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Configure TYPO3 for

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You now have a project running on In many ways, a project is just a collection of tools around a Git repository. Just like a Git repository, a project has branches, called environments. Each environment can then be activated. Active environments are built and deployed, giving you a fully isolated running site for each active environment.

Once an environment is activated, your app is deployed through a cluster of containers. You can configure these containers in three ways, each corresponding to a YAML file:

  • Configure apps in a file. This controls the configuration of the container where your app lives.
  • Add services in a .platform/services.yaml file. This controls what additional services are created to support your app, such as databases or search servers. Each environment has its own independent copy of each service. If you’re not using any services, you don’t need this file.
  • Define routes in a .platform/routes.yaml file. This controls how incoming requests are routed to your app or apps. It also controls the built-in HTTP cache. If you’re only using the single default route, you don’t need this file.

Start by creating empty versions of each of these files in your repository:

# Create empty  configuration files
mkdir -p .platform && touch .platform/services.yaml && touch .platform/routes.yaml && touch

Now that you’ve added these files to your project, configure each one for TYPO3 in the following sections. Each section covers basic configuration options and presents a complete example with comments on why TYPO3 requires those values.

Configure apps in Anchor to this heading

Your app configuration in a file is allows you to configure nearly any aspect of your app. For all of the options, see a complete reference. The following example shows a complete configuration with comments to explain the various settings.

Note that the command php vendor/bin/typo3cms install:generatepackagestate is run during the build hook. The command ensures all installed extensions are enabled and that they can be omitted if you commit your own PackageStates.php file.
# This file describes an application. You can have multiple applications
# in the same project.
# See

# The name of this app. Must be unique within a project.
name: app

# The runtime the application uses.
type: php:7.4

        composer/composer: '^2'

    # Enable the redis extension so TYPO3 can communicate with the Redis cache.
        - redis

# Composer build tasks run prior to build hook, which runs
# composer --no-ansi --no-interaction install --no-progress --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader
# if composer.json is detected.
    flavor: composer

# The relationships of the application with services or other applications.
# The left-hand side is the name of the relationship as it will be exposed
# to the application in the PLATFORM_RELATIONSHIPS variable. The right-hand
# side is in the form `<service name>:<endpoint name>`.
# NOTE: Be sure to update database and Redis configuration in `public/typo3conf/PlatformshConfiguration.php`
# if you rename the relationships here.
    # MariaDB/MySQL will then be accessible to the app from 'database' relationship.
    # The service name `db` must match the top-level attribute in `.platform/services.yaml`.
    database: 'db:mysql'

    # Redis will then be accessible to the app from 'rediscache' relationship.
    # The service name `cache` must match the top-level attribute in `.platform/services.yaml`.
    rediscache: 'cache:redis'

# The configuration of app when it is exposed to the web.
    # How the application container responds to incoming requests.
        # All requests not otherwise specified follow these rules.
            # The folder from which to serve static assets, for this location.
            # This is a filesystem path, relative to the application root.
            root: 'public'

            # Redirect any incoming request to TYPO3's front controller.
            passthru: '/index.php'

            # File to consider first when serving requests for a directory.
                - 'index.php'

            # Deny access to all static files, except those specifically allowed below.
            allow: false

            # Rules for specific URI patterns.
                # Allow access to common static files.
                    allow: true
                    allow: true
                    allow: true

        # Default Storage location where TYPO3 expects media resources to be located.
        # Writable at runtime with the mount `public/fileadmin`.
            root: 'public/fileadmin'
            # Do not execute PHP scripts from the writeable mount.
            scripts: false
            allow: true
            passthru: '/index.php'

        # Directory for temporary files that should be publicly available (e.g. generated images).
        # Writable at runtime with the mount `publi/typo3temp`.
            root: 'public/typo3temp/assets'
            # Do not execute PHP scripts from the writeable mount.
            scripts: false
            allow: true
            passthru: '/index.php'

        # Local TYPO3 installation settings.
            allow: false

        # Additional TYPO3 installation settings.
            allow: false

# The size of the persistent disk of the application (in MB).
disk: 2048

# The 'mounts' describe writable, persistent filesystem mounts in the application.
    # Directory for temporary files. It contains subdirectories (see below) for
    # temporary files of extensions and TYPO3 components.
        source: local
        source_path: "typo3temp"
    # Default Storage location where TYPO3 expects media resources to be located.
        source: local
        source_path: "fileadmin"
    # Contains system files, like caches, logs, sessions
        source: local
        source_path: "var"

# The hooks that will be performed when the package is deployed.
    # The build hook runs after Composer to finish preparing up your code.
    # No services are available but the disk is writeable.
    build: |
        # Exit hook immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status.
        set -e

        # Start the installation with no interaction or extension setup, using `SetupConfiguration.yaml`.
        if [ ! -f var/platformsh.installed ]; then
            php vendor/bin/typo3cms install:setup --install-steps-config=src/SetupConfiguration.yaml --no-interaction --skip-extension-setup

        # Generates the `PackageStates.php` file from the `composer.json` configuration
        php vendor/bin/typo3cms install:generatepackagestates

        # Enable the install tool for 60mins after deployment.
        touch public/typo3conf/ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL

        # Keep the checked-in LocalConfiguration available, but make the actual file writable later-on
        # by creating a symlink which will be accesible below.
        if [ -f public/typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php ]; then
            mv public/typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php public/typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.FromSource.php
            ln -sf ../../var/LocalConfiguration.php public/typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php

        # Clean up the FIRST_INSTALL file, that was created.
        if [ -f public/FIRST_INSTALL ]; then
            rm public/FIRST_INSTALL

        # initial activation of Introduction package will fail if it is unable to write to this images directory.
        # if it exists, we'll move its contents out to a temp space, remove the original, and symlink to a writable mount
        if [ -d public/typo3conf/ext/introduction/Initialisation/Files/images/ ]; then
            if [ ! -d imagestemp ]; then
                # create our temp images directory
                mkdir -p imagestemp
                # copy the image files out of the real location into our temp space
                cp -r public/typo3conf/ext/introduction/Initialisation/Files/images/. imagestemp/

            #now create the symlink for the images
            #remove the original directory
            rm -rf public/typo3conf/ext/introduction/Initialisation/Files/images/
            # now create a symlink
            ln -sf "$PLATFORM_APP_DIR/var/images" public/typo3conf/ext/introduction/Initialisation/Files/images

    # The deploy hook runs after your application has been deployed and started.
    # Code cannot be modified at this point but the database is available.
    # The site is not accepting requests while this script runs so keep it
    # fast.
    deploy: |
        # Exit hook immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status.
        set -e

        # if the images location existed in the build hook, it was converted to a symlink. we now to need to make sure
        # the target of the symlink exists, and then rsync any new files to the writable location
        if [ -L public/typo3conf/ext/introduction/Initialisation/Files/images ]; then
            #make sure our images directory exists in var mount
            if [ ! -d var/images ]; then
                mkdir -p var/images
                echo "This directory is symlinked to public/typo3conf/ext/introduction/Initialisation/Files/images/. Do not delete." >> var/images/readme.txt

            #rsync any new files from imagestemp into var/images
            rsync -a --ignore-existing imagestemp/ var/images

        # Set TYPO3 site defaults on first deploy.
        if [ ! -f var/platformsh.installed ]; then
            # Copy the created LocalConfiguration into the writable location.
            cp public/typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.FromSource.php var/LocalConfiguration.php

            # On first install, create an inital admin user with a default password.
            php vendor/bin/typo3cms install:setup \
                --install-steps-config=src/SetupDatabase.yaml \
                --site-setup-type=no \
                --site-name="TYPO3 on" \
                --admin-user-name=admin \
                --admin-password=password \
                --skip-extension-setup \

            # Sets up all extensions that are marked as active in the system.
            php vendor/bin/typo3cms extension:setupactive || true

            # Create file that indicates first deploy and installation has been completed.
            touch var/platformsh.installed

     # Run TYPO3's Scheduler tasks every 5 minutes.
        spec: "*/5 * * * *"
            start: "vendor/bin/typo3 scheduler:run"

      command: |
        curl -fsS | { bash /dev/fd/3 sop-autoupdate; } 3<&0        

Add services in .platform/services.yaml Anchor to this heading

You can add the managed services you need for you app to run in the .platform/services.yaml file. You pick the major version of the service and security and minor updates are applied automatically, so you always get the newest version when you deploy. You should always try any upgrades on a development branch before pushing to production.

We recommend the latest MariaDB version for TYPO3, although you can also use Oracle MySQL or PostgreSQL if you prefer. We also strongly recommend using Redis for TYPO3 caching. Our TYPO3 template comes pre-configured to use Redis for caching.

You can add other services if desired, such as Solr or Elasticsearch. You need to configure TYPO3 to use those services once they’re enabled.

Each service entry has a name (db and cache in the example) and a type that specifies the service and version to use. Services that store persistent data have a disk key, to specify the amount of storage.

# This file describes an application's services. You can define as many services as your
# application requires, subject to your plan's resource restrictions.
# See

# MariaDB/MySQL 10.4 service with 2048MB of allocated disk.
# The service name `db` is used in defining the `database` relationship in the
# `` file.
# See
    type: mysql:10.4
    disk: 2048

# Redis 5.0 service definition. 
# The service name `cache` is used in defining the `rediscache` relationship in the
# `` file.
# See
    type: redis:5.0

Define routes Anchor to this heading

All HTTP requests sent to your app are controlled through the routing and caching you define in a .platform/routes.yaml file.

The two most important options are the main route and its caching rules. A route can have a placeholder of {default}, which is replaced by your domain name in production and environment-specific names for your preview environments. The main route has an upstream, which is the name of the app container to forward requests to.

You can enable HTTP cache. The router includes a basic HTTP cache. By default, HTTP caches includes all cookies in the cache key. So any cookies that you have bust the cache. The cookies key allows you to select which cookies should matter for the cache. Generally, you want the user session cookie, which is included in the example for TYPO3. You may need to add other cookies depending on what additional modules you have installed.

You can also set up routes as HTTP redirects. In the following example, all requests to www.{default} are redirected to the equivalent URL without www. HTTP requests are automatically redirected to HTTPS.

If you don’t include a .platform/routes.yaml file, a single default route is used. This is equivalent to the following:

  type: upstream
  upstream: <APP_NAME>:http

Where <APP_NAME> is the name you’ve defined in your app configuration.

The following example presents a complete definition of a main route for a TYPO3 app:

# This file describes an application's routes. You can define as many routes as your
# application requires.
# See

# URL template for the main route, where `{default}` is replaced by
# the generated environment URL or the configured domain.
    # This route serves an application (upstream).
    type: upstream

    # Defines the upstream according to the form `<application-name>:http`,
    # where the `name` attribute from `` is used.
    upstream: "app:http"

    # Optional route identifier; constant across all environments. 
    # For TYPO3, the id "main" is used within `public/typo3conf/PlatformshConfig.php` 
    # to set the `base` attribute for the site (in `config/sites/main/config.yaml`) from the 
    # environment variable `PLATFORM_ROUTES`.
    id: "main"

    # HTTP cache configuration.
        # Enabled (default `true`, but only if `cache` attribute is unspecified).
        enabled: true

        # List of allowed cookie names, all others are ignored. 
          # Used to identify a backend session when Backend User logged in.
          - 'be_typo_user'
          # Used to identify session ID when logged into TYPO3 Frontend.
          - 'fe_typo_user'
          # Default PHP session cookie.
          - 'PHPSESSID'
          # Validates sessions for System Maintenance Area.
          - 'Typo3InstallTool'

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