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Troubleshoot development

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Common tasks Anchor to this heading

Force a redeploy Anchor to this heading

There are times where you might want to trigger a redeployment of your application, such as to add custom TLS certificates. A redeploy reuses your built app and services.

To trigger a redeploy, follow these steps:

  • Select the project with the given environment.
  • From the Environment menu, select the environment.
  • Click More.
  • Click Redeploy.

Run the following command:

platform redeploy

The redeploy takes place after any scheduled activities (either Running or Pending).

Manually trigger builds Anchor to this heading

To increase performance and keep applications the same across environments, reuses built applications if its code and build time configuration (variables and such) remain the same.

There may be times where you want to force your application to be built again without changing its code, for example to test an issue in a build hook or when external dependencies change. To force a rebuild without changing the code, use an environment variable.

Assuming you want to do this for your main environment, first create a REBUILD_DATE environment variable:

platform variable:create --environment main --level environment --prefix env --name REBUILD_DATE --value "$(date)" --visible-build true

This triggers a build right away to propagate the variable. To force a rebuild at any time, update the variable with a new value:

platform variable:update --environment main --value "$(date)" "env:REBUILD_DATE"

This forces your application to be built even if no code has changed.

Clear the build cache Anchor to this heading

You may find that you need to clear the build cache, such as when it’s grown too big or, in rare circumstances, when it’s corrupted. It may get corrupted when code is downloaded from a third-party language service like Packagist or npm while that service is experiencing issues.

To clear the build cache, run the following command:

platform project:clear-build-cache

The next build for each environment is likely to take longer as the cache rebuilds.

Access denied or permission denied Anchor to this heading

In most cases, issues accessing a project are caused by missing permissions for a given user. For more information see how to manage user permissions.

If you are using the CLI, make sure that you are authenticated.

If you are using SSH, see how to troubleshoot SSH access.

HTTP responses 502 Bad Gateway or 503 Service Unavailable Anchor to this heading

If you see these errors when accessing your application, it indicates your application is crashing or unavailable.

Typical causes and potential solutions include:

Site outage Anchor to this heading

If you can’t access some part of your project, whether it’s the live site, development environment, or Console, check the status page. There you can see planned maintenance and subscribe to updates for any potential outages.

If the status is operational, contact support.

Command not found Anchor to this heading

When you’ve added a command line tool (such as Drush), you might encounter an error like the following:

-bash: drush: command not found

If you see this, add the command you want to run to your path with a .environment file script.

As a Linux or Unix-like operating system user (MacOS included), to be able to run your scripts directly and quickly get past this error you may need to run the chmod +x YOUR_SCRIPT_FILE_NAME command.

However, regardless of which operating system you’re using, it’s best if you don’t rely on scripts having execute permissions. Instead, call the app/shell/runtime directly passing your script file to that executable.

Missing commits Anchor to this heading

If you push code to without the full Git history, sometimes commits are missing. This can happen if you’re pushing code from an external CI/CD pipeline, such as a GitHub action. Such pipelines often do only shallow clones by default.

In such cases, your build might fail with an internal error. Or you might see an error like unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet.

To avoid the error, make sure you do a full clone of the repository before pushing code. For example, for the Checkout GitHub action, set fetch-depth: 0 to clone the full history. For GitLab, set clones to have a limit of 0 either in repository settings or using the GIT_DEPTH variable.

Large JSON file upload failing Anchor to this heading

When trying to upload a large JSON file to your API, you might see a 400 response code (Malformed request). enforces a 10ย MB limit on files with the application/json Content-Type header. To send large files, use the multipart/form-data header instead:

curl -XPOST '' --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' --form file=large_file.json

Databases Anchor to this heading

For MySQL specific errors, see how to troubleshoot MySQL.

Permission error creating a database Anchor to this heading

If you try to use a user to create a database, you get an error saying permission denied to create database. The database is created for you and can be found in the path key of the PLATFORM_RELATIONSHIPS environment variable.

Storage Anchor to this heading

If you’re having trouble with storage, see how to troubleshoot mounts and disks.

Can’t write to file system Anchor to this heading

If you attempt to write to disk outside a build hook, you may encounter a read-only file system error. Except where you define it, the file system is all read-only, with code changes necessary through git. This gives you benefits like repeatable deployments, consistent backups, and traceability.

To generate anything you need later, write to disk during a build hook. Or declare mounts, which are writable even during and after deploy. They can be used for your data: file uploads, logs, and temporary files. push fails due to lack of disk space Anchor to this heading

You might see the following message when attempting to run platform push: There isn't enough free space to complete the push

This usually indicates that large files are present in the repository (where they shouldn’t be). Make sure that the paths for files like media files, dependencies, and databases are set to be ignored in your .gitignore file.

If large files are already in the repository, the open-source tool bfg-repo-cleaner can help in cleaning up the repository by purging older commits, removing unnecessary files, and more.

If none of these suggestions work, open a support ticket.

Stuck build or deployment Anchor to this heading

If you see a build or deployment running longer than expected, it may be one of the following cases:

  • The build is blocked by a process in your build hook.
  • The deployment is blocked by a long-running process in your deploy hook.
  • The deployment is blocked by a long-running cron job in the environment.
  • The deployment is blocked by a long-running cron job in the parent environment.

To determine if your environment is being stuck in the build or the deployment, check your activity log.

If the activity has the result success, the build has completed successfully and the system is trying to deploy. If the result is still running, the build is stuck.

In most regions, stuck builds terminate after one hour.

When a deployment is blocked, you should try the following:

  1. Connect to your environment using SSH.
  2. Find any long-running cron jobs or deploy hooks on the environment by running ps afx.
  3. Kill any long-running processes with kill PID. Replace PID with the process ID shown by ps afx.

If a sync of activate process is stuck, try the above on the parent environment.

Note that, for PHP apps, you can restart processes that get stuck during a build or deployment from your app container.

Slow or failing build or deployment Anchor to this heading

Builds can take long time or fail. Most of the time, it’s related to an application issue. Here are a few tips that can help you find the exact cause.

Check for errors in the logs Anchor to this heading

Invisible errors during the build and deploy phase can cause increased wait times, failed builds, and other problems. Investigate each log and fix any errors you find.

Build and deploy hooks Anchor to this heading

build and deploy hooks can cause long build times. If they run into issues, they can cause the build to fail or hang indefinitely.

build hooks can be tested in your local environment. deploy hooks can be tested either locally or by logging into the application over SSH and running them there. Be careful not to test the scripts on production environments.

You can also test your hooks with these Linux commands to help debug issues:

time YOUR_HOOK_COMMAND # Print execution time
strace -T YOUR_HOOK_COMMAND # Print a system call report

Cron jobs Anchor to this heading

Containers can’t be shutdown while long-running cron jobs and scheduled tasks are active. That means long-running cron jobs block a container from being shut down to make way for a new deploy.

Make sure your custom cron jobs run quickly and properly. Cron jobs may invoke other services in unexpected ways, which can increase execution time.

Cache configuration Anchor to this heading

A common source of performance issues is a misconfigured cache. The most common issue isn’t allowing the right cookies as part of the router cache.

Some cookies, such as session cookies, need to be allowed. Others, such as marketing and analytics cookies, usually shouldn’t be part of the cache key.

See more about router cache and cookie entry.

Because the router cache follows cache headers from your app, your app needs to send the correct cache-control header.

For static assets, set cache headers using the expires key in your app configuration.

Language-specific troubleshooting Anchor to this heading

For language-specific troubleshooting for your apps:

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