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Changes in version 2022.02 Anchor to this heading

  • The cron cmd syntax is now deprecated in favor of commands. Previous cron job definitions looked like this:

            spec: '*/7 * * * *'
            cmd: cd public &&

    They should now be written like this:

            spec: '*/7 * * * *'
                start: cd public &&

    The new syntax offers greater flexibility and configuration. For more details, see the full specification for cron jobs.

Changes in version 2019.05 Anchor to this heading

  • The !archive tag in YAML has been un-deprecated, and is now favored over the !include option. !include is still available for other include types (yaml, binary, and string).

Changes in version 2017.11 (2017-11-09) Anchor to this heading

  • The !archive tag in YAML files is now deprecated in favor of the more generic !include. For example, the following .platform/services.yaml snippet:

        type: solr:6.3
        disk: 1024
            core_config: !archive "myconfdir"

    Can now be written as:

        type: solr:6.3
        disk: 1024
            core_config: !include
                type: archive
                path: "myconfdir"
  • The syntax for the mounts key in has changed. Rather than a parsed string, the value of each mount is a multi-key definition. That is, the following example:

        "tmp": "shared:files/tmp"
        "logs": "shared:files/logs"

    Can now be written as:

            source: local
            source_path: tmp
            source: local
            source_path: logs

Changes in version 2016.6 (2016-11-18) Anchor to this heading

  • Application containers now include the latest LTS version of Node.js, 6.9.1. The previously included version was 4.6.1.
  • Composer was briefly called with --no-dev, but as of 2016-11-21 this change has been reverted, because of the unintended effect it had on projects using the Symfony framework.

Changes in version 2016.5 Anchor to this heading

As of October 2016, the default behaviour of the expires key, which controls client-side caching of static files, has changed. Previously, if the key was unset, the Expires and Cache-Control HTTP headers were left unset in the response, which meant that client side caching behaviour was left undefined.

To ensure consistent behaviour that doesn’t depend on which browser the client is using, the new default behaviour is to set these headers to values that disable client-side caching. This change only affects static files served directly by the web server. Responses served from passthru URLs continue to use whatever caching headers were set by the application..

To enable caching on your static files, make sure you include an expires key in your web configuration, as shown below:

            root: "public"
            passthru: "/index.php"
                - index.php
            expires: 300
            scripts: true
            allow: true
                    allow: false
                    expires: -1
            expires: 300
            passthru: true
            allow: true

Changes in version 2016.4 Anchor to this heading

As of July 2016, we no longer create default configuration files if one isn’t provided. The defaults we used to provide were tailored specifically for Drupal 7, which is now a legacy-support version with the release of Drupal 8 and not especially useful for non-Drupal or non-PHP sites. They also defaulted to software versions that are no longer current and recommended. Instead, you must provide your own, .platform/routes.yaml, and .platform/services.yaml files.

Additionally, a version for a language or service should always be specified as well. That allows you to control when you upgrade from one version to another without relying on a network default.

The previous default files, for reference, are:

Application Anchor to this heading

name: php
type: "php:5.4"
    flavor: "drupal"
    ssh: contributor
    database: "mysql:mysql"
    solr: "solr:solr"
    redis: "redis:redis"
    document_root: "/"
    passthru: "/index.php"
disk: 2048
    "public/sites/default/files": "shared:files/files"
    "tmp": "shared:files/tmp"
    "private": "shared:files/private"
        spec: "*/20 * * * *"
        cmd: "cd public ; drush core-cron"

Routes Anchor to this heading

     type: upstream
     upstream: "php:http"
         enabled: true
         enabled: false

     type: redirect
     to: "http://{default}/"

Services Anchor to this heading

     type: mysql:5.5
     disk: 2048

     type: redis:2.8

     type: solr:3.6
     disk: 1024

Changes in version 2016.3 Anchor to this heading

As we are aiming to always provide you more control and flexibility on how to deploy your applications, the format has been greatly improved. It is now way more flexible, and also much more explicit to describe what you want to do.

The web key is now a set of locations where you can define very precisely the behavior of each URL prefix.

Note, we no longer move your application from “/” to “public/” automatically if the new format is adopted. If you are using Drupal, move all of your Drupal files into “public/” in the Git repository.

Old format:

    document_root: "/"
    passthru: "/index.php"
        - "index.php"
    expires: 300
        - \.html$

New format:

            root: "public"
            passthru: "/index.php"
                - index.php
            expires: 300
            scripts: true
            allow: true
                    allow: false
                    expires: -1
            expires: 300
            passthru: true
            allow: true

Backward compatibility Anchor to this heading

We generally try to keep backward compatibility with previous configuration formats. Here is what happens if you don’t upgrade your configuration:

# The following parameters are automatically moved as a "/" block in the
# "locations" object, and are invalid if there is a valid "locations" block.
document_root: "/public"      # Converted to [locations][/][root]
passthru: "/index.php"        # Converted to [locations][/][passthru]
    - index.php               # Converted to [locations][/][index]
whitelist: [ ]                # Converted to [locations][/][rules]
blacklist: [ ]                # Converted to [locations][/][rules]
expires: 3d                   # Converted to [locations][/][expires]

Changes in version 2015.7 Anchor to this heading

The configuration file now allows for a much clearer syntax, which you can (and should) start using now.

The old format had a single string to identify the toolstack you use:

toolstack: "php:drupal"

The new syntax allows to separate the concerns of what language you are running and the build process that is going to happen on deployment:

type: php
    flavor: drupal

Currently we only support php in the ’type’ key. Current supported build flavors are drupal, composer and symfony.

Changes in version 2014.9 Anchor to this heading

This version introduces changes in the configuration files format. Most of the old configuration format is still supported, but customers are invited to move to the new format.

For an example upgrade path, see the Drupal 7.x branch of the platformsh-examples repository on GitHub.

Configuration items for PHP that previously was part of .platform/services.yaml are now moved into, which gains the following top-level items:

  • name: should be "php"
  • relationships, access and disk: should be the same as the relationships key of PHP in .platform/services.yaml

Note that there is now a sane default for access (SSH access to PHP is granted to all users that have role “collaborator” and above on the environment) so most customers can now just omit this key in

In addition, version 1.7.0 now has consistency checks for configuration files and rejects git push operations that contain configuration files that are invalid. In this case, just fix the issues as they are reported, commit and push again.

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