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Set custom headers on static content

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When your app responds to dynamic requests, it can generate headers on the fly. To set headers for static content, add them in your web configuration.

You might want to do so to add custom content-type headers, limit what other sites can embed your content, or allow cross origin requests.

Say you want to limit most files to be embedded only on your site, but you want an exception for Markdown files. And you want to serve both Markdown and AAC files with the correct content types to avoid MIME sniffing.

Start by defining a header for files in general:
      # Apply rules to all static files (dynamic files get rules from your app)
        X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

This sets the X-Frame-Options header to SAMEORIGIN for all static files. Now your files can only be embedded within your site.

Now set up an exception for Markdown (*.md) files using a rule:
            Content-Type: "text/markdown; charset=UTF-8"

This rule sets an explicit content type for files that end in .md. Because specific rules override the general heading configuration, Markdown files don’t get the X-Frame-Options header set before.

Now set a rule for AAC files.
            X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
            Content-Type: audio/aac

This rule sets an explicit content type for files that end in .aac. It repeats the rule for X-Frame-Options because the headers block here overrides the more general configuration.

So now you have three header configurations:

  • X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN and Content-Type: audio/aac for AAC files
  • Only Content-Type: text/markdown for Markdown files
  • Only X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN for everything else

Cross origin requests Anchor to this heading

To allow cross origin requests, add a Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to responses. You can do so for specific origins or for all origins with a wildcard.
      # Apply rules to all static files (dynamic files get rules from your app)
        Access-Control-Allow-Origin: "*"

If you use the wildcard value, the headers are modified for each request in the following ways:

  • The value of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is set to the value of the Origin request header.
  • The Vary header is included with a value of Origin. See why in the MDN web docs.

This is done so that credentialed requests can be supported. They would otherwise fail CORS checks if the wildcard value is used.

Strict_Transport_Security header Anchor to this heading

The Strict_Transport_Security header returns a value of max-age=0 unless you enable HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) in your routes configuration.

Note that once HSTS is enabled, configuration capabilities depend on the HSTS properties set in your routes configuration. For example, the max-age value is set to 31536000 by and can’t be customized.