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Access your logs

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Activity logs Anchor to this heading

Changes to your environments, such as deployments, cron jobs, and code or variable updates, are each logged as activities. You can access the logs either in the Console or using the CLI:

  1. Open the project you are interested in.
  2. From the Environment menu, select an environment.
  3. Click a recent activity from the activity feed or click All to see the complete history.

An activity feed within an environment

  1. Get a list of activities by running

    platform activity:list -e ENVIRONMENT_NAME

    Pass the --start flag to get activities from a specific date in the past.

  2. To see details about the activity’s state and timing, run

    platform activity:get ACTIVITY_ID

    Where ACTIVITY_ID comes from the list in step 1.

  3. Get a log of any given activity by running

    platform activity:log ACTIVITY_ID

If a running activity is stuck, you can cancel the activity.

Sharing activity logs Anchor to this heading

When trying to identify and resolve failures, it can often help to have another person’s perspective. Troubleshoot collaboratively by sharing the logs of specific activities.

To share a log, open the log and click Copy URL.

Share specific lines in the log on clicking the line number. To select multiple lines, hold Shift. After selecting multiple lines, hovering on the next unselected line gives you the amount of time that passed between the selected lines.

An activity log with multiple lines selected showing the duration of part of the activity

Container logs Anchor to this heading

Events that occur within an app container are logged within that container. The logs can be written to, but you should do so only with standard logging mechanisms. If your app has its own logging mechanism, use it to write to a dedicated logs mount.

To access the logs of various types of events:

Use the platform log command and specify the type of log you want. For example, to get the access log, run:

platform log -e ENVIRONMENT_NAME access

To get other logs, just replace access with the type of log. To view more lines, use the --lines flag.

  1. Access the container by running

    platform ssh -e ENVIRONMENT_NAME
  2. Change to the right directory by running cd /var/log.

If you’re on a Dedicated Gen 2 cluster, run

cd /var/log/platform/APP_NAME/
  1. Read the desired log, such as by running tail access.log.

All log files are trimmed to 100 MB automatically. If you need larger logs, set up a cron job to upload them to third-party storage. See an example of uploading logs to Amazon S3 from Contextual Code.

Types of container logs Anchor to this heading

Type Always present Description
access Yes The raw access log for the nginx instance running on the container. It doesn’t include requests that are redirected or cached by the router.
app Yes All log messages generated by the app including language errors and exceptions.
cron No The output of cron jobs. Only exists after a cron job has run.
deploy No The output of the deploy hook. Only exists after a deploy hook has run.
dns Yes All DNS queries made by processes in the container (such as the app and cron jobs).
error Yes nginx-level errors that occur once nginx has fully started such as HTTP errors for missing directories and excluded file types.
nginx/error No All nginx startup log messages. Only useful when debugging possible nginx configuration errors. Not currently available using the platform log command.
php.access No A record of all requests to the PHP service. See PHP access record format.
post-deploy No The output of the post_deploy hook. Only exists after a post_deploy hook has run.

PHP access record format Anchor to this heading

The formatting of php.access.log is determined by the PHP settings. To determine the format, run the following:

platform ssh cat -n /etc/php/PHP_VERSION-zts/fpm/php-fpm.conf | grep "access.format"

You get a response such as the following:

Connection to closed.
access.format = "%{%FT%TZ}t %m %s %{mili}d ms %{kilo}M kB %C%% %{REQUEST_URI}e"

See what each value in this string means.

Timezones Anchor to this heading

UTC is the default timezone for all logs.