User Documentation


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Get your license key Anchor to this heading

Subscribe to New Relic to get your license key.

Add your license key Anchor to this heading

Add your New Relic license key as an environment level variable:

platform variable:create --level environment --environment ENVIRONMENT_NAME --visible-build false --inheritable false env:NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY --value NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY

Give your application a name Anchor to this heading

Add a new environment level variable to give your application a recognizable name:

platform variable:create --level environment --environment ENVIRONMENT_NAME --visible-build false --inheritable false env:NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME --value APP_NAME

Configure the New Relic logs Anchor to this heading

The File System being read-only, New Relic isn’t able to create its log file. To allow New Relic to output logs, add a writable directory to put the log file in.

At the end of the build hook in your, create a newrelic directory in your application root:
  # ... your hooks
  build: |
    # ... your build hook
    mkdir $PLATFORM_APP_DIR/newrelic    

Now add this directory to your mounts:
  # ... your mounts
    source: local
    source_path: newrelic

To tell New Relic to use this file, create a new project level variable called NEW_RELIC_LOG:

platform variable:create --level project --visible-build false env:NEW_RELIC_LOG --value /app/newrelic/newrelic_agent.log

Set up the New Relic agent Anchor to this heading

Install the newrelic package:

npm install newrelic
# or
yarn add newrelic

Import it before any other import in your application’s main module:

// or
import "newrelic";

Commit and push the changes Anchor to this heading

git add -A
git commit -m "Enable New Relic"
git push

Once your environment is deployed and you’ve generated some traffic, you need to wait a bit for your New Relic dashboard to be created.

Troubleshoot Anchor to this heading

You can check that your application is properly connected to New Relic by looking at the /app/newrelic/newrelic_agent.log file:

platform ssh -- cat /app/newrelic/newrelic_agent.log

Which has an output similar to the following:

{"v":0,"level":30,"name":"newrelic","hostname":"api.0","pid":761,"time":"2021-02-03T16:12:50.890Z","msg":"Connected to with agent run ID xxxxx.","component":"collector_api"}
{"v":0,"level":30,"name":"newrelic","hostname":"api.0","pid":761,"time":"2021-02-03T16:12:50.890Z","msg":"Reporting to:","component":"collector_api"}
{"v":0,"level":30,"name":"newrelic","hostname":"api.0","pid":761,"time":"2021-02-03T16:12:50.892Z","msg":"Valid event_harvest_config received. Updating harvest cycles. {\"report_period_ms\":5000,\"harvest_limits\":{\"error_event_data\":8,\"analytic_event_data\":833,\"custom_event_data\":83}}"}
{"v":0,"level":30,"name":"newrelic","hostname":"api.0","pid":761,"time":"2021-02-03T16:12:50.897Z","msg":"Agent state changed from connected to started."}
{"v":0,"level":30,"name":"newrelic","hostname":"api.0","pid":761,"time":"2021-02-03T16:12:51.899Z","msg":"Starting initial 1000ms harvest."}