User Documentation

Serve static sites

Static site generators are a popular way to create fast sites. Because there’s no need to wait for responses from servers, the sites may load faster.

As an example, this documentation is built using a tool called Hugo and served by as a static site. You can see the entire repository on GitHub, including its app configuration.

To learn how to serve your static site using, you can start with the required minimal app configuration and build on it, or jump straight to an example of a complete configuration.

Minimal app configuration Anchor to this heading

To successfully serve a static site using, you need to set up a minimal app configuration similar to the following:
name: myapp
# The type of the application to build.
type: "nodejs:22"

# The web key configures the web server running in front of your app.
      # Static site generators usually output built static files to a specific directory.
      # Define this directory (must be an actual directory inside the root directory of your app)
      # as the root for your static site.
      root: "public"
      # Files to consider when serving a request for a directory.
        - index.html

See more information on the required minimal settings:

Add more features Anchor to this heading

Allow static files but not dynamic files on PHP containers Anchor to this heading

If you have a PHP container, you might want to enable client-side scripts but disable server-side scripts.

To enable static files that don’t match any rule while disabling server-side scripts on a PHP container, use the following configuration:
      # ...
      scripts: false
      allow: true

See more information on locations properties.

Create cache rules Anchor to this heading

You can create sensible cache rules to improve performance. For example, if you publish new content regularly without updating images or site files much, you might want to cache text files for a day but all image files for longer.

To do so, use a configuration similar to the following:
      # ...
      expires: 24h
          expires: 4w

You can also set a Cache-Control header in your rules.
      # ...
      expires: 24h
            Cache-Control: "public, max-age=2419200, immutable"

If expires and a Cache-Control header are set, the rule ignores the expires and sets only the Cache-Control header. For this reason, make sure to add a max-age value, in seconds, for the Cache-Control header.

Conserve the server Anchor to this heading

Because your site is completely static, it doesn’t need the server to be running. To set a background process that blocks the server and conserves resources, use the following configuration:
    start: sleep infinity

You can also use this place to start small programs, such as a script to handle 404 errors.

Complete example configuration Anchor to this heading
name: myapp

type: 'python:3.11'

      # The public directory of the application relative to its root
      root: 'public'
      # The files to look for when serving a directory
        - 'index.html'
      # Disable server-side scripts
      scripts: false
      allow: true
      # Set caching policy
      expires: 24h
          expires: 4w

    # Run a no-op process that uses no CPU resources since this is a static site
    start: sleep infinity