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Handle subdomains across different projects

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You can host multiple subdomains, such as and, within a single project using routes.

If you try to use a subdomain that’s used in another project, you get an error like the following:

This domain is already claimed by another service

You need to add a DNS record to make it clear you explicitly allow multiple projects to use the domain.

Enable subdomains across multiple projects Anchor to this heading

To ensure multiple projects can use subdomains of the same apex domain, add a specific TXT DNS record for your apex domain.

The TXT record should look like the following:

_public-suffix-root.YOUR_APEX_DOMAIN TXT "public-suffix-root=YOUR_APEX_DOMAIN"

This adds your domain to the implementation of the Public Suffix List.

After you add your subdomains, remove the TXT record to reinstate subdomain hijacking protection. This ensures no other users can possibly add a subdomain of your domain to their project.

Even if you don’t remove the record, your DNS records should prevent others from using a subdomain as long as you don’t use wildcards records pointing at

However, if you don’t remove the TXT record, restrictions apply on the apex domain. For example, you can’t add the apex domain to another project until you remove the TXT record.

Bypass locked domains Anchor to this heading

In certain cases (such as if your domain was added manually by support), your domain may be reserved for the project you added it to. Then you can’t set up a second project with the bare domain ( or a subdomain (

If that happens, contact support. Include the project ID of the project that already has the domain.

Why this is necessary Anchor to this heading

The Public Suffix List Anchor to this heading

Domain names are segmented into different hierarchical levels, separated by a .. The right-most portion of the domain, such as .com, .edu, and .fr, is known as the top-level domain (TLD). Most applications, including web browsers, handle TLDs specially, such as by restricting certain actions.

For example, a webpage at can usually set a cookie that’s keyed to any of the following:


So a single site can be segmented across different subdomains but use a single account login cookie.

But this webpage can’t set cookies keyed to all .com domains, which would be a security risk.

Other restrictions apply to TLDs, but cookies are the most basic example.

Aside from true TLDs, browser makers have a list of domain suffixes that should get the same special handling called the Public Suffix List (PSL). If you add the domain to the PSL, browsers refuse to set a cookie on from a page at They still accept cookies from a page at

Subdomain hijacking protection Anchor to this heading

By default, a given domain can be used by only one project at a time. This security measure prevents malicious actions such as registering a project with the subdomain and using that to set cookies on your website.

When you add a domain to a project, the first level of the domain not in the PSL is reserved. So if you add to a project, that project has reserved within and no other project can have a domain anywhere in * You can add multiple subdomains within that one project.

Subdomain hijacking protection ensures that no other users can add a subdomain to their project as long as you don’t use wildcard DNS records pointing at

In most cases, that’s a desirable added layer of security. But you may run into a problem when you want multiple subdomains from the same organization as separate projects. One option would be to add to the PSL, but you might not want or be able to do that.

To limit what domains get protected, supports a small extension to the PSL. When you add a TXT record for your domain, treats that domain as part of the PSL.

So when you add a TXT record for, treats as a top-level domain. That means it isn’t reserved and is open for other projects.

Then when you add a domain, the next level down from is reserved. So if you add to a project, * is reserved for that project. You can add to a different project without any issues.

You can do the same for any level of subdomain. So if you set a TXT record for and add to a project, * is reserved for that project. Nothing at a higher level is reserved.

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