User Documentation

Dedicated Gen 3 Overview

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Designed to cater to the needs of organizations that build demanding apps, Dedicated Generation 3 (DG3) offers increased resources and High Availability (HA) for all your services, along with stricter isolation requirements and additional compliance frameworks.

Key features Anchor to this heading

  • High Availability: 99.99% SLA (service-level agreement) with Enterprise or Elite
  • Dedicated hosts: Each DG3 cluster is provisioned with 3 dedicated hosts as the typical configuration
  • Headless architecture: Seamless headless architecture with multi-app support
  • Self-service: Customers may edit their application and service YAML files and push changes. Customers can also take advantage of MariaDB Galera multi-leader and adding, upgrading or removing services on their own
  • Data sync from Dedicated to Grid: Customers can initiate data syncs themselves via Console (restore a Grid HA backup on DG3 and restore a DG3 backup on a Grid HA environment)
  • Better containerization: DG3 is containerized and decouples the base operating system (OS) version and control plane from the service versions, so the OS and services can be upgraded independently
  • Better staging: Dedicated Gen 3 comes with HA staging as default. This allows the data sync between Dedicated and Grid to be simpler, consistent and seamless


Dedicated Gen 3 vs Grid Anchor to this heading

Much of the tooling used on Grid is used for DG3, but there are still some differences. Please find a list of the similarities and differences below: 

Feature DG3 Grid
Source Operations Yes Yes
PHP version upgrade Self-service via YAML config files Self-service via YAML config files
NodeJS version upgrade Self-service via YAML config files Self-service via YAML config files
Cron management Self-service via YAML config files Self-service via YAML config files
Web server internal config : locations Self-service via YAML config files Self-service via YAML config files
CDN Fastly A managed Fastly CDN service can be purchased through
Dedicated IP Yes No
Configuration management Self-service via YAML config files Self-service via YAML config files
Usable regions Any region needed Only the publicly available
Autonomous upsize Managed through Yes
Upsize or downsize methods No downtime - each instance is altered in a rolling fashion Redeploy - possible downtime depending on the hooks
Production branch Self-service Self-service
Autoscaling Yes No
Multi availability zones Yes No
New Relic APM + New Relic Infrastructure APM Supported only
Multi-app support Supported natively Supported natively
Routes management Self-service via YAML config files Self-service via YAML config files
Environment clone Yes on all branches Yes on all branches
Services : Add, remove, upgrade Self-service via YAML config files Self-service via YAML config files
Relationships : Add, remove, update Self-service via YAML config files Self-service via YAML config files
Mounts management Self-service via YAML config files Self-service via YAML config files
Workers management Self-service via YAML config files Self-service via YAML config files
Web server internal config : domains Self-service via YAML config files Self-service via YAML config files
Storage allocation between mounts, DB and services Self-service via YAML config files Self-service via YAML config files
Storage increase responsibility Shared responsibility with Self-service
Cron tasks interrupted by deploys No: a running Cron task will block a deployment until it is complete No: a running Cron task will block a deployment until it is complete
Sync and merge functionalities Yes on all branches Yes on all branches
SLA 99.99% with Enterprise or Elite 99.9% with Enterprise or Elite
Infrastructure Dedicated 3 node cluster Containers with dedicated resources on top of a shared redundant infrastructure
Functioning 3 nodes are running all applications and services are replicated across all 3 A single container is deployed per runtimes and per services
Resources allocation Resources are deployed on all 3 nodes Resources are spread through one container with fixed sizes after deployment
MySQL Replication Yes: 3 services nodes cluster None: standalone service container
Redis Replication Yes: 3 services nodes cluster None: standalone service container
High availability (HA) Yes No
Split Architecture No No
Automated backup Yes Yes
Elasticsearch premium Yes Yes
SFTP password access Yes No
Custom domains name On all branches for Enterprise or Elite customers On all branches for Enterprise or Elite customers

Available services Anchor to this heading

Your app can connect to each service by referencing the exact same environment variables as for Grid environments. 

Service Supported versions
Headless Chrome 95
MariaDB/MySQL 10.11 Galera, 10.6 Galera, 10.5 Galera, 10.4 Galera, 10.3 Galera
Network Storage 2
OpenSearch 2
PostgreSQL 16, 15, 14, 13, 12
RabbitMQ 3.13, 3.12, 4.0
Redis 7.2, 7.0, 6.2
Solr 9.6, 9.4, 9.2, 9.1, 8.11
Vault KMS 1.12

See the services documentation for service-specific details.

Local mounts  Anchor to this heading

Dedicated Gen 3 provides a redundant infrastructure and local mounts aren’t shared between the three hosts. If you need a folder to be shared between your hosts, such as for common assets, set up a network storage mount.

Dedicated Gen 3 vs Dedicated Gen 2 Anchor to this heading

Just like Dedicated Gen 2, Dedicated Gen 3 ensures increased uptime and availability for your apps and services. But as a Dedicated Gen 2 user, you have to go through the Customer Success team to make configuration or application topology changes.

Dedicated Gen 3 gives you both the high availability of Dedicated Gen 2 and the self-service flexibility and features of Grid projects. As a Dedicated Gen 3 user, you can edit your configuration yourself and see those changes reflected in your environments on every push without opening a ticket. See the table below for more differences and similarities between Dedicated Den 3 and Dedicated Gen 2:

Feature Dedicated Gen 2 Dedicated Gen 3
Source Operations Yes Yes
PHP version upgrade Self-service via YAML config files Self-service via YAML config files
NodeJS version upgrade Self-service via YAML config files Self-service via YAML config files
Cron management Self-service via YAML config files Self-service via YAML config files
Web server internal config : locations Self-service via YAML config files Self-service via YAML config files
CDN Fastly Fastly
Dedicated IP Yes Yes
Usable regions Any region needed Any region needed
Autonomous upsize Managed through Managed through
Multiple availability zones Yes Yes
New Relic APM + New Relic infrastructure APM + New Relic infrastructure
Multi-app support (PWA) Supported through docroots Supported natively
Routes management Managed by Self-service via YAML config files
Environment clone Only on development environments Yes on all branches
Services : Add, remove, upgrade Managed by Self-service via YAML config files
Relationships : Add, remove, update Managed by Self-service via YAML config files
Mounts management Self-service or managed by Self-service via YAML config files
Workers management Managed by Self-service via YAML config files
Web server internal config: domains Managed by Self-service via YAML config files
Storage allocation between mounts, DB and services Managed by Self-service via YAML config files
Storage increase responsibility Managed by Self-service
Cron tasks interrupted by deploys Yes: a deploy will terminate a running Cron task No: a running Cron task will block a deployment until it is complete
Sync and Merge functionalities Only on development environments Yes on all branches
Functioning 3 nodes are running all applications and services are replicated 3 nodes are running all applications and service are replicated
Resources allocation Resources deployed on the 3 nodes Resources deployed on the 3 nodes
MySQL Replication Yes: 3 services nodes cluster Yes: 3 services nodes cluster
Redis Replication Yes: 3 services nodes cluster Yes: 3 services nodes cluster
Split Architecture Yes No
VPN AWS/Azure PrivateLink AWS/Azure PrivateLink
Automated backup Yes Yes
Elasticsearch premium Yes Yes
SFTP password access Yes Yes
Custom domains name Available only on Dedicated Environments for Enterprise or Elite customers On all branches for Enterprise or Elite customers
On-demand backup Not supported Same as grid

Optional features Anchor to this heading

You can enable the following features on your Dedicated Gen 3 projects. To enable an optional feature or get more information on potential fees, contact Sales.

Multiple availability zones  Anchor to this heading

The default configuration for Dedicated clusters is to launch them into a single availability zone (AZ) for the following reasons:

  • The members of your cluster communicate with each other via TCP to perform DB replication, cache lookup, and other associated tasks. Therefore, the latency between data centers or AZs can become a significant performance liability. When your entire cluster is deployed within a single AZ, the latency between cluster members is minimal. This has a direct effect on perceived end-user performance.
  • Network traffic between AZs is billed, whereas intra-AZ traffic isn’t. Launching Dedicated clusters across multiple AZs leads to higher costs and decreased performance. If you prefer the peace of mind of hosting across multiple AZs, you can request a different configuration.


SFTP  Anchor to this heading

In addition to SSH accounts, you can create SFTP accounts with a custom user/password to transfer files