User Documentation

Administer users

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Flexible, version-controlled infrastructure provisioning and development-to-production workflows
Activate your trial offers very granular and flexible user permissions across projects and organizations. When a user is added to a project, they are automatically added to your organization.

Manage project access Anchor to this heading

If you have set up an external integration to GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket and your users can’t clone the project locally, see how to troubleshoot source integrations.

Project roles Anchor to this heading

A user can have one of the following roles to control their access at project level:

Role View environment Push code Manage user access Change settings Execute actions on all environments
Project admin Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Project viewer Yes No No No No

By default, organization owners have Project admin access on all of the projects within their organization.

Environment type roles Anchor to this heading

An environment type (Production, Staging, and Development) groups one or more environments together so that you can manage access for all environments of that type:

  • A role assigned to an environment type applies to all environments of that type.
  • Only one environment per project can be of the type: Production. It is set automatically as the default branch and can’t be overridden separately.
  • You can change an environment’s type (except for the Production environment).
  • You can have multiple preview (staging and development) environments.

A user can have one of the following roles on an environment type which grants them permissions on all environments of this type:

Role View environment Push code Branch environment SSH access Change settings Execute actions
Admin Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Contributor Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Viewer Yes No Yes No No No

To customize which roles can use SSH, set access in your app configuration.

View a user’s permissions across all of the projects in your organization Anchor to this heading

For each user, you can view a summary of their roles and permissions across all projects in your organization.

This feature is available for v4.1.2+ of the CLI.

Run a command similar to the following, using the email address of the user whose permissions you want to view:

platform organization:user:projects --org ORGANIZATION_NAME EMAIL_ADDRESS
  1. Navigate to your organization.
  2. Open the user menu (your name or profile picture).
  3. Click Users.
  4. For the user whose user permissions you want to view, click More.
  5. Click Edit user.

Add a user to a project Anchor to this heading

To invite a user, you need to be a project admin.

To add a user, follow these steps:

To add a user, run the following command:


For example, if you want to add to the project as a project admin, run the following command:

platform user:add -r admin

If you want to add to the project as a contributor for Development environments and a viewer for Staging environments, run the following command:

platform user:add -r development:contributor -r staging:viewer
  1. Select the project where you want to add a new user.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Access.
  4. Click + Add.
  5. Add the user’s details and choose their permissions.
  6. Click Save.

The user has to create an account before they can access the project. Once you add a user to a project, they receive an invitation email with instructions.

To apply SSH access changes after you add a user to a project, trigger a redeploy.

Manage project users Anchor to this heading

To manage user permissions on a project, you need to be a project admin, be an organization owner, or have the Manage users permission for the organization.

To change user permissions, follow these steps:

To update an existing user’s permissions, run the following command:


If you want to be a viewer for Production environments and a contributor for Development environments, run the following command:

platform user:update -r production:viewer,development:contributor
  1. Select the project where you want to update user access.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Access.
  4. Click the user you want to update permissions for.
  5. Update environment type permissions, or click Remove user.
  6. Click Accept.

To apply SSH access changes after you add a remove a user from a project or environment type, trigger a redeploy.

Remove a user from a project Anchor to this heading

To remove a user from a project, you need to be a project admin, be an organization owner, or have the Manage users permission for the organization.

To remove a user, follow these steps:

Run the following command:

platform user:delete
  1. Navigate to your organization or a project in it.
  2. Open the user menu (your name or profile picture).
  3. Click Users.
  4. For the user you want to remove, click More.
  5. For the project you want to remove them from, click More.
  6. Click Remove from project.
  7. Click Yes.

To apply SSH access changes after changing a user’s permissions for an environment type, trigger a redeploy.

Manage organization access Anchor to this heading

All users who are added to any project within an organization become members of that organization. By default, such users have no organization permissions. You can also have organization users who aren’t part of any projects.

Users who are a part of an organization with the List projects permission can see all projects in that organization at the organization’s URL, which takes the form They can only access projects they’ve been explicitly invited to. For more information on project access control, see how to manage project users.

Organization permissions Anchor to this heading

As an organization owner or an organization user with the Manage users permission, you can invite other users to your organization and grant them the following permissions:

  • Manage billing (billing): Add, remove, and edit billing information. Access invoices and vouchers. Users with this permission receive monthly invoices by email.
  • Manage plans (plans): View and edit plans and plan options for existing projects. Plan options include the amount of storage, number of environments, and number of user licenses on a project.
  • Manage users (members): Add, remove, and edit organization-level users and permissions, except their own. Users with this permission can’t grant other users permissions that they themselves don’t have.
  • Create projects (projects:create): Create new projects within the organization.
  • List projects (projects:list): See all projects in an organization, even those the user can’t access.

Users without any of these permissions can only access projects where they’re users. They can’t access or manage the rest of the organization.

Organization owners have all permissions within their organization. Their permission level can’t be edited. Organization owners can’t be removed from their organization, except through an ownership transfer.

Add a user to an organization Anchor to this heading

To invite a user to your organization, run the following command:

platform organization:user:add EMAIL_ADDRESS --org ORGANIZATION_NAME --permission PERMISSIONS

For example, to invite to the acme organization with the Manage billing and Create projects permissions, run the following command:

platform organization:user:add --org acme --permission billing,projects:create
  1. Navigate to the organization you want to manage (or a project in it).
  2. Open the user menu (your name or profile picture).
  3. Click Users.
  4. Click + Invite users.
  5. Enter the users’ email addresses separated by commas.
  6. Select which organization-wide permissions they should have.
  7. Click Invite.

All users you invite receive an invitation email with instructions.

Manage organization users Anchor to this heading

To update permissions for a user in your organization, run the following command:

platform organization:user:update EMAIL_ADDRESS --org ORGANIZATION_NAME --permission PERMISSIONS

For example, to update the permissions for in your acme organization so that she has only the Manage billing permission, run the following command:

platform organization:user:update --org acme --permission billing
  1. Navigate to the organization you want to manage (or a project in it).
  2. Open the user menu (your name or profile picture).
  3. Click Users.
  4. Next to the user you want to manage, click More.
  5. Click Edit user.

You see all the projects the user is a part of and their permissions in those projects. You also see their permissions across the organization.

To edit their organization permissions, follow these steps:

  1. Select or clear the checkboxes for the relevant permissions.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Click Yes.

Remove a user from an organization Anchor to this heading

To update remove a user from your organization, run the following command:

platform organization:user:delete EMAIL_ADDRESS --org ORGANIZATION_NAME

For example, to remove from your acme organization, run the following command:

platform organization:user:delete --org acme
  1. Navigate to the organization you want to manage (or a project in it).
  2. Open the user menu (your name or profile picture).
  3. Click Users.
  4. Next to the user you want to remove, click More.
  5. Click Remove from organization.

To delete users in bulk, select the users to remove and click Remove users from organization.

Remove a user from an organization will remove them from all projects they were a member of.

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