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Create a basic PHP app with a front controller

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To handle dynamic requests to your PHP app, you might want to use a front controller. The following example shows how for such an app you might start defining your web server.

Define a document root Anchor to this heading

Start by defining your document root (where all your publicly visible pages are).
      root: 'public'

Define a front controller Anchor to this heading

Define where all requests that don’t match a file in the document root are sent.
      root: 'public'
      passthru: '/index.php'
        - index.php

In this case, /index.php acts as a front controller and handles dynamic requests.

Because it handles dynamic requests, you want to ensure that scripts are enabled and responses aren’t cached.
      scripts: true
      # No caching for static files.
      # (Dynamic pages use whatever cache headers are generated by the program.)
      expires: -1

Define rules Anchor to this heading

You might want to define specific rules for the location. For example, you might want to allow all kinds of files except mp4 files.
      # Allow all file types generally
      allow: true
        # Disallow .mp4 files specifically.
          allow: false

Set different rules for specific locations Anchor to this heading

You might want to set specific rules for specific locations. For example, you might have files in your /public/images directory that are served at /images. You could define a specific cache time for them and limit them to only static image files.
    # Set a 5 min expiration time for static files in this location.
    # Missing files are sent to front controller
    # through the '/' location above.
      expires: 300
      passthru: true
      # Do not execute PHP scripts from this location and do not
      # deliver their source code (for enhanced security).
      scripts: false
      allow: false
        # Only allow static image files in this location
          allow: true

Complete example Anchor to this heading
      root: 'public'
      passthru: '/index.php'
          - index.php
      scripts: true
      # No caching for static files.
      # (Dynamic pages use whatever cache headers are generated by the program.)
      expires: -1
      # Allow all file types generally
      allow: true
        # Disallow .mp4 files specifically.
          allow: false
    # Set a 5 min expiration time for static files in this location.
    # Missing files are sent to front controller
    # through the '/' location above.
      expires: 300
      passthru: true
      # Do not execute PHP scripts from this location and do not
      # deliver their source code (for enhanced security).
      scripts: false
      allow: false
        # Only allow static image files in this location
          allow: true