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Project templates

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You can initialize your projects using any of our pre-made template repositories.

A template is a starting point for building your project. It should help you get a project ready for production.

You can click the Deploy on button to launch a new project using a template, or you can visit and clone the repository and push to an empty project you have created using the CLI or in the Console.

C#/.NET Core Anchor to this heading

View the C#/.NET Core documentation.

Templates in development.

Go Anchor to this heading

View the Go documentation.



This template demonstrates building the Beego framework for using Go modules. It includes a minimalist application skeleton that demonstrates how to connect to a MariaDB server. It is intended for you to use as a starting point and modify for your own needs.

Beego is a popular web framework written in Go.


  • Go 1.14
  • MariaDB 10.4
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • Git module-based build

View the repository on GitHub.



This template demonstrates building the Echo framework for using Go modules. It includes a minimalist application skeleton that demonstrates how to connect to a MariaDB server. It is intended for you to use as a starting point and modify for your own needs.

Echo is a lightweight, minimalist web framework written in Go.


  • Go 1.14
  • MariaDB 10.4
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • Git module-based build

View the repository on GitHub.



This template demonstrates building the Gin framework for using Go modules. It includes a minimalist application skeleton that demonstrates how to connect to a MariaDB server for data storage. It is intended for you to use as a starting point and modify for your own needs.

Gin is a lightweight web framework written in Go that emphasizes performance.


  • Go 1.14
  • MariaDB 10.4
  • Git module-based build

View the repository on GitHub.

Java Anchor to this heading

View the Java documentation.

Templates in development.

Lisp Anchor to this heading

View the Lisp documentation.

Templates in development.

Node.js Anchor to this heading

View the Node.js documentation.



This template demonstrates building Directus for It includes a quickstart application configured to run with PostgreSQL. It is intended for you to use as a starting point and modify for your own needs.

Directus is an open-source platform that allows you to create and manage an API from data stored in a database.


  • Node.js 14
  • PostgreSQL 12
  • Redis 6.0
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • npm-based build

View the repository on GitHub.



This template demonstrates building the Express framework for It includes a minimalist application skeleton that demonstrates how to connect to a MariaDB server. It is intended for you to use as a starting point and modify for your own needs.

Express is a minimalist web framework written in Node.js.


  • Node.js 14
  • MariaDB 10.4
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • npm-based build

View the repository on GitHub.



This template builds a simple application using Gatsby. Gatsby is a free and open source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing fast websites and apps. The website is statically generated by a Node.js application during the build step, and then served statically at runtime.

Gatsby is a free and open source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing fast websites and apps.


  • Node.js 16
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • yarn-based build

View the repository on GitHub.



This template demonstrates building the Koa framework for It includes a minimalist application skeleton that demonstrates how to connect to a MariaDB server for data storage. It is intended for you to use as a starting point and modify for your own needs.

Koa is a lightweight web microframework for Node.js.


  • Node.js 10
  • MariaDB 10.2
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • npm-based build

View the repository on GitHub.



This template builds a simple application using the Next.js web framework. It includes a minimal application skeleton that demonstrates how to set up an optimized build using Next.js and Yarn, as well as how to begin defining individual pages (such as the /api/hello) endpoint that comes pre-defined with this template.

Next.js is an open-source web framework written for Javascript.


  • Node.js 14
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • yarn-based build

View the repository on GitHub.



This template builds a simple application using the NuxtJS web framework that can be used as a starting point.

NuxtJS is an open-source web framework based on Vue.js.


  • Node.js 18
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • yarn-based build

View the repository on GitHub.



This template builds a Strapi version 4 backend for, which can be used to quickly create an API that can be served by itself or as a Headless CMS data source for another frontend application in the same project. This repository does not include a frontend application, but you can add one of your choice and access Strapi by defining it in a relationship in your frontend's file.

Strapi is a Headless CMS framework written in Node.js.


  • Node.js 12
  • PostgreSQL 12
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • yarn-based build

View the repository on GitHub.

PHP Anchor to this heading

View the PHP documentation.

Drupal 10

Drupal 10

This template builds Drupal 10 using the "Drupal Recommended" Composer project. It is pre-configured to use MariaDB and Redis for caching. The Drupal installer will skip asking for database credentials as they are already provided.

Drupal is a flexible and extensible PHP-based CMS framework.


  • PHP 8.1
  • MariaDB 10.4
  • Redis 6
  • Drush included
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • Composer-based build

View the repository on GitHub.

Drupal 9

Drupal 9

This template builds Drupal 9 using the "Drupal Recommended" Composer project. It is pre-configured to use MariaDB and Redis for caching. The Drupal installer will skip asking for database credentials as they are already provided.

Drupal is a flexible and extensible PHP-based CMS framework.


  • PHP 8.0
  • MariaDB 10.4
  • Redis 6
  • Drush included
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • Composer-based build

View the repository on GitHub.

GovCMS 9

GovCMS 9

This template builds the Australian government's GovCMS Drupal 9 distribution using the Drupal Composer project for better flexibility. It is pre-configured to use MariaDB and Redis for caching. The Drupal installer will skip asking for database credentials as they are already provided.

GovCMS is a Drupal distribution built for the Australian government, and includes configuration optimized for managing government websites.


  • PHP 8.0
  • MariaDB 10.4
  • Redis 6
  • Drush included
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • Composer-based build

View the repository on GitHub.



This template provides a basic Laravel skeleton. It comes pre-configured to use a MariaDB database and Redis for caching and sessions using a Laravel-specific bridge library that runs during Composer autoload. The public files symlink is also replaced with a custom web path definition so it is unnecessary. It is intended for you to use as a starting point and modify for your own needs.

Laravel is an opinionated, integrated rapid-application-development framework for PHP.


  • PHP 8.0
  • MariaDB 10.4
  • Redis 5.0
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • Composer-based build

View the repository on GitHub.

Magento 2 Community Edition

Magento 2 Community Edition

This template builds Magento 2 CE on It includes additional scripts to customize Magento to run effectively in a build-and-deploy environment. A MariaDB database and Redis cache server come pre-configured and work out of the box. The installer has been modified to not ask for database information. Background workers are run using a worker container rather than via cron.

Magento is a fully integrated ecommerce system and web store written in PHP. This is the Open Source version.


  • PHP 7.2
  • MariaDB 10.2
  • Redis 3.2
  • Dedicated worker instance for background processing
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • Composer-based build

View the repository on GitHub.



This template builds a Sylius application for, which can be used as a starting point for developing complex e-commerce applications.

Sylius is a modern e-commerce solution for PHP, based on Symfony Framework.


  • PHP 8.0
  • MySQL 10.2
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • composer-based build

View the repository on GitHub.

WooCommerce (Bedrock) for

WooCommerce (Bedrock) for

This template builds WordPress on using the Bedrock boilerplate by Roots with Composer. It includes WooCommerce and JetPack as dependencies, which when enabled will quickly allow you to create a store on WordPress.

Plugins and themes should be managed with Composer exclusively. The only modifications made to the standard Bedrock boilerplate have been providing database credentials and main site url parameters via environment variables. With this configuration, the database is automatically configured such that the installer will not ask you for database credentials. While Bedrock provides support to replicate this configuration in a .env file for local development, an example Lando configuration file is included as the recommendated method to do so.

WordPress is a blogging and lightweight CMS written in PHP, and Bedrock is a Composer-based WordPress boilerplate project with a slightly modified project structure and configuration protocol. WooCommerce is an open-source eCommerce platform and plugin for WordPress.


  • PHP 7.4
  • MariaDB 10.4
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • Composer-based build

View the repository on GitHub.

WordPress (Bedrock)

WordPress (Bedrock)

This template builds WordPress on using the Bedrock boilerplate by Roots with Composer. Plugins and themes should be managed with Composer exclusively. The only modifications made to the standard Bedrock boilerplate have been providing database credentials and main site url parameters via environment variables. With this configuration, the database is automatically configured such that the installer will not ask you for database credentials. While Bedrock provides support to replicate this configuration in a `.env` file for local development, an example Lando configuration file is included as the recommendated method to do so.

WordPress is a blogging and lightweight CMS written in PHP, and Bedrock is a Composer-based WordPress boilerplate project with a slightly modified project structure and configuration protocol.


  • PHP 7.4
  • MariaDB 10.4
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • Composer-based build

View the repository on GitHub.

WordPress (Composer)

WordPress (Composer)

This template builds WordPress on using the johnbloch/wordpress "Composer Fork" of WordPress. Plugins and themes should be managed with Composer exclusively. A custom configuration file is provided that runs on to automatically configure the database, so the installer will not ask you for database credentials. For local-only configuration you can use a `wp-config-local.php` file that gets excluded from Git.

WordPress is a blogging and lightweight CMS written in PHP.


  • PHP 8.1
  • MariaDB 10.4
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • Composer-based build

View the repository on GitHub.

WordPress (Vanilla) for

WordPress (Vanilla) for

This template builds WordPress on, installing WordPress to a subdirectory instead of to the project root. It does not use a package management tool like Composer, and updating core, themes, and plugins should be done with care. A custom configuration file is provided that runs on to automatically configure the database, so the installer will not ask you for database credentials.

WordPress is a blogging and lightweight CMS written in PHP.


  • PHP 7.4
  • MariaDB 10.4
  • Automatic TLS certificates

View the repository on GitHub.

Python Anchor to this heading

View the Python documentation.

Django 3

Django 3

This template deploys the Django 3 application framework on, using the gunicorn application runner. It also includes a PostgreSQL database connection pre-configured.

Django is a Python-based web application framework with a built-in ORM.


  • Python 3.8
  • PostgreSQL 12
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • Pipfile-based build

View the repository on GitHub.

Django 4

Django 4

This template builds Django 4 on, using the gunicorn application runner.

Django is a Python-based web application framework with a built-in ORM.


  • Python 3.10
  • PostgreSQL 12

View the repository on GitHub.



This template demonstrates building the FastAPI framework for It includes a minimalist application skeleton that demonstrates how to connect to a MariaDB server for data storage and Redis for caching. The application starts as a bare Python process with no separate runner. It is intended for you to use as a starting point and modify for your own needs.

FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints.


  • Python 3.9
  • MariaDB 10.4
  • Redis 5.0

View the repository on GitHub.



This template demonstrates building the Flask framework for It includes a minimalist application skeleton that demonstrates how to connect to a MariaDB server for data storage and Redis for caching. The application starts as a bare Python process with no separate runner. It is intended for you to use as a starting point and modify for your own needs.

Flask is a lightweight web microframework for Python.


  • Python 3.8
  • MariaDB 10.4
  • Redis 5.0
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • Pipfile-based build

View the repository on GitHub.



This template builds Pyramid on It includes a minimalist application skeleton that demonstrates how to connect to a MariaDB server for data storage and Redis for caching. It is intended for you to use as a starting point and modify for your own needs.

Pyramid is a web framework written in Python.


  • Python 3.8
  • MariaDB 10.4
  • Redis 5.0
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • Pipfile-based build

View the repository on GitHub.



This template builds the Wagtail CMS on, using the gunicorn application runner. It includes a PostgreSQL database that is configured automatically, and a basic demonstration app that shows how to use it. It is intended for you to use as a starting point and modify for your own needs. You will need to run the command line installation process by logging into the project over SSH after the first deploy.

Wagtail is a web CMS built using the Django framework for Python.


  • Python 3.9
  • PostgreSQL 12
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • Pipfile-based build

View the repository on GitHub.

Ruby Anchor to this heading

View the Ruby documentation.

Templates in development.

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