

Grid vs Dedicated Anchor to this heading

Whether you choose a Grid or Dedicated Environment depends on the needs you have. In the table below, you can see the different ways in which either might work for you: 

Availability All support tiers Just with Enterprise or Elite
Uptime SLA 99.9% with Enterprise or Elite 99.99% with Enterprise or Elite
Infrastructure Containers with dedicated resources on top of a shared redundant infrastructure Dedicated 3 node clusters
Functioning A single container is deployed per runtime and per service At least 3 nodes are running all applications and services are replicated across all of them
Resource Allocation Resources are spread through one container with fixed sizes after deployment Resources are deployed across a least 3 nodes
Usable regions Any public region can be used to deploy Any public region of supported IaaS providers can be used to deploy
Autonomous upsize Yes Managed through
Upsize and downsize methods Redeploy - possible downtime depending on the hooks No downtime - each instance is altered in a rolling fashion
Multi-app support Supported natively Supported through docroots on Dedicated Gen 2 and supported natively on Dedicated Gen 3
Custom domains name On all branches for Enterprise and Elite customers On all branches for Enterprise and Elite customers
Sync and merge functionalities Yes on all branches Only on development environments on Dedicated Gen 2 and on all branches on Dedicated Gen3
Environment clone Yes on all branches Only on development environments on Dedicated Gen 2 and on all branches on Dedicated Gen3
MySQL Replication None: standalone service container Yes: at least 3 services nodes cluster that follow the leader-follower principle
Redis Replication None: standalone service container Yes: at least 3 services nodes cluster
MongoDB Standalone service container Yes
CDN A managed Fastly CDN service can be purchased through Fastly
PHP version upgrade Self-service Self-service
NodeJS version upgrade Self-service Self-service
Routes management Self-service Self-service
Cron management Self-service Self-service
Cron tasks interrupted by deploys No: a running Cron task will block a deployment until it is complete Yes: a deploy will terminate a running Cron task
Mounts management Self-service Self-service
Workers management Self-service Managed by
Storage increase Self-service Managed by
Storage allocation between mounts, DB and services Self-service Managed by on Dedicated Gen 2, Self-service on Dedicated Gen 3

For more information about our Dedicated offerings, explore our Dedicated Gen 2 and Dedicated Gen 3 pages.