User Documentation

Managed Fastly CDN

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Tier availability

This feature is available for Elite and Enterprise customers. Compare the tiers on our pricing page, or contact our sales team for more information.

Instead of starting your own Fastly subscription and managing your CDN yourself, you can take advantage of a Fastly CDN provided by For example, Dedicated projects include a managed Fastly CDN by default. These CDNs are exclusively set up and managed by

To modify any settings for a managed Fastly CDN, open a support ticket. To add a managed Fastly CDN to your project, contact sales.

Domain control validation Anchor to this heading

When you request for a new domain to be added to your Fastly service, support provides you with a CNAME record for domain control validation. To add this CNAME record to your domain settings, see how to configure your DNS provider.

Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates Anchor to this heading

By default, Enterprise and Elite plans include two TLS certificates, an apex and a wildcard one. This allows for encryption of all traffic between your users and your app.

If you use a Fastly CDN provided by, you can provide your own third-party TLS certificates for an additional fee.

To do so, if you don’t have one, set up a mount that isn’t accessible to the web. Use an environment with access limited to support and trusted users. Transfer each certificate, its unencrypted private key, and the intermediate certificate to the mount. To notify that a certificate is to be added to your CDN configuration, open a support ticket.

If you need an Extended Validation TLS certificate, you can get it from any TLS provider. To add it to your CDN configuration, open a support ticket.

Note that when you add your own third-party TLS certificates, you are responsible for renewing them in due time. Failure to do so may result in outages and compromised security for your site.

Retrieve your Fastly API token Anchor to this heading

The API token for your managed Fastly CDN is stored in the FASTLY_API_TOKEN environment variable.

This variable is usually set in the /master/settings/variables folder of your project, and you can access it from a shell or directly in your app.