User Documentation

Activity reference

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Activities log changes to your project, including when you deploy your app, when you push code, and when a cron job is run.

To automate your workflows, you can parse and react to the activity’s JSON object through activity scripts.

Activity schema Anchor to this heading

Every activity has a corresponding JSON object containing all information for that activity, including timestamps, configuration, and sometimes logs. In practice, you can ignore much of the JSON object’s content. The most commonly used values are documented in this reference.

The response differs depending on the activity and doesn’t always include all fields.

Example response Anchor to this heading

The following is a shortened example of a response for an environment sync activity. You can also see complete examples of responses.

  "id": "abcdefg123456",
  "created_at": "2022-12-16T14:28:17.890467+00:00",
  "updated_at": null,
  "type": "environment.synchronize",
  "parameters": {
  "project": "abcdefgh1234567",
  "environments": [
  "state": "complete",
  "result": "success",
  "started_at": "2022-12-16T14:28:18.188888+00:00",
  "completed_at": "2022-12-16T14:31:48.809068+00:00",
  "completion_percent": 100,
  "cancelled_at": null,
  "timings": {
    "wait": 0,
    "build": 0.349,
    "deploy": 209.986,
    "execute": 210.508
  "log": "Building application 'app' (runtime type: php:8.2, tree: 9851a01)\n  Reusing existing build for this tree ID\n\n...\nRedeploying environment test, as a clone of main\n  ...\n  Closing all services\n  Opening application app and its relationships\n  Executing deploy hook for application app\n ... Environment configuration\n    app (type: php:8.0, size: S, disk: 2048)\n\n  ...",
  "payload": {
  "description": "<user data-id=\"abcdefghijk123456789\">Cloé Weber</user> synchronized <environment data-id=\"test\">test</environment>'s <strong>data</strong> from <environment data-id=\"main\">Main</environment>",
  "text": "Cloé Weber synchronized test's **data** from Main",
  "expires_at": "2023-12-16T14:28:17.890467+00:00"

id Anchor to this heading

A unique id value to identify the activity itself.

*_at Anchor to this heading

created_at, started_at, updated_at, cancelled_at, completed_at, and expires_at are all timestamps in UTC. For when a given activity occurred, use completed_at. You can use these properties to calculate the duration of the activity. To calculate the timing for steps in the activity, see the timings property.

parameters Anchor to this heading

The parameters property includes detailed information about what triggered the activity, such as the user, the impacted environment, the git commits, or the cron commands. The response changes based on the activity.

project Anchor to this heading

The ID of the project in which the activity took place. Use this value to distinguish multiple projects sent the same URL.

Different from project activities.

type Anchor to this heading

The type of the activity in one of the following categories:

project activity types Anchor to this heading

Activities that happened on a given project. The following table presents the possible activity types:

Name Description
project.clear_build_cache The build cache is cleared.
project.create A new project is created.
project.domain.create A new domain has been added to the project.
project.domain.delete An existing domain has been deleted from the project.
project.domain.update An existing domain has been updated from the project.
project.metrics.enable A metric from the continuous profiling has been enabled.
project.metrics.update A metric from the continuous profiling has been updated.
project.metrics.disable A metric from the continuous profiling has been disabled.
project.modify.title The project title has changed.
project.variable.create A new project variable has been created. The value is visible only if the variable is not set as sensitive.
project.variable.delete A project variable has been deleted.
project.variable.update A project variable has been modified.

environment activity types Anchor to this heading

Activities that happened on an environment. The following table presents the possible activity types:

Name Description
environment.activate The environment has been made active.
environment.backup A user triggered a backup.
environment.backup.delete A user deleted a backup.
environment.branch A new branch has been created via the CLI, Console, or API. A branch created via Git shows up as environment.push.
environment.certificate.renewal An environment’s SSL certificate has been renewed.
environment.cron A cron job has completed.
environment.deactivate An environment has been made inactive.
environment.delete An environment’s code was deleted through Git.
environment.domain.create A new domain has been associated with the environment.
environment.domain.delete A domain associated with the environment has been removed.
environment.domain.update A domain associated with the environment has been updated, such as having its SSL certificate modified.
environment.initialize The default branch of the project has just been initialized with its first commit.
environment.merge An environment was merged through the CLI, Console, or API. A basic Git merge doesn’t trigger this activity.
environment.merge-pr A Pull Request/Merge Request was merged through the CLI, Console, or API. A basic Git merge doesn’t trigger this activity.
environment.operation A source operation has been triggered
environment.pause An environment has been paused.
environment.push A user pushed code to a branch, either existing or new.
environment.redeploy An environment was redeployed.
environment.restore A user restored a backup.
environment.resume An inactive environment was resumed
environment.route.create A new route has been created through the API. Edits made using Git to the .platform/routes.yaml file don’t trigger this activity.
environment.route.delete A route has been deleted through the API. Edits made using Git to the .platform/routes.yaml file don’t trigger this activity.
environment.route.update A route has been modified through the API. Edits made using Git to the .platform/routes.yaml file don’t trigger this activity.
environment.source-operation A source operation has been triggered.
environment.subscription.update The production environment has been resized because the plan has changed. The content of the environment hasn’t changed.
environment.synchronize An environment has had its data and/or code replaced with the data and/or code from its parent environment.
environment.update.http_access HTTP access rules for an environment have been modified.
environment.update.restrict_robots The option to hide from search engines has been enabled or disabled for an environment.
environment.update.smtp Email sending has been enabled or disabled for an environment.
environment.variable.create A new variable has been created. The value is visible only if the variable is not set as sensitive.
environment.variable.delete A variable has been deleted.
environment.variable.update A variable has been modified.
environment_type.access.create A new access has been added to the environment
environment_type.access.delete An existing access to the environment has been deleted
environment_type.access.update An existing access to the environment has been updated

integration activity types Anchor to this heading

Activities that relate to an integration. The following table presents the possible activity types:

Name Description
integration.bitbucket.fetch A fetch has been triggered on your Bitbucket Cloud repository.
integration.bitbucket.register_hooks An integration hook has been registered with Bitbucket Cloud.
integration.bitbucket_server.fetch A fetch has been triggered on your Bitbucket Server repository.
integration.bitbucket_server.register_hooks An integration hook has been registered with Bitbucket Server.
integration.github.fetch A fetch has been triggered on your GitHub repository.
integration.gitlab.fetch A fetch has been triggered on your GitLab repository. A health notification was sent by email. A health notification was sent to PagerDuty. A health notification was sent to Slack. A health notification was sent to a webhook.
integration.script An activity script has been triggered.
integration.webhook A webhook was triggered.

maintenance activity types Anchor to this heading

Activities that relate to a maintenance. The following table presents the possible types:

Name Description
maintenance.upgrade An upgrade is triggered for API Server and Metrics Server

environments Anchor to this heading

An array listing the environments that were involved in the activity. It’s usually only a single value representing one environment.

state Anchor to this heading

The current state of the activity. Its value can be pending, in_progress, complete, cancelled, or scheduled.

completion_percent Anchor to this heading

What percentage of the activity is complete.

result Anchor to this heading

Whether or not the activity completed successfully. If it did, the value is success. Note that certain activities, such as deploy hooks, can be marked as successful activities even if some commands failed.

timings Anchor to this heading

The amount of time required by the activity.

It can include the following properties:

Name Description
wait The delay if a command is set to wait before being executed.
build The execution time for the build hook.
deploy The execution time for the deploy hook.
execute The execution time for your script or cron job.

log Anchor to this heading

A human-friendly record of what happened in the activity. The log shouldn’t be parsed for data as its structure isn’t guaranteed.

description Anchor to this heading

A short machine-readable description of the activity.

text Anchor to this heading

A short human-readable description of the activity.

payload Anchor to this heading

Contains settings and details related to the completed activity. Its content varies based on the activity type.

Name Description
payload.user The user that triggered the activity. For details on its properties, see the user payload.
payload.environment The environment affected by the activity. For details on its properties, see the environment payload.
payload.commits A list of changes with their Git metadata.
payload.commits_count The number of Git commits.
payload.deployment Information about the deployed environment. For details on its properties, see the deployment payload.
payload.project Information about the project. For details on its properties, see the project payload.

user payload Anchor to this heading

Contains information about the user that triggered the activity.

Name Description
payload.user.created_at The date the user was created.
payload.user.display_name The user’s name in a human-friendly format. The user’s ID.
payload.user.updated_at The date the user was last updated.

environment payload Anchor to this heading

Contains information about the environment associated with the activity, including its settings, state, and deployment. The following table presents the most notable properties of the environment:

Name Description The environment name.
payload.environment.type The environment type.
payload.environment.head_commit The ID of the environment’s latest Git commit.
payload.environment.edge_hostname The URL you should target when setting up a custom domain.

Different from environment activities.

project payload Anchor to this heading

Contains information about the project associated with the activity, including plan details, timezone, and region. The following table presents the most notable properties of the project:

Name Description
payload.project.timezone Your project’s timezone.
payload.project.region Your project’s region.
payload.project.title Your project’s name.
payload.project.subscription All of the details about your project’s plan.

Different from project activities.

deployment payload Anchor to this heading

Contains information about the deployed environment, if one is associated with the activity. The following table presents the most notable properties of the deployment:

Name Description
payload.deployment.routes All the URLs connected to the environment. The list includes redirects. To exclude redirects, find objects whose type is upstream. All the services on your environment.
payload.deployment.variables All the variables for the environment.

The payload.deployment property includes the configuration extracted from the following sources:

Maximum activities and parallelism Anchor to this heading

Project activities are distributed across separate queues, which enables two simultaneous activities to occur in parallel across your environments. For a given environment, only one activity can run at a time. Those queues include the following types of activities:

Name Description
default The most common activities on repositories (pushes, merges) and environments (syncs, redeployments).
integrations Source and webhook integration activities.
backup Backup activities.
cron Cron activities.

Production activities are prioritized across all queues. When an activity for the production environment is triggered, it’s placed at the top of the queue. This makes it unlikely that activities on preview environments block activities for the production environment for long, though there may be a temporary wait.

Examples Anchor to this heading

The response is often usually long, so the following examples are shortened using ellipses. Remember that the response differs depending on the activity and not all fields are always available.

To test responses, set up a webhook.

Cron Anchor to this heading

When a cron job is triggered, the activity contains all the job’s information. The following example response was triggered by a setting where the cron is scheduled to run every five minutes (5 * * * *) with the command sleep 60 && echo sleep-60-finished && date and times out after 86,400 seconds.

To get details about the configured cron job, see the parameters property:

  "parameters": {
    "user": "admin",
    "cluster": "abcdefgh1234567-main-abcd123",
    "environment": "main",
    "application": "app",
    "cron": "saybye",
    "spec": {
      "spec": "5 * * * *",
      "commands": {
        "start": "sleep 60 && echo sleep-60-finished && date",
        "stop": null
      "shutdown_timeout": null,
      "timeout": 86400

The following example shows the full activity response to a cron job:

  "id": "ypalrypnezbye",
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": ""
    "log": {
      "href": "/api/projects/abcdefgh1234567/activities/ypalrypnezbye/log"
  "created_at": "2022-12-13T16:06:08.081312+00:00",
  "updated_at": null,
  "type": "environment.cron",
  "parameters": {
    "user": "admin",
    "cluster": "abcdefgh1234567-main-abcd123",
    "environment": "main",
    "application": "app",
    "cron": "saybye",
    "spec": {
      "spec": "5 * * * *",
      "commands": {
        "start": "sleep 60 && echo sleep-60-finished && date",
        "stop": null
      "shutdown_timeout": null,
      "timeout": 86400
  "project": "abcdefgh1234567",
  "environments": [
  "state": "complete",
  "result": "success",
  "started_at": "2022-12-13T16:06:08.258090+00:00",
  "completed_at": "2022-12-13T16:07:09.658339+00:00",
  "completion_percent": 100,
  "cancelled_at": null,
  "timings": {
    "wait": 0,
    "execute": 61.244
  "log": "hello world\nTue Dec 13 16:07:09 UTC 2022",
  "payload": {
    "user": {
      "id": "admin",
      "created_at": "2022-12-13T16:06:08.066085+00:00",
      "updated_at": null,
      "display_name": " Bot"
    "project": {
      "id": "abcdefgh1234567",
      "created_at": "2022-03-22T15:47:28.739099+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2022-12-01T09:42:19.860188+00:00",
      "attributes": {},
      "title": "php-test",
      "description": "",
      "owner": "c9926428-44dc-4b10-be03-a26dd43b44c1",
      "namespace": "platformsh",
      "organization": "01FF4NBNVMMDWP1NVK0G4EGJW0",
      "default_branch": "main",
      "status": {
        "code": "provisioned",
        "message": "ok"
      "timezone": "Europe/Dublin",
      "region": "",
      "repository": {
        "url": "",
        "client_ssh_key": "ssh-rsa aaaaaaabbbbbbbcccccccddddddd abcdefgh1234567@platformsh"
      "default_domain": null,
      "subscription": {
        "license_uri": "",
        "plan": "development",
        "environments": 3,
        "storage": 5120,
        "included_users": 1,
        "subscription_management_uri": "",
        "restricted": false,
        "suspended": false,
        "user_licenses": 1
    "environment": {
      "id": "main",
      "created_at": "2022-03-22T15:47:43.750880+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2022-11-29T16:16:37.085719+00:00",
      "name": "main",
      "machine_name": "main-abcd123",
      "title": "Main",
      "attributes": {},
      "type": "production",
      "parent": null,
      "default_domain": null,
      "clone_parent_on_create": true,
      "deployment_target": "local",
      "is_pr": false,
      "status": "active",
      "enable_smtp": true,
      "restrict_robots": true,
      "edge_hostname": "",
      "deployment_state": {
        "last_deployment_successful": true,
        "last_deployment_at": "2022-11-29T16:16:37.085609+00:00",
        "crons": {
          "enabled": true,
          "status": "running"
      "resources_overrides": {},
      "last_active_at": "2022-12-13T15:07:10.862854+00:00",
      "last_backup_at": null,
      "project": "abcdefgh1234567",
      "is_main": true,
      "is_dirty": false,
      "has_code": true,
      "head_commit": "6aac318907b50252976c47e4e62ed95d438af0ea",
      "merge_info": {
        "commits_ahead": 0,
        "commits_behind": 0,
        "parent_ref": null
      "has_deployment": true
    "cron": "saybye"
  "description": "<user data-id=\"admin\"> Bot</user> ran cron <strong>saybye</strong>",
  "text": " Bot ran cron **saybye**",
  "expires_at": "2023-01-12T16:06:08.081293+00:00"

Push Anchor to this heading

A push activity contains several properties. The commits property contains everything related to the Git push that triggered the activity:

    "commits": [
        "sha": "2bab04e050279ac078d5d34016f5dd9c466e948d",
        "author": {
          "email": "",
          "name": "Cloé Weber",
          "date": 1671032461
        "parents": [
        "message": "Add cron"

The environment property contains the settings for the environment that was pushed to:

    "environment": {
      "id": "main",
      "created_at": "2022-03-22T15:47:43.750880+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2022-11-29T16:16:37.085719+00:00",
      "name": "main",
      "machine_name": "main-abcd123",
      "title": "Main",
      "attributes": {},
      "type": "production",
      "parent": null,
      "default_domain": null,
      "clone_parent_on_create": true,
      "deployment_target": "local",
      "is_pr": false,
      "status": "active",
      "enable_smtp": true,
      "restrict_robots": true,
      "edge_hostname": "",
      "deployment_state": {
        "last_deployment_successful": true,
        "last_deployment_at": "2022-11-29T16:16:37.085609+00:00",
        "crons": {
          "enabled": true,
          "status": "sleeping"
      "resources_overrides": {},
      "last_active_at": "2022-12-13T16:07:09.788910+00:00",
      "last_backup_at": null,
      "project": "abcdefgh1234567",
      "is_main": true,
      "is_dirty": false,
      "has_code": true,
      "head_commit": "6aac318907b50252976c47e4e62ed95d438af0ea",
      "merge_info": {
        "commits_ahead": 0,
        "commits_behind": 0,
        "parent_ref": null
      "has_deployment": true

The deployment property contains the settings for the deployment, including the image type and resource allocation.

The following example shows a shortened excerpt of the deployment property:

 "deployment": {
      "id": "current",
      "created_at": "2022-03-22T15:48:05.396979+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2022-12-14T15:41:57.264813+00:00",
      "cluster_name": "abcdefgh1234567-main-abcd123",
      "project_info": {
          "deployment": {
      "id": "current",
      "created_at": "2022-03-22T15:48:05.396979+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2022-12-14T15:41:57.264813+00:00",
      "cluster_name": "abcdefgh1234567-main-abcd123",
      "project_info": {
        "name": "abcdefgh1234567",
        "settings": {
          "initialize": {
            "values": {
              "initialize": true,
              "start": false,
              "base": {
                "files": [],
                "profile": "PHP",
                "config": null,
                "repository": "",
                "title": "PHP"
          "application_config_file": "",
          "project_config_dir": ".platform",
          "development_service_size": "S",
          "development_application_size": "S",
          "enable_certificate_provisioning": true,
          "certificate_style": "ecdsa",
          "certificate_renewal_activity": true,
          "cron_minimum_interval": 5,
          "cron_maximum_jitter": 20,
          "concurrency_limits": {
            "internal": null,
            "integration": 4,
            "backup": 2,
            "cron": 10,
            "default": 2
          "build_resources": {
            "cpu": 1,
            "memory": 2048
          "max_allowed_routes": 50000,
          "max_allowed_redirects_paths": 50000,
          "enable_incremental_backups": true,

The following example shows the full activity response to a Git push:

  "id": "a1kz6ffxui7em",
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": ""
    "log": {
      "href": "/api/projects/abcdefgh1234567/activities/a1kz6ffxui7em/log"
  "created_at": "2022-12-14T15:41:05.821145+00:00",
  "updated_at": null,
  "type": "environment.push",
  "parameters": {
    "user": "c9926428-44dc-4b10-be03-a26dd43b44c1",
    "environment": "main",
    "old_commit": "6aac318907b50252976c47e4e62ed95d438af0ea",
    "new_commit": "2bab04e050279ac078d5d34016f5dd9c466e948d"
  "project": "abcdefgh1234567",
  "environments": [
  "state": "complete",
  "result": "success",
  "started_at": "2022-12-14T15:41:05.969872+00:00",
  "completed_at": "2022-12-14T15:41:57.635442+00:00",
  "completion_percent": 100,
  "cancelled_at": null,
  "timings": {
    "wait": 0,
    "parse_commits": 0.63,
    "build": 0.506,
    "deploy": 49.954,
    "execute": 51.516
  "log": "Found 1 new commit\n\nBuilding application 'app' (runtime type: php:8.0, tree: 9851a01)\n  Reusing existing build for this tree ID\n\nProvisioning certificates\n  Certificates\n  - certificate 5093946: expiring on 2023-02-23 11:09:20+00:00, covering {,www}\n\n\nRedeploying environment main\n  Preparing deployment\n  Closing service app\n  Opening application app and its relationships\n  Executing deploy hook for application app\n    hello world\n\n  Opening environment\n  Environment configuration\n    app (type: php:8.0, size: S, disk: 2048)\n\n  Environment routes\n redirects to\n redirects to\n is served by application `app`\n redirects to\n",
  "payload": {
    "user": {
      "id": "c9926428-44dc-4b10-be03-a26dd43b44c1",
      "created_at": "2022-12-14T15:40:16.891889+00:00",
      "updated_at": null,
      "display_name": "Cloé Weber"
    "environment": {
      "id": "main",
      "created_at": "2022-03-22T15:47:43.750880+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2022-11-29T16:16:37.085719+00:00",
      "name": "main",
      "machine_name": "main-abcd123",
      "title": "Main",
      "attributes": {},
      "type": "production",
      "parent": null,
      "default_domain": null,
      "clone_parent_on_create": true,
      "deployment_target": "local",
      "is_pr": false,
      "status": "active",
      "enable_smtp": true,
      "restrict_robots": true,
      "edge_hostname": "",
      "deployment_state": {
        "last_deployment_successful": true,
        "last_deployment_at": "2022-11-29T16:16:37.085609+00:00",
        "crons": {
          "enabled": true,
          "status": "sleeping"
      "resources_overrides": {},
      "last_active_at": "2022-12-13T16:07:09.788910+00:00",
      "last_backup_at": null,
      "project": "abcdefgh1234567",
      "is_main": true,
      "is_dirty": false,
      "has_code": true,
      "head_commit": "6aac318907b50252976c47e4e62ed95d438af0ea",
      "merge_info": {
        "commits_ahead": 0,
        "commits_behind": 0,
        "parent_ref": null
      "has_deployment": true
    "commits": [
        "sha": "2bab04e050279ac078d5d34016f5dd9c466e948d",
        "author": {
          "email": "",
          "name": "Cloé Weber",
          "date": 1671032461
        "parents": [
        "message": "Add cron"
    "commits_count": 1,
    "deployment": {
      "id": "current",
      "created_at": "2022-03-22T15:48:05.396979+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2022-12-14T15:41:57.264813+00:00",
      "cluster_name": "abcdefgh1234567-main-abcd123",
      "project_info": {
        "name": "abcdefgh1234567",
        "settings": {
          "initialize": {
            "values": {
              "initialize": true,
              "start": false,
              "base": {
                "files": [],
                "profile": "PHP",
                "config": null,
                "repository": "",
                "title": "PHP"
          "product_name": "",
          "product_code": "platformsh",
          "variables_prefix": "PLATFORM_",
          "bot_email": "",
          "application_config_file": "",
          "project_config_dir": ".platform",
          "use_drupal_defaults": false,
          "use_legacy_subdomains": false,
          "development_service_size": "S",
          "development_application_size": "S",
          "enable_certificate_provisioning": true,
          "certificate_style": "ecdsa",
          "certificate_renewal_activity": true,
          "development_domain_template": null,
          "enable_state_api_deployments": true,
          "temporary_disk_size": null,
          "cron_minimum_interval": 5,
          "cron_maximum_jitter": 20,
          "concurrency_limits": {
            "internal": null,
            "integration": 4,
            "backup": 2,
            "cron": 10,
            "default": 2
          "flexible_build_cache": false,
          "strict_configuration": true,
          "has_sleepy_crons": true,
          "crons_in_git": true,
          "custom_error_template": null,
          "app_error_page_template": null,
          "environment_name_strategy": "name-and-hash",
          "data_retention": null,
          "enable_codesource_integration_push": true,
          "enforce_mfa": false,
          "systemd": true,
          "router_gen2": false,
          "chorus": {
            "enabled": true,
            "exposed": true
          "build_resources": {
            "cpu": 1,
            "memory": 2048
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  "text": "Cloé Weber pushed to Main",
  "expires_at": "2023-12-14T15:41:05.821145+00:00"

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