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Laravel Bridge

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Connect your Laravel-based app to with the platformsh/laravel-bridge library.

Laravel expects all configuration to come in through environment variables with specific names in a specific format. provides configuration information as environment variables in a different specific format. This library handles mapping the variables to the format Laravel expects for common values.

Usage Anchor to this heading

Require this package using Composer. When Composer’s autoload is included, this library is activated and the environment variables set.

composer require platformsh/laravel-bridge

Make sure to clear the cache on relevant environments afterwards.

php artisan optimize:clear

What is mapped Anchor to this heading

  • If a relationship named database is defined, it is taken as an SQL database and mapped to the DB_* environment variables for Laravel.

  • If a relationship named rediscache is defined, it is mapped to the REDIS_* environment variables for Laravel. The CACHE_DRIVER variable is also set to redis to activate it automatically.

  • If a relationship named redissession is defined, the SESSION_DRIVER is set to redis and the REDIS_* variables set based on that relationship. NOTE: This means you must set 2 relationships to the same Redis service and endpoint, as Laravel reuses the same backend connection.

  • The Laravel APP_KEY is set based on the PLATFORM_PROJECT_ENTROPY variable, which is provided for exactly this purpose.

  • The Laravel APP_URL variable is set based on the current route, when possible.

  • The SESSION_SECURE_COOKIE variable is set to true if it’s not already defined. A environment is by default encrypted-always, so there’s no reason to allow unencrypted cookies. Overwrite this by setting the variable env:SESSION_SECURE_COOKIE to 0.

  • The MAIL_DRIVER, MAIL_HOST, and MAIL_PORT variables are set to support sending email through the mail gateway. The MAIL_ENCRYPTION value is also set to 0 to disable TLS, as it isn’t needed or supported within’s network. Note that doing so is only supported on Laravel 6.0.4 and later. On earlier versions, you must manually modify mail.php and set encryption to null:

        'encryption' => null,

Common environment variables not set Anchor to this heading

Laravel provides reasonable defaults for many environment variables already and this library doesn’t override those. Customize them by setting a variable named env:ENV_NAME. (Note the env: prefix.)

The variables you are most likely to want to override are:

  • env:APP_NAME: The human-friendly name of the app.
  • env:APP_ENV: Whether the app is in production or development mode.
  • env:APP_DEBUG: Set true to enable verbose error messages.

Now that your Laravel app is connected to, deploy it to see it in action.

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