User Documentation

Single-runtime image

See all of the options for controlling your apps and how they’re built and deployed on

For single-app projects, the configuration is all done in a file, usually located at the root of your app folder in your Git repository. Multi-app projects can be set up in various ways.

See a comprehensive example of a configuration in a file.

For reference, see a log of changes to app configuration.

Top-level properties Anchor to this heading

The following table presents all properties available at the top level of the YAML for the app.

The column Set in instance? defines whether the given property can be overridden within a web or workers instance. To override any part of a property, you have to provide the entire property.

Name Type Required Set in instance? Description
name string Yes No A unique name for the app. Must be lowercase alphanumeric characters. Changing the name destroys data associated with the app.
type A type Yes No The base image to use with a specific app language. Format: runtime:version.
size A size Yes How much resources to devote to the app. Defaults to AUTO in production environments.
relationships A dictionary of relationships Yes Connections to other services and apps.
disk integer or null Yes The size of the disk space for the app in MB. Minimum value is 128. Defaults to null, meaning no disk is available. See note on available space
mounts A dictionary of mounts Yes Directories that are writable even after the app is built. If set as a local source, disk is required.
web A web instance N/A How the web application is served.
workers A worker instance N/A Alternate copies of the application to run as background processes.
timezone string No The timezone for crons to run. Format: a TZ database name. Defaults to UTC, which is the timezone used for all logs no matter the value here. See also app runtime timezones
access An access dictionary Yes Access control for roles accessing app environments.
variables A variables dictionary Yes Variables to control the environment.
firewall A firewall dictionary Yes Outbound firewall rules for the application.
build A build dictionary No What happens when the app is built.
dependencies A dependencies dictionary No What global dependencies to install before the build hook is run.
hooks A hooks dictionary No What commands run at different stages in the build and deploy process.
crons A cron dictionary No Scheduled tasks for the app.
source A source dictionary No Information on the app’s source code and operations that can be run on it.
runtime A runtime dictionary No Customizations to your PHP or Lisp runtime.
additional_hosts An additional hosts dictionary Yes Maps of hostnames to IP addresses.

Root directory Anchor to this heading

Some of the properties you can define are relative to your app’s root directory. The root defaults to the location of your file.

That is, if a custom value for source.root is not provided in your configuration, the default behavior is equivalent to the above.

To specify another directory, for example for a multi-app project, use the source.root property.

Types Anchor to this heading

The type defines the base container image used to run the application. The version is the major (X) and sometimes minor (X.Y) version numbers, depending on the service, as in the following table. Security and other patches are taken care of for you automatically.

Available languages and their supported versions:

Language runtime Supported version
C#/.Net Core dotnet 7.0, 6.0, 8.0
Elixir elixir 1.18, 1.15, 1.14
Go golang 1.23, 1.22, 1.21, 1.20
Java java 21, 19, 18, 17, 11, 8
Lisp lisp 2.1, 2.0, 1.5
JavaScript/Node.js nodejs 22, 20, 18
PHP php 8.4, 8.3, 8.2, 8.1
Python python 3.12, 3.11, 3.10, 3.9, 3.8
Ruby ruby 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
Rust rust 1

Example configuration Anchor to this heading

These are used in the format runtime:version:
type: 'php:8.4'

Sizes Anchor to this heading

Resources are distributed across all containers in an environment from the total available from your plan size. So if you have more than just a single app, it doesn’t get all of the resources available. Each environment has its own resources and there are different sizing rules for preview environments.

By default, resource sizes (CPU and memory) are chosen automatically for an app based on the plan size and the number of other containers in the cluster. Most of the time, this automatic sizing is enough.

You can set sizing suggestions for production environments when you know a given container has specific needs. Such as a worker that doesn’t need much and can free up resources for other apps. To do so, set size to one of the following values:

  • S
  • M
  • L
  • XL
  • 2XL
  • 4XL

The total resources allocated across all apps and services can’t exceed what’s in your plan.

Container profiles: CPU and memory Anchor to this heading

By default, allocates a container profile to each app and service depending on:

  • The range of resources it’s expected to need
  • Your plan size, as resources are distributed across containers. Ideally you want to give databases the biggest part of your memory, and apps the biggest part of your CPU.

The container profile and the size of the container determine how much CPU and memory (in MB) the container gets.

There are three container profiles available: HIGH_CPU, BALANCED, and HIGH_MEMORY.

HIGH_CPU container profile Anchor to this heading

S 0.40 128 MB
M 0.40 128 MB
L 1.20 256 MB
XL 2.50 384 MB
2XL 5.00 768 MB
4XL 10.00 1536 MB

BALANCED container profile Anchor to this heading

S 0.05 32 MB
M 0.05 64 MB
L 0.08 256 MB
XL 0.10 512 MB
2XL 0.20 1024 MB
4XL 0.40 2048 MB

HIGH_MEMORY container profile Anchor to this heading

S 0.25 128 MB
M 0.25 288 MB
L 0.40 1280 MB
XL 0.75 2624 MB
2XL 1.50 5248 MB
4XL 3.00 10496 MB

Container profile reference Anchor to this heading

The following table shows which container profiles applies when deploying your project.

Container Profile
Chrome Headless HIGH_CPU
Elasticsearch HIGH_MEMORY
Elasticsearch Premium HIGH_MEMORY
Memcached BALANCED
Network Storage HIGH_MEMORY
Node.js HIGH_CPU
Redis ephemeral BALANCED
Redis persistent BALANCED

Sizes in preview environments Anchor to this heading

Containers in preview environments don’t follow the size specification. Application containers are set based on the plan’s setting for Environments application size. The default is size S, but you can increase it by editing your plan. (Service containers in preview environments are always set to size S.)

Relationships Anchor to this heading

To allow containers in your project to communicate with one another, you need to define relationships between them. You can define a relationship between an app and a service, or between two apps.

The quickest way to define a relationship between your app and a service is to use the service’s default endpoint.
However, some services allow you to define multiple databases, cores, and/or permissions. In these cases, you can’t rely on default endpoints. Instead, you can explicitly define multiple endpoints when setting up your relationships.

To define a relationship between your app and a service:

Use the following configuration:

The SERVICE_NAME is the name of the service as defined in its configuration. It is used as the relationship name, and associated with a null value. This instructs to use the service’s default endpoint to connect your app to the service.

For example, if you define the following configuration:
  mariadb: looks for a service named mariadb in your .platform/services.yaml file, and connects your app to it through the service’s default endpoint.

For reference, the equivalent configuration using explicit endpoints would be the following:
    service: mariadb
    endpoint: mysql

You can define any number of relationships in this way:

Use the following configuration:
    service: SERVICE_NAME
    endpoint: ENDPOINT_NAME
  • RELATIONSHIP_NAME is the name you want to give to the relationship.
  • SERVICE_NAME is the name of the service as defined in its configuration.
  • ENDPOINT_NAME is the endpoint your app will use to connect to the service (refer to the service reference to know which value to use).

For example, to define a relationship named database that connects your app to a service called mariadb through the db1 endpoint, use the following configuration:
  database: # The name of the relationship.
    service: mariadb
    endpoint: db1

For more information on how to handle multiple databases, multiple cores, and/or different permissions with services that support such features, see each service’s dedicated page:

You can add as many relationships as you want to your app configuration, using both default and explicit endpoints according to your needs:
    service: mariadb
    endpoint: admin
    service: mariadb
    endpoint: legacy
    service: redis
    service: elasticsearch

Available disk space Anchor to this heading

The maximum total space available to all apps and services is set by the storage in your plan settings. When deploying your project, the sum of all disk keys defined in app and service configurations must be equal or less than the plan storage size.

So if your plan storage size is 5 GB, you can, for example, assign it in one of the following ways:

  • 2 GB to your app, 3 GB to your database
  • 1 GB to your app, 4 GB to your database
  • 1 GB to your app, 1 GB to your database, 3 GB to your OpenSearch service

If you exceed the total space available, you receive an error on pushing your code. You need to either increase your plan’s storage or decrease the disk values you’ve assigned.

You configure the disk size in MB. Your actual available disk space is slightly smaller with some space used for formatting and the filesystem journal. When checking available space, note whether it’s reported in MB or MiB.

Downsize a disk Anchor to this heading

You can decrease the size of an existing disk for an app. If you do so, be aware that:

  • Backups from before the downsize are incompatible and can no longer be used. You need to create new backups.
  • The downsize fails if there’s more data on the disk than the desired size.

Mounts Anchor to this heading

After your app is built, its file system is read-only. To make changes to your app’s code, you need to use Git.

For enhanced flexibility, allows you to define and use writable directories called “mounts”. Mounts give you write access to files generated by your app (such as cache and log files) and uploaded files without going through Git.

When you define a mount, you are mounting an external directory to your app container, much like you would plug a hard drive into your computer to transfer data.

Define a mount Anchor to this heading

To define a mount, use the following configuration:
    source: MOUNT_TYPE
    source_path: SOURCE_PATH_LOCATION

MOUNT_PATH is the path to your mount within the app container (relative to the app’s root). If you already have a directory with that name, you get a warning that it isn’t accessible after the build. See how to troubleshoot the warning.

Name Type Required Description
source local, service, or tmp Yes Specifies the type of the mount:

- local mounts are unique to your app. They can be useful to store files that remain local to the app instance, such as application logs.
local mounts require disk space. To successfully set up a local mount, set the disk key in your app configuration.

- service mounts point to Network Storage services that can be shared between several apps.

- tmp mounts are local ephemeral mounts, where an external directory is mounted to the /tmp directory of your app.
The content of a tmp mount may be removed during infrastructure maintenance operations. Therefore, tmp mounts allow you to store files that you’re not afraid to lose, such as your application cache that can be seamlessly rebuilt.
Note that the /tmp directory has a maximum allocation of 8 GB.
source_path string No Specifies where the mount points inside the external directory.

- If you explicitly set a source_path, your mount points to a specific subdirectory in the external directory.

- If the source_path is an empty string (""), your mount points to the entire external directory.

- If you don’t define a source_path, uses the MOUNT_PATH as default value, without leading or trailing slashes.
For example, if your mount lives in the /web/uploads/ directory in your app container, it will point to a directory named web/uploads in the external directory.

WARNING: Changing the name of your mount affects the source_path when it’s undefined. See how to ensure continuity and maintain access to your files.
service string Only for service mounts: the name of the Network Storage service.

The accessibility to the web of a mounted directory depends on the web.locations configuration. Files can be all public, all private, or with different rules for different paths and file types.

Note that when you remove a local mount from your file, the mounted directory isn’t deleted. The files still exist on disk until manually removed (or until the app container is moved to another host during a maintenance operation in the case of a tmp mount).

Example configuration Anchor to this heading
    source: local
    source_path: uploads
    source: tmp
    source_path: files/.tmp_platformsh
    source: local
    source_path: files/build
    source: tmp
    source_path: files/.cache
    source: tmp
    source_path: files/node_modules/.cache

For examples of how to set up a service mount, see the dedicated Network Storage page.

Ensure continuity when changing the name of your mount Anchor to this heading

Changing the name of your mount affects the default source_path.

Say you have a /my/cache/ mount with an undefined source_path:
    source: tmp

If you rename the mount to /cache/files/, it will point to a new, empty /cache/files/ directory.

To ensure continuity, you need to explicitly define the source_path as the previous name of the mount, without leading or trailing slashes:
   source: tmp
   source_path: my/cache

The /cache/files/ mount will point to the original /my/cache/ directory, maintaining access to all your existing files in that directory.

Overlapping mounts Anchor to this heading

The locations of mounts as they are visible to application containers can overlap somewhat. For example:

    # ...
        source: service
        service: ns_service
        source_path: cacheA
        source: tmp
        source_path: cacheB
        source: local
        source_path: cacheC

In this case, it does not matter that each mount is of a different source type. Each mount is restricted to a subfolder within var, and all is well.

The following, however, is not allowed and will result in a failure:

    # ...
        source: service
        service: ns_service
        source_path: cacheA
        source: tmp
        source_path: cacheB
        source: local
        source_path: cacheC

The service mount type specifically exists to share data between instances of the same application, whereas tmp and instance are meant to restrict data to build time and runtime of a single application instance, respectively. These allowances are not compatible, and will result in an error if pushed.

Web Anchor to this heading

Use the web key to configure the web server running in front of your app. Defaults may vary with a different image type.

Name Type Required Description
commands A web commands dictionary See note The command to launch your app.
upstream An upstream dictionary How the front server connects to your app.
locations A locations dictionary How the app container responds to incoming requests.

See some examples of how to configure what’s served.

Web commands Anchor to this heading

Name Type Required Description
pre_start string Command run just prior to start, which can be useful when you need to run per-instance actions.
start string See note The command to launch your app. If it terminates, it’s restarted immediately.

    start: 'uwsgi --ini conf/server.ini'

This command runs every time your app is restarted, regardless of whether or not new code is deployed.

Required command Anchor to this heading

On all containers other than PHP, the value for start should be treated as required.

On PHP containers, it’s optional and defaults to starting PHP-FPM (/usr/bin/start-php-app). It can also be set explicitly on a PHP container to run a dedicated process, such as React PHP or Amp. See how to set up alternate start commands on PHP.

Upstream Anchor to this heading

Name Type Required Description Default
socket_family tcp or unix Whether your app listens on a Unix or TCP socket. Defaults to tcp for all image types except PHP; for PHP image types the default is unix.
protocol http or fastcgi Whether your app receives incoming requests over HTTP or FastCGI. Default varies based on image type.

For PHP, the defaults are configured for PHP-FPM and shouldn’t need adjustment. For all other containers, the default for protocol is http.

The following example is the default on non-PHP containers:
    socket_family: tcp
    protocol: http

Where to listen Anchor to this heading

Where to listen depends on your setting for web.upstream.socket_family (defaults to tcp).

socket_family Where to listen
tcp The port specified by the PORT environment variable
unix The Unix socket file specified by the SOCKET environment variable

If your application isn’t listening at the same place that the runtime is sending requests, you see 502 Bad Gateway errors when you try to connect to your website.

Locations Anchor to this heading

Each key in the locations dictionary is a path on your site with a leading /. For, a / matches and /admin matches When multiple keys match an incoming request, the most-specific applies.

The following table presents possible properties for each location:

Name Type Default Description
root string The directory to serve static assets for this location relative to the app’s root directory. Must be an actual directory inside the root directory.
passthru boolean or string false Whether to forward disallowed and missing resources from this location to the app. A string is a path with a leading / to the controller, such as /index.php.

If your app is in PHP, when setting passthru to true, you might want to set scripts to false for enhanced security. This prevents PHP scripts from being executed from the specified location. You might also want to set allow to false so that not only PHP scripts can’t be executed, but their source code also can’t be delivered.
index Array of strings or null Files to consider when serving a request for a directory. When set, requires access to the files through the allow or rules keys.
expires string -1 How long static assets are cached. The default means no caching. Setting it to a value enables the Cache-Control and Expires headers. Times can be suffixed with ms = milliseconds, s = seconds, m = minutes, h = hours, d = days, w = weeks, M = months/30d, or y = years/365d. If a Cache-Control appears on the headers configuration, expires, if set, will be ignored. Thus, make sure to set the Cache-Control’s max-age value when specifying a the header.
allow boolean true Whether to allow serving files which don’t match a rule.
scripts boolean Whether to allow scripts to run. Doesn’t apply to paths specified in passthru. Meaningful only on PHP containers.
headers A headers dictionary Any additional headers to apply to static assets, mapping header names to values (see Set custom headers on static content). Responses from the app aren’t affected.
request_buffering A request buffering dictionary See below Handling for chunked requests.
rules A rules dictionary Specific overrides for specific locations.

Rules Anchor to this heading

The rules dictionary can override most other keys according to a regular expression. The key of each item is a regular expression to match paths exactly. If an incoming request matches the rule, it’s handled by the properties under the rule, overriding any conflicting rules from the rest of the locations dictionary.

Under rules, you can set all of the other possible locations properties except root, index and request_buffering.

In the following example, the allow key disallows requests for static files anywhere in the site. This is overridden by a rule that explicitly allows common image file formats.
      # Handle dynamic requests
      root: 'public'
      passthru: '/index.php'
      # Disallow static files
      allow: false
        # Allow common image files only.
          allow: true

Request buffering Anchor to this heading

Request buffering is enabled by default to handle chunked requests as most app servers don’t support them. The following table shows the keys in the request_buffering dictionary:

Name Type Required Default Description
enabled boolean Yes true Whether request buffering is enabled.
max_request_size string 250m The maximum size to allow in one request.

The default configuration would look like this:
      passthru: true
        enabled: true
        max_request_size: 250m

Workers Anchor to this heading

Workers are exact copies of the code and compilation output as a web instance after a build hook. They use the same container image.

Workers can’t accept public requests and so are suitable only for background tasks. If they exit, they’re automatically restarted.

The keys of the workers definition are the names of the workers. You can then define how each worker differs from the web instance using the top-level properties.

Each worker can differ from the web instance in all properties except for:

  • build and dependencies properties, which must be the same
  • crons as cron jobs don’t run on workers
  • hooks as the build hook must be the same and the deploy and post_deploy hooks don’t run on workers.

A worker named queue that was small and had a different start command could look like this:
    size: S
    start: |

For resource allocation, using workers in your project requires a Medium plan or larger.

Access Anchor to this heading

The access dictionary has one allowed key:

Name Allowed values Default Description
ssh admin, contributor, or viewer contributor Defines the minimum role required to access app environments via SSH.

In the following example, only users with admin permissions for the given environment type can access the deployed environment via SSH:
  ssh: admin

Variables Anchor to this heading provides a number of ways to set variables. Variables set in your app configuration have the lowest precedence, meaning they’re overridden by any conflicting values provided elsewhere.

All variables set in your app configuration must have a prefix. Some prefixes have specific meanings.

Variables with the prefix env are available as a separate environment variable. All other variables are available in the PLATFORM_VARIABLES environment variable.

The following example sets two variables:

  • A variable named env:AUTHOR with the value Juan that’s available in the environment as AUTHOR
  • A variable named with the value My site rocks that’s available in the PLATFORM_VARIABLES environment variable
    AUTHOR: 'Juan'
    "": 'My site rocks'

You can also define and access more complex values.

Firewall Anchor to this heading

Tier availability

This feature is available for Elite and Enterprise customers. Compare the tiers on our pricing page, or contact our sales team for more information.

Set limits in outbound traffic from your app with no impact on inbound requests.

The outbound key is required and contains one or more rules. The rules define what traffic is allowed; anything unspecified is blocked.

Each rule has the following properties where at least one is required and ips and domains can’t be specified together:

Name Type Default Description
ips Array of strings [""] IP addresses in CIDR notation. See a CIDR format converter.
domains Array of strings Fully qualified domain names to specify specific destinations by hostname.
ports Array of integers Ports from 1 to 65535 that are allowed. If any ports are specified, all unspecified ports are blocked. If no ports are specified, all ports are allowed. Port 25, the SMTP port for sending email, is always blocked.

The default settings would look like this:
    - ips: [""]

Support for rules Anchor to this heading

Where outbound rules for firewalls are supported in all environments. For Dedicated Gen 2 projects, contact support for configuration.

Multiple rules Anchor to this heading

Multiple firewall rules can be specified. In such cases, a given outbound request is allowed if it matches any of the defined rules.

So in the following example requests to any IP on port 80 are allowed and requests to on either port 80 or 443 are allowed:
    - ips: [""]
      ports: [443]
    - ports: [80]

Outbound traffic to CDNs Anchor to this heading

Be aware that many services are behind a content delivery network (CDN). For most CDNs, routing is done via domain name, not IP address, so thousands of domain names may share the same public IP addresses at the CDN. If you allow the IP address of a CDN, you are usually allowing many or all of the other customers hosted behind that CDN.

Outbound traffic by domain Anchor to this heading

You can filter outbound traffic by domain. Using domains in your rules rather than IP addresses is generally more specific and secure. For example, if you use an IP address for a service with a CDN, you have to allow the IP address for the CDN. This means that you allow potentially hundreds or thousands of other servers also using the CDN.

An example rule filtering by domain:
    - protocol: tcp
      domains: ["", ""]
      ports: [80, 443]
    - protocol: tcp
      ips: ["",""]
      ports: [22]

Determine which domains to allow Anchor to this heading

To determine which domains to include in your filtering rules, find the domains your site has requested the DNS to resolve. Run the following command to parse your server’s dns.log file and display all Fully Qualified Domain Names that have been requested:

awk '/query\[[^P]\]/ { print $6 | "sort -u" }' /var/log/dns.log

The output includes all DNS requests that were made, including those blocked by your filtering rules. It doesn’t include any requests made using an IP address.

Example output:

Build Anchor to this heading

The only property of the build dictionary is flavor, which specifies a default set of build tasks to run. Flavors are language-specific.

See what the build flavor is for your language:

In all languages, you can also specify a flavor of none to take no action at all (which is the default for any language other than PHP and Node.js).
  flavor: none

Dependencies Anchor to this heading

Installs global dependencies as part of the build process. They’re independent of your app’s dependencies and are available in the PATH during the build process and in the runtime environment. They’re installed before the build hook runs using a package manager for the language.

Language Key name Package manager
PHP php Composer
Python 2 python or python2 Pip 2
Python 3 python3 Pip 3
Ruby ruby Bundler
Node.js nodejs npm (see how to use yarn)
Java java Apache Maven, Gradle, or Apache Ant

The format for package names and version constraints are defined by the specific package manager.

An example of dependencies in multiple languages:
  php: # Specify one Composer package per line.
    drush/drush: '8.0.0'
    composer/composer: '^2'
  python2: # Specify one Python 2 package per line.
    behave: '*'
    requests: '*'
  python3: # Specify one Python 3 package per line.
    numpy: '*'
  ruby: # Specify one Bundler package per line.
    sass: '3.4.7'
  nodejs: # Specify one NPM package per line.
    pm2: '^4.5.0'

Hooks Anchor to this heading

There are three different hooks that run as part of the process of building and deploying your app. These are places where you can run custom scripts. They are: the build hook, the deploy hook, and the post_deploy hook. Only the build hook is run for worker instances, while web instances run all three.

The process is ordered as:

  1. Variables accessible at build time become available.
  2. Build flavor runs if applicable.
  3. Any dependencies are installed.
  4. The build hook is run.
  5. The file system is changed to read only (except for any mounts).
  6. The app container starts. Variables accessible at runtime and services become available.
  7. The deploy hook is run.
  8. The app container begins accepting requests.
  9. The post_deploy hook is run.

Note that if an environment changes by no code changes, only the last step is run. If you want the entire process to run, see how to manually trigger builds.

Writable directories during build Anchor to this heading

During the build hook, there are three writeable directories:

  • PLATFORM_APP_DIR: Where your code is checked out and the working directory when the build hook starts. Becomes the app that gets deployed.
  • PLATFORM_CACHE_DIR: Persists between builds, but isn’t deployed. Shared by all builds on all branches.
  • /tmp: Isn’t deployed and is wiped between each build. Note that PLATFORM_CACHE_DIR is mapped to /tmp and together they offer about 8GB of free space.

Hook failure Anchor to this heading

Each hook is executed as a single script, so they’re considered to have failed only if the final command in them fails. To cause them to fail on the first failed command, add set -e to the beginning of the hook.

If a build hook fails for any reason, the build is aborted and the deploy doesn’t happen. Note that this only works for build hooks – if other hooks fail, the app is still deployed.

Automated testing Anchor to this heading

It’s preferable that you set up and run automated tests in a dedicated CI/CD tool. Relying on hooks for such tasks can prove difficult.

During the build hook, you can halt the deployment on a test failure but the following limitations apply:

  • Access to services such as databases, Redis, Vault KMS, and even writable mounts is disabled. So any testing that relies on it is sure to fail.
  • If you haven’t made changes to your app, an existing build image is reused and the build hook isn’t run.
  • Test results are written into your app container, so they might get exposed to a third party.

During the deploy hook, you can access services but you can’t halt the deployment based on a test failure. Note that there are other downsides:

  • Your app container is read-only during the deploy hook, so if your tests need to write reports and other information, you need to create a file mount for them.
  • Your app can only be deployed once the deploy hook has been completed. Therefore, running automated testing via the deploy hook generates slower deployments.
  • Your environment isn’t available externally during the deploy hook. Unit and integration testing might work without the environment being available, but you can’t typically perform end-to-end testing until after the environment is up and available.

Crons Anchor to this heading

The keys of the crons definition are the names of the cron jobs. The names must be unique.

If an application defines both a web instance and worker instances, cron jobs run only on the web instance.

See how to get cron logs.

The following table shows the properties for each job:

Name Type Required Description
spec string Yes The cron specification. To prevent competition for resources that might hurt performance, on Grid or Dedicated Gen 3 projects use H in definitions to indicate an unspecified but invariant time. For example, instead of using 0 * * * * to indicate the cron job runs at the start of every hour, you can use H * * * * to indicate it runs every hour, but not necessarily at the start. This prevents multiple cron jobs from trying to start at the same time. The H syntax isn’t available on Dedicated Gen 2 projects.
commands A cron commands dictionary Yes A definition of what commands to run when starting and stopping the cron job.
shutdown_timeout integer No When a cron is canceled, this represents the number of seconds after which a SIGKILL signal is sent to the process to force terminate it. The default is 10 seconds.
timeout integer No The maximum amount of time a cron can run before it’s terminated. Defaults to the maximum allowed value of 86400 seconds (24 hours).

Note that you can cancel pending or running crons.

Cron commands Anchor to this heading

Name Type Required Description
start string Yes The command that’s run. It’s run in Dash.
stop string No The command that’s issued to give the cron command a chance to shutdown gracefully, such as to finish an active item in a list of tasks. Issued when a cron task is interrupted by a user through the CLI or Console. If not specified, a SIGTERM signal is sent to the process.
    spec: 'H * * * *'
      start: sleep 60 && echo sleep-60-finished && date
      stop: killall sleep
    shutdown_timeout: 18

In this example configuration, the cron specification uses the H syntax.

Note that this syntax is only supported on Grid and Dedicated Gen 3 projects. On Dedicated Gen 2 projects, use the standard cron syntax.

Example cron jobs Anchor to this heading
type: 'php:8.4'
  # Run Drupal's cron tasks every 19 minutes.
    spec: '*/19 * * * *'
      start: 'cd web ; drush core-cron'
  # But also run pending queue tasks every 7 minutes.
  # Use an odd number to avoid running at the same time as the `drupal` cron.
    spec: '*/7 * * * *'
      start: 'cd web ; drush queue-run aggregator_feeds'
type: 'ruby:3.3'
  # Execute a rake script every 19 minutes.
    spec: '*/19 * * * *'
      start: 'bundle exec rake some:task'
type: 'php:8.4'
  # Run Laravel's scheduler every 5 minutes.
    spec: '*/5 * * * *'
      start: 'php artisan schedule:run'
type: 'php:8.4'
  # Take a backup of the environment every day at 5:00 AM.
    spec: 0 5 * * *
      start: |
        # Only run for the production environment, aka main branch
        if [ "$PLATFORM_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE" = "production" ]; then
            croncape symfony ...

Conditional crons Anchor to this heading

If you want to set up customized cron schedules depending on the environment type, define conditional crons. To do so, use a configuration similar to the following:
    spec: '0 0 * * *'
      start: |
        if [ "$PLATFORM_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE" = production ]; then
          platform backup:create --yes --no-wait
          platform source-operation:run update --no-wait --yes

Cron job timing Anchor to this heading

Minimum time between cron jobs being triggered:

Plan Time
Professional 5 minutes
Elite or Enterprise 1 minute

For each app container, only one cron job can run at a time. If a new job is triggered while another is running, the new job is paused until the other completes.

To minimize conflicts, a random offset is applied to all triggers. The offset is a random number of seconds up to 20 minutes or the cron frequency, whichever is smaller.

Crons are also paused while activities such as backups are running. The crons are queued to run after the other activity finishes.

To run cron jobs in a timezone other than UTC, set the timezone property.

Paused crons Anchor to this heading

Preview environments are often used for a limited time and then abandoned. While it’s useful for environments under active development to have scheduled tasks, unused environments don’t need to run cron jobs. To minimize unnecessary resource use, crons on environments with no deployments are paused.

This affects all environments that aren’t live environments. This means all environments on Development plans and all preview environments on higher plans.

Such environments with deployments within 14 days have crons with the status running. If there haven’t been any deployments within 14 days, the status is paused.

You can see the status in the Console or using the CLI by running platform environment:info and looking under deployment_state.

Restarting paused crons Anchor to this heading

If the crons on your preview environment are paused but you’re still using them, you can push changes to the environment or redeploy it.

To restart crons without changing anything:

  1. In the Console, navigate to your project.
  2. Open the environment where you’d like the crons to run.
  3. Click Redeploy next to the cron status of Paused.

Run the following command:

platform redeploy

Runtime Anchor to this heading

The following table presents the various possible modifications to your PHP or Lisp runtime:

Name Type Language Description
extensions List of strings OR extensions definitions PHP PHP extensions to enable.
disabled_extensions List of strings PHP PHP extensions to disable.
request_terminate_timeout integer PHP The timeout for serving a single request after which the PHP-FPM worker process is killed.
sizing_hints A sizing hints definition PHP The assumptions for setting the number of workers in your PHP-FPM runtime.
xdebug An Xdebug definition PHP The setting to turn on Xdebug.
quicklisp Distribution definitions Lisp Distributions for QuickLisp to use.

You can also set your app’s runtime timezone.

Extensions Anchor to this heading

You can enable PHP extensions just with a list of extensions:
    - geoip
    - tidy

Alternatively, if you need to include configuration options, use a dictionary for that extension:
    - geoip
    - name: blackfire
        server_id: foo
        server_token: bar

In this case, the name property is required.

Sizing hints Anchor to this heading

The following table shows the properties that can be set in sizing_hints:

Name Type Default Minimum Description
request_memory integer 45 10 The average memory consumed per request in MB.
reserved_memory integer 70 70 The amount of memory reserved in MB.

See more about PHP-FPM workers and sizing.

Source Anchor to this heading

The following table shows the properties that can be set in source:

Name Type Required Description
operations An operations dictionary Operations that can be applied to the source code. See source operations
root string The path where the app code lives. Defaults to the directory of the file. Useful for multi-app setups.

Additional hosts Anchor to this heading

If you’re using a private network with specific IP addresses you need to connect to, you might want to map those addresses to hostnames to better remember and organize them. In such cases, you can add a map of those IP addresses to whatever hostnames you like. Then when your app tries to access the hostname, it’s sent to the proper IP address.

So in the following example, if your app tries to access, it’s sent to
additional_hosts: "" ""

This is equivalent to adding the mapping to the /etc/hosts file for the container.